Aches & Pains: Toddler

Results 71-80 from 33,660 articles

HELP PLEASE! My 20 Month Old Son Wont Eat

S.G. asks from San Francisco

Hi Moms, I need some serious help here. My 20 month old just wont eat, every single meal time is a serious challenge. We're doing all things wrong, distracting him...


19 Month Old Son - Doesn't Talk...

P.M. asks from Denver

I'll start by saying that at our 18 month check up, the pediatrician wasn't worried - I voiced my concerns that our son wasn't really talking. At 19 months he hardly ...


Pain in My Leg After Childbirth

K.C. asks from Casper

Every since I had my last son(who is now 1)I've had pain in my siatic nerve which runs down the side of my leg, I also have had migraines about every three months, an...


Severe Lower Back Pain and Constipation

C.U. asks from Chicago

I almost took myself to the ER last night. I have severe lower back pain and constipation now for 2 days. I am due August 31st. It was so hard for me to sleep last...


61/2 Months Pregnant with Very Bad Back Pain.

K.W. asks from Atlanta

my dr said the baby has damaged a nerve in my back and with him growing more and more every week the pressure and pain gets worse. Im limited to what i can take only...


Neck and Back Pain Since Birth of My 2 1/2 Month Old

D.P. asks from Columbia

Hi! I have had neck and back pain since the birth of my daughter on september 21st. I had a csection but a botched spinal. They stuck me about a dozen times in the l...


Alternative Therapy for Lower Back Pain

G.B. asks from Madison

Hello Helpful Mommies! I am about 6 weeks pregnant and have already experienced some "glorious" changes in my body. I have put on about 5 lbs in my chest and bell...


Chronic Lower Back Pain MRI Normal

L.W. asks from Chicago

I’m extremely frustrated. I’ve had chronic low back pain for over a year now. The pain was already there and was made worse after I had a minor roller skating acc...


31 Weeks with Hip and Back Pain

B.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, Does anyone have any ideas that can help ease hip and back pain in the third trimester? I am swimming (which seems to help temporarily) and I have been sitting...


In Pain!!! Help!!

B.K. asks from Wichita

I'm a 22 year old who had a baby about 7 months ago, and after the mandatory 6 weeks, I got an IUD put in. Since I've had it, my husband says that I've become a chang...