ADD, ADHD: Toddler

Results 51-60 from 57,120 articles


R.B. asks from Los Angeles

my middle son is 8 years old, he has just started third grade and already i have already revieved the call that "we think he has ADD" actually the school counselor to...


ADHD In a 2 Year Odl?

M.H. asks from Chicago

My Day Care approched my husband (he does the drop off and pick up) on Friday and said that we need to discuss with our doctor my son's actions at daycare and being s...


Autism, ADD, ADHD

C.H. asks from Lincoln

I have been trying for over 1 year to have my son tested for Autism, ADD & Autism. They run on both sides of the family. I've almost literally been thru all the doc...



A.R. asks from Los Angeles

How do you know if your child has attention deficit disorder? I cant tel if my child is just rebelious or he sick


ADHD Diet?

C.W. asks from Joplin

I have a friend who has two children (7 and 13) with ADHD (the childrens' father also has ADHD). She has decided to try a gluten free diet for her two boys. Thos of y...



R.B. asks from Chicago

What have your experiences been with ADHD meds? Side effects? What did you like/dislike?


Are You an ADD Mom with ADHD Kids

K.J. asks from Tampa

I am just wondering if there are any other mom's out there like me... I have been diagnosed with ADD and I have a son that has been diagnosed with ADHD for the last 9...


ADHD And Diet

E.M. asks from Denver

I have a four year old daughter who was diagnosed with ADHD and some sensory integration problems (mostly vestibular that are related to hyperactivity). Every doctor...


Does My Son Have ADHD?

H.B. asks from Seattle

I have been wondering since he was 2 if my son has ADHD. He is now almost 4. First of all, he is very intelligent. He also has an excellent memory and he can concentr...


My Son Has ADHD

K.H. asks from Santa Fe

I am a single parent and my son has been diagnosed with ADHD. He is having severe behavior problems in school as well as at home. His behavior is affecting him acade...