Bananas or Rice: Infant, Earth's Best

Results 31-40 from 126 articles

Rice Cereal Feeding !

S.R. asks from Phoenix

Hi guys :) My daughter is almost 5 months old and at her 4 month appointment , her doctor gave me the ok to begin feeding her rice cereal w a spoon . I've started giv...


Which Formula to Give a Colicky Baby?

A.V. asks from San Francisco

One month old baby is getting very colicky. She cries for full 3 hours every evening. Which formula should we use? Any advise appreciated


Baby Formula Choices

C.H. asks from Salt Lake City

Hello all, We're adopting a baby (yay!) and are trying to decide what formula to start the baby out on. I keep hearing positive things about Walmart's brand and als...


Putting Breastfed Baby on Formula

B.H. asks from New York

My husband and I are taking a trip in a few weeks and leaving the baby with her grandparents. She is breastfed, and has taken a bottle of breastmilk (even from me) w...


What Was Your Baby's First Solid Food?

W.S. asks from Columbia

I am going to start my 6mo son on solids next week. I am curious as to what was your child's first solid and why. Rice cereal seems to be the obvious answer, but I ha...


Baby Eating Solids

K.S. asks from Columbia

I know there are always issues with babies and eating. We recently started my 5 and 1/2 month old on solids. We did a week of Earth's Best Rice cereal and now have ...


Food for Traveling Infant

M.G. asks from Columbus

Hi all, We are moving to Germany in a month (military) and clearing housing a couple weeks before. I am currently making all my own food for my six and a half mo...


Best Baby Food Brands

J.G. asks from Atlanta

My son is 4 months old and our pediatrician said we should start out on baby foods. What are some good baby food brands? I have him on Gerber Rice Cereal, is Gerber...


When to Start Solid Food/ Liquids for the Baby?

V.K. asks from New York

My baby will b 4 mths old now. When should i start juices/ mashed fruits or veggies for him? What is the pattern to start the same. Is it 1 fruit a day? What should i...


Baby Food- When Did This Happen?

S.E. asks from New York

my daughter turned 5 months old the day after christmas.. shes been eating rice cereal since she hit 4 months and she loves it.. we could tell she was dieing for some...