Baking Soda: Myself, Aveeno

Results 31-40 from 323 articles

Seeking Eczema/Skin Help

J.R. asks from Norfolk

My 7 month daughter has been diagnosed with eczema by her pediatrician...although the pediatrician did not exactly examine it. She instructed me to use a hydrocortiso...


9 Month Old with a Rash

C.D. asks from New York

Hello Moms. My 9 month old daughter has had a dry skin area on the top part of her thighs in the back. it has turned into a rash and just when i think it's going away...


Head Itches from Allergies

J.G. asks from Austin

Hi moms! This is almost embarrassing to talk about but my head itches so bad I want to scrub it with a Brillo Pad. I know the first thing most moms will go with i...


Very Itchy Skin from Poison Ivy

T.S. asks from Philadelphia

About 2 weeks ago I was outside and somehow touched poison something-or-other (no idea if it was ivy, sumac, oak or something else), but my arm blistered up and was n...


Terrible Rash, Please Help!

C.T. asks from Cleveland

Dear Moms, My almost 6 month-old baby girl have never had a rash before, but now it started and it is terribly strong! I have being introducing her to new foods and ...


Can I Use Baby Oatmeal Cereal in the Bath?

K.B. asks from Austin

My son has a very itchy rash on his legs, arms, and some on his stomach. His doctor prescribed some hydrocortisone cream for the rash, and also suggested I use oatme...


Need Help with Diaper Rash

K.B. asks from Washington DC

My 8 month old son has terrible diaper rash! I have tried Desitin, Aveeno, and Aquaphor, but it just won't go away. I change his diaper very frequently, and so does...


Diaper Rash

T.M. asks from Panama City

Hey moms, My 4 week old is now sleeping through the night PTL!! However, sleeping all night in a wet diaper has caused a terrible rash. It looks very chapped and r...


Desperate Seeking Eczema Relief for My Child!

B.B. asks from Muncie

My almost 6 year old has been suffering from eczema for about 4 years now. Nothing seems to calm her itch. We have tried numerous and I do mean numerous products and ...


Facial Care?

K.E. asks from Spokane

Hello mamas, I am 31 years old now, and I'm wondering if my age is why I'm having this problem? My face is very dry, and it has flaky patches mainly in the T-zone....