Seeking Diet Tips

Updated on May 29, 2009
R.V. asks from Phoenix, AZ
25 answers

I'm in desperate need to pick a diet and stick to it. Does anyone have any advice or articles they've read that has helped them get off to the right start when it comes to dieting?

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answers from Phoenix on

drink more water, eat less, move more. =)

It all takes dicipline...good luck whatever you choose to do!

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answers from Albuquerque on

These will help. Dr. Chaney teaches medical students nutrition at the University of North Carolina. --B.

Six most common mistakes while trying to lose weight:

Mistake #1: Going too long without food.

Many of the overweight people that I know skip
breakfast and really eat very little until dinner time.
They can't understand why they keep gaining weight when
they are skipping all those meals early in the day.

The problem is two-fold. You need that breakfast meal
first thing in the morning to rev up your metabolism.
In addition, the nagging hunger resulting from not
eating early in the day leads to poor food choices
latter on.

Little known fact: 100% of people who have lost
significant weight and kept it off 5 years or more eat

Mistake #2: Banking Calories.

You know the routine. You know that you've got big
party coming up tomorrow, so you'll just eat a little
less today to "even it out".

That comes under the category of wishful thinking. The
calories that you save today almost never equal the
calories that you consume at the party.

The key is to employ healthy eating strategies at the
party: eat a little bit of high-protein, low-calorie
food ahead of time so you don't go to the party hungry;
consume alcohol sparingly - it has lots of calories and
it revs up appetite; eat small portions.

The bottom line is that those strategies work. Skipping
meals beforehand so you can eat whatever you want at
the party doesn't work. It's that simple!

Mistake #3: Skimping on protein. Protein is metabolized
more slowly, which keeps those hunger pangs at bay.

One study showed that people who started the day with
two eggs consumed 300 calories less during the day than
someone who started the day with a bagel suppplying the
same calories as the eggs.

Adequate protein also helps preserve muscle mass. Of
course, when we talk about preserving muscle mass Cinch
is the all time champion because of its added leucine.

Mistake #4: Drastically cutting calories. You can loose
weight fast on a very low calorie diet, but you make
yourself so miserable in the process that you are
almost certain to go back to your old eating habits.

In addition, the very low calorie diets almost always
lead to a loss of muscle mass, which lowers metabolic
rate and makes it almost inevitable that you will
regain all of the lost weight - and then some.

Experts tell us that slow and steady weight loss is
best. They also tell us that it is important to follow
a "diet" plan that you can stick with for the rest of
your life.

The Cinch Inch Loss Plan excells on both of those
points. If you make those delicious protein shakes and
healthy eating plans a permanent part of your life, you
will not only lose the weight, you'll keep it off too.

And, don't forget that the Cinch protein shakes help
you preserve your muscle mass.

Mistake #5: Denying yourself treats. You will almost
never succeed at giving up your favorite foods forever
- so don't set yourself up for failure.

If you've got a favorite snack just divide it up into
reasonable serving size packets as soon as you bring
it home. Enjoy your favorite foods, just enjoy them in

Mistake #6: Taking weekends off. The reasoning here is
essentially the same as the advice not to "bank"
calories in anticipation of that big party.

The problem is that some people are very good during
the week and then treat the weekend as one big party.
If you overeat on Saturday and Sunday, you're
overeating 29% of the time. It's almost impossible to
make up for that by sensible eating during the rest of
the week.

Well, there they are. Six common mistakes to avoid if
you want to control your weight. Some of them are just
common sense, but others may not be so obvious to the
average dieter.

Avoid these six deadly mistakes and make the Cinch Inch-Loss
Plan a part of your daily life. That's a winning
combination for permanent weight loss.

3 moms found this helpful


answers from Phoenix on

Hi R.,

I do dietary consulting for a living and this is really a "process" rather than an "answer" because no one diet works for everyone. It's really about understanding some basic principles and then finding the foods that work best for your unique body style. Once thing I can say works for everyone is "whole foods." The type of whole foods really depends upon you.

Best of luck to you! :)

Warm Regards,
G. Van Luven, H.C.
Healthy Habits Wellness Center, LLC

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answers from Phoenix on

Don't diet! Be good to yourself - eat well and exercise. Make sure you get enough healthy fats so you feel full - don't stuff yourself, but don't leave yourself hungry. Avoid sugar. I don't recommend Atkins/South Beach. Anyone I know who has done this has lost weight only to put it back on when they started eating again.

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answers from Phoenix on

I've been struggling with diets also. My trainer says losing weight is 80% diet. If you're going to exercise make sure you get cardio in everytime. I've been going to the gym for the past year, but was frustrated because I did not lose weight. It was until I changed my diet I started noticing results immediately. I try not to eat dinner too late or snack in the evenings. If I do, I snack on low fat popcorn or carrots. Drinking lots of water is also good. More than anything watch you calorie intake and eat all day long, make sure it's healthy!

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answers from Albuquerque on

I totally agree with Christy Z below. Just be good to yourself, eat healthy and involve exercise into your routine. Instead of driving, walk to the store to get the gallon of milk. I'm sure I look funny carrying two gallons of milk a mile home, but it's how I help myself stay fit. A big thing I've trained myself to do is, when I'm eating, that's all I do. I don't eat and watch movies or eat and read or eat and do anything else, that way I know how much I'm eating and stop when I want to do something else/am full.
best wishes.

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answers from Phoenix on

Hi there -

If you're looking for a quick diet to lose weight, then probably any of the diets already mentioned will help you get rid of a few extra pounds quickly. But if you're truly looking for something that will help you lose weight and *maintain it long-term* without totally eliminating certain foods, then you'll want to consider making some permanent changes to your eating and exercising habits.

I lose 30 lbs on Weight Watchers (WW) and loved every minute of it because it wasn't focused on a quick diet to hurry up and help me lose X pounds. It was focused on long-term success so that I felt like I could maintain my weight on my own instead of always having to go on some weird diet whenever I wanted to lose weight. WW really helped me make some easy, small changes that I know I can keep long-term easily, and I don't feel deprived at all because I can still eat a hamburger or chips or cookies when I want. (I just don't eat the whole bag anymore) Anyway, I highly recommend WW if you want something that helps you stay healthy and maintain your weight long-term. It's all about making small changes and helping you decide what portions work for you instead of totally cutting out certain food groups or not showing up to birthday parties because of all the junk food that is there.

Whatever you decide - best of luck to you!

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answers from Tucson on

It is free easy to use and you can get your friends and family involved to help motivate you.

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answers from Phoenix on

Good advice so far... second the idea that dieting ( a temporary thing usually) does not work because that's what it is...temporary. You need a lifestyle change you love enough to keep.
(And if your metabolism or health or activity level changes months or years from now...and thus your calorie obviously change your routine.)
We in America are way too sold on the idea of quick fixes for problems that usually have taken a long time to develop.
Good luck in picking your strategy!

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answers from Tucson on

A "diet" is not always the best answer. Watching what you eat, READING labels (and learning what they mean), avoiding artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharine, etc.), and making better food choices are the best paths to take for initial weight loss and better weight maintenance. I am a certified herbal consultant so feel free to contact me for specifics if you are interested in some good intestinal cleansing herbs that will not only clear the digestive tract of excess waste (including yeasts, fungus, and parasites) but also support the systems in their proper function. Cleansing your system is the first and most important step to losing weight. Then with maintenance, good food choices and exercise you should have no problem reaching your weight goal.

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answers from Phoenix on

I have found that good old Weight Watchers works extremely well for teaching you the nutritional and caloric value of what you are consuming. Then they can help you with portions and how to deal with real life food situations like restaurants and parties. The program arms you with knowledge that you can use all your life. You can work with the program on line or go to a meeting if you need friends to help you. Go with a buddy or your spouse so you are helping each other.

One happy lifetime WW member. D.

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answers from Las Cruces on

1)Years ago I listened to a subliminal tape for weight loss... what I "saw" while listening was a beautiful, sleek, wild horse. That image has stayed with me, that horse eats when it needs to, but only as much as it needs, it gallops for the pure joy of it and it stays healthy and in balance.
2)most of the time I think I'm hungry, I'm really thirsty. Drink a big cool glass of pure water and wait awhile to see if you're really hungry.
3)be mindful when you eat. Put your food on a plate (make it pretty-but while you're at it, actually measure portions and get used to what a recommended serving size really looks like), sit down, SLOW down, be thankful for each bite, chew slowly and savor every bite. (it's kinda hard to that with a bag of chips)
4)research "the cave-man diet" - at least for a jump start... it means eliminating all processed/pre-packaged/fast food and eating as nearly as possible what our ancient ancestors might have eaten... lots of raw, fresh fruits and veggies; foods prepared simply with low-fat, no refined sugar...drink only water and herb teas... you can gradually add back in other foods, but by then you probably won't want to.
5)no matter how difficult it is to start exercising, if you don't already, remember it gives you so much more energy than it takes - you'll really FEEL good and it will be the key to really being healthy and in shape.
6)first thing every morning, look in the mirror, caress your face like you would another loved one and smile and say, "I have arrived".

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answers from Phoenix on

I wasn't loosing anything with exercise alone. I believe it has to be eating right combined with exercise. I recently lost 10 pounds using the 'South Beach Diet'. My husband lost 15 lb. It is a little expensive with all the vegetables and lean meats you need to purchase, but it's so worth it. During the first phase there are no fruits, potaotes or grains, etc (basically no carbs). I'm on the maintenance phase. The trick is training yourself to make healthy choices when eating. I like my sweets and plan to not have more then one 'goodie' a week so I don't blow all the hard work. I have four or five unopened bags of chips in my pantry (left from a BBQ), thank goodness salty foods are not my weakness. Low fat- no sugar fudgesicles are aloud even in the first phase, so there is something for you to look forward to.

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answers from Tucson on

Hi R.,

I think that all diets are definitely different and all. I chose Weight Watcher's and have been doing really well with it. I do not have to completely eliminate any of the foods I really like and they teach you portion control. You do have to go to a meeting once a week and all, but it is well worth it, and the support group helps a lot when it comes to hitting plateaus in the weight loss and such. You also have to find time to exercise whether it be going to the gym or walking for 20 minutes a day.

I will tell you this. I decided to cut a lot of the aspartame and high fructose corn syrup out of my life and started drinking 1 cranberry juice a day and water for the rest of it. I drink maybe 1 Jones Soda every 3 or 4 days. When I started this regimen with the portion control that Weight Watcher's gave me, I started getting real results.

D. P.

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answers from Phoenix on

Check out the Bodybugg! It is relatively inexpensive- and there is teriffic online support. The basic scientific principal of measuring how much energy you use (calories) vs. how much you consume (based upon your food log) I like it because you know from day to day how you are doing and it has a sample food program base on your goals that is established in your profile when it's set up. Get it today at Fitness Works or order online at No- I don't work for them, I just LOVE mine. I do recommend getting the optional digital display, though. That way you know immediately how much you are burning rather that having to use the USB. Good Luck!!



answers from Phoenix on

I have found that I can't do it alone. If I am cooking for the family, I can't make one thing for them, and something else for me. We just all have to eat healthier. Also, I have found that I don't really care for candy so I just stopped eating it, but I love deserts so I still have them, I just eat smaller portions... like what I would give my 5 year old. I have to eat lots of small meals. I stock the fridge with healthy things and don't say I can't eat, I just have something better. And then also, I am not starving at meal time, so I eat less. I use a smaller plate at first so that my portions look bigger... and I don't go back for anything but vegetables. Being a mom you can get lots of exercise but sometimes it isn't the right kind, or enough to jump start your metabolism. So pick an exercise routine- start with just stretching every day- something physical. As you start loosing the weight you will get more energy and feel better. Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

I bought the book from Dr. Nancy Snyderman of the TODAY show and the book by Jillian Michaels. They were fantastic! Good old calorie counting and exercise. I also tracked all my food by journaling at SparkPeople ( and the site also has great articles, support forums, exercises, everything. Since February I have lost 30 pounds all from tracking my food and exercising. I don't go to a gym I power walk and job two miles each night until I want to fall over dead. I also have a Wii so I bought the Wii Fit and that is also a tremendous help since I can do it all at home.

Best of luck, don't think of it as a diet, I thought of it as living better.



answers from Phoenix on

This is a great question and I'm glad you asked due to the fantastic responses posted here.

I put on a significant amount of weight after baby #3 at almost 42 yrs. of age and nursing for a long time. As already recommended and state here, first loosing the weight, and more importantly maintaining a healthy weight is all about lifestyle and day to day choices. There is no magic diet or pill available.

I have had success now with walking more, starting an easy yoga class, riding bikes to school with the kids, doing my own housework, gardening, swimming, dancing around the house with the kids, WII, whatever works for you. I've adopted a simple mindset the last few months of: EAT LESS, MOVE MORE. IT COSTS NOTHING. I just don't need to eat those large restaurant portions in one sitting. I always prepare several vegetables through the day for the family. Also, I increased my protein intake which has truly helped me in that I no longer need to snack in between meals - OK, except for the occaisional treat after school with the kids. But if I put out sliced fresh fruit, i.e. apples, pears, cherries, blueberries, they are perfectly happy with that snack. Add a slice of cheese and they are ready for homework.

Best of luck to you and your new lifestyle!



answers from Albuquerque on

Hi R.!
My name is M. Crawford. I have lost 91 pounds since last August. I would love to share with you how I did it! It has changed my life! I went from a tight 18-20 to a size 2! In 6 months!!!!

I promise you what I have done really works and its not hard
Let me know if you want the info. Have a good day!




answers from Phoenix on

Hi R.- there is a company called Seattle Sutton which is a healthy eating program similar to Nutrisystem. The HUGE difference is that all of the food is made fresh and you pick it up twice a week. They provide breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks per day. I believe you can select 2 different calorie plans based on your desired level of weight loss. This program provides healthy food that actually tastes good and it really forces the portion control aspect. Both my parents used this program in Chicago 4 years ago. Their lifestyle changed as a result and their weightloss was significant. This program is for people who want to loose weight, but it is also for people who just want to eat healthier too. The meals and snacks are very portable if you are bringing them to work etc...

Because they had such amazing success with the program, my dad is now a distributor for the company out here in AZ. The main company opened a franchise out here and they are getting ready to start making and distributing food soon. I don't think they have even started advertising out here yet, but I am sure my dad can give you any information you need about the company and help you get started.

If you are interested in more information you can call my dad (Mike Elsen) at ###-###-#### or you can send me an email at and I can get you more info.



answers from Albuquerque on

Remember, it's not just about dieting! Exercise is important. Really, it's a lifestyle of being healthy and not depriving yourself of important nutrients, or even sweets on occasion so you don't binge! :) My husband and I are doing P90X together (we're both 6 months "post baby" haha) and the results are great. Not speedy and not "easy" (you work hard, but it's all organized for you) but good, real weight loss, muscle gain, healthy nutrition plan. You can check it out at my coach's website if you're interested. I highly recommend it! Good luck!



answers from Tucson on

Hi R.!
I'm a mom of four young kids, and I've recently lost 23 pounds using Vemma. It has a 100% EMPTY BOTTLE guarantee. It has given me tons of energy, and supressed me appetite!

I was an emotional eater, and using Vemma has made me feel in control of my appetite so I can make better food/snack choices. Since I'm not craving sugar, excessive carbs, etc it's been SO easy.

I really urge you to try their RISK FREE offer. You can email or call me for more info. In the meantime, you can check out the product at I can send you info or meet with you if you're in Tucson :)




answers from Tucson on

R., this is what I do, I am a registered dietitian. we have 4 year degrees plus internships and complete continuing education. I try and teach eating for life, but know that often people need structure to get started. This is not the place to plug my business but is national website that you can search for local dietitians in your area. WebMD has some really good advice and tools like food and exercise trackers and newsletters on dieting as well. I advise people to pick a focus point each week rather than trying to be perfect immediately. Take your time to develop a new way of eating for life and do things consistently (like eating breakfast) to figure out what works for you Good luck! A.



answers from Phoenix on


Jessica is my daughter and responded about Seattle Sutton. I just want to add my 2 cents. My other half went on it a year before I joined him. He lost over 50#. I went on it back in 2006 not to lose weight, but it was tax season and I don't cook during that time. This was so much better than eating fast food!

The program is designed for diabetics and people who want and/or need to eat heart healthy. The meals are balanced over a day/week. The program teaches you portion control too. As a CPA, I priced it out and if you normally eat lunch out, and maybe some fast food breakfasts or suppers, then this is very cost effective. It would be pricey for say a family of 4, but for one or 2 adults, you can't buy all the things you would need to make these healthy meals cost effectively.

Good luck.

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