At Night: Benadryl

Results 1-10 from 12 articles

Bedtime and Potty Training

C.R. asks from Chicago

My son is 3 1/2 and recently he doesn't want to sleep in his bed and he is refusing to potty train. He will go to the bathroom for the sitter but not at home. We ha...


Question for Those Mom's That Used the "3 Day Potty Training" Method

M.C. asks from Tampa

My son just turned 26 months and after reading several recommendations of this method on this site, I purchased the ebook. I have a couple of days scheduled off of w...


Bribery and When to Use Training Pants

J.O. asks from Corvallis

Hello Mamas! I have a 2.5+ yo daughter who we have been trying to potty train for about two months now. sometimes she sits on the potty sometimes she doesn't. We...


Advice on Getting and Training a New Puppy And/ or a New Kitten

V.M. asks from Erie

Hubby has wanted a Big Dog for a long long time, we finally moved to a new house with enough room for pets. My kids are 7 and 5 and i feel old enough to enjoy and he...


Daughter Refuses to Wear Pull-up to Bed

M.M. asks from Milwaukee

My daughter is 3 1/2 and potty trained during the day but still has regular accidents during bedtime/napping. The problem is she doesn't want to wear a pull-up becau...


Is My Daughter Ready for No Diapers at Nighttime?

J.K. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is 3 and has been potty trained for a year, except for nightime when she still wears a diaper. The past month or so she has been asking to wear her under...


Erosive Diaper Rash

L.B. asks from Seattle

Has anyone had a kid with erosive diaper rash? I know it's become fairly uncommon these days with the invention of the disposable diaper. We have been struggling for...


Could This Be More than Just a Regress in Bed Wetting?

M.G. asks from Texarkana

My five year old has been potty trained for almost two years now. She had been having a lot of trouble with allergies and her dr started a daily regimen of Claritin. ...


Follow-up to Rash on Inner Thighs - Taking Zyrtec??

L.G. asks from San Diego

I posted yesterday about my 2yr 5mo old daughter's rash between her legs. The Dr's only suggestion (that we haven't already done) was to give her 1 teasp Zyrtec 1xday...


Four Year Old Son Is Still Complaining of Forehead Pain.

J.G. asks from Champaign

Last week my son and mil had a stomach bug or something that caused them to have a fever and headache and vomiting for a couple days. His lasted a little longer with...