ADD / ADHD Medications: Pulmicort

Results 81-90 from 109 articles

2 Week-old Baby with Reflux

E.F. asks from Baton Rouge

My 2 week-old daughter has gastroesophageal reflux (GER) which causes her to regurgitate a lot and makes her extremely uncomfortable. I am writing for some advice on...


Advice on Allergies and Asthma in 4 Year Old

D.G. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will be 4 in July and we have had two trips to the ER since January due to coughing fits and once by ambulance because she stopped breathing (found out sh...


Recurring Croup

L.T. asks from Pittsburgh

My son is 4.5 yrs and is startng with another bout of croup. This is the third time since March. The cough lasts for 2-3 months. I have tried a bunch of home remed...


Pulmacort and Abuterol Anyone Have a Child on Nebulizer....

K.C. asks from Syracuse

My 3 1/2 son has viral induced asthma. When he is on the nebulizer he is a completely different child. He crys over everything, super emtional and crazy moody. The do...


Does Anyone Know of Any Natural Treatments for Asthma?

C.L. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 year old son has asthma anytime he gets a cold. The problem is he catches colds so easy and any cold goes straight to his lungs. Then we have to start breathin...


Multipule Ear Infections

J.G. asks from McAllen

Hi everyone, I wanted to see if any of you are having or have experienced problems with multipule ear infections. I have 18 month old twin girls and they have had ab...


Any One

S.H. asks from Norfolk

Has any one had a child with RSV? My grandson (16 mos.), has been recently diagnosed. His mother breastfed him, has been the picture of health until now. He is ver...


Asthma Question

G.F. asks from Biloxi

I took my 9 yr old to the doctor yesterday becoz sunday night she was complaining that her chest hurt. I was already suspecting she had asthma because she has had a c...


Can't Kick the Congestion

R.Z. asks from Washington DC

My daughter had RSV back in January and then Feb 14 I brought her back in because her hacking persisted and temperature spiked back up again. She tested negative for...


5 Month Old W/ Severe Chest Congestion

Z.A. asks from Raleigh

My 5 month old infant started out having a simple cold and it accelerated to a fever and severe chest congestion. We waited three days till we took her to the doctor....