Rash on Face

Updated on November 18, 2008
S.R. asks from Converse, TX
26 answers

My two-year-old son has had a rash around his mouth off and on pretty much since birth. The past couple of days, it's back, and it looks just awful and seems to be getting worse! It's very red, and patchy, and looks sort of like hives. I have no idea what it could be! Does anyone know of any kind of cream or something I can put on it when it gets irritated like that? I hesitate to put anything there because it's around his mouth and I don't want him injesting anything, but it looks so bad and, although he doesn't seem bothered by it, it looks like it hurts. I don't want to just leave it! Any help would be appreciated.

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So What Happened?

Thanks so much for all your responses! Someone mentioned that the rash might be from cleaning his face with baby wipes, which I was doing every day. I stopped using them and the rash seems to have gone away. The skin around his mouth is still a little dry, but at least it's not red and irritated. I think it just needs to heal. Thanks again everyone!

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answers from Sherman on

my grandson's peditrician said to get eucerin cream & mix it with hydrocortisone cream & rub it on the rash, braden's was on his face also, hope that helps. W.



answers from College Station on

my son had the drool rash for about 3 months at its worst. After we kicked the pacifier, we made progress on the rash. It still took weeks to clear up entirely.

I alternated btwn Desatin and plain old vasaline. What kicked it in the end was my breast feeding ointment. Lanolin? I know that the vasaline and lanolin are fine if injested in small ammounts. Desitin helped, but I think the lanolin did the trick.

good luck, hth.



answers from Austin on

It sounds like either an allergy or excema. You should pay attention to see if there is anything he is eating or drinking that might be causing it. My daughter has dry skin, and she sleeps with a pacifier (still-she is 4!). It makes her have dry skin in the area, so I put Auquaphor around her mouth and on any other dry areas before bed (after bath). She doesn't get chapped lips or any redness there anymore. If that doesn't work, it's probably an allergy to something. Good luck!

More Answers



answers from Houston on

Hi S.,

It might be a good idea to take your baby to the doctor just to have the rash diagnosed. There are numerous causes for rash and there are also viruses that look like a rash. Once you get the doctors input you can make better decisions about how to treat it.



answers from Austin on

Aquaphor is what we use. It is the best. Buy a small bottle for your diaper bag, I carry it always! It is pricey but you only need the size of a pea. Bottle lasts me almost a year. Good luck!



answers from Houston on

You've gotten a lot of info about how to address the cause, so I won't go on about that. However, if you're worried about putting something on his face to help soothe the rash, I'd recommend olive oil! You don't have to worry about him eating chemicals in any lotions, and it has natural anti-inflammatory properties. My sons get very sore, raw hands in the cold dry winter (visiting family in Colorado) that turns into a nasty rash. The only thing they tolerate on their hands is olive oil. Everything else stings. And it oftens clears it up right away. Good luck!



answers from Austin on

since it's been an on and off rash, take him to see a dermotologist. See if they can get to the bottom of this mystery rash. It just seems like finding a cream for the rash on your own would only be a temp. fix.
good luck.



answers from El Paso on

It sounds like a reaction to something since you said it was on and off. Is it only on his face or on his whole body? Did you change soaps or detergents? Does it look like it itches him? Sorry so many questions but it might narrow it down. He could just have sensitive skin. Have you heard of Arbonne? They have amazing products that are botanically based and are awesome for any kind of skin..they help with eczema, dry flaky skin..pretty much any skin need, we have it. Check out my website if you would like to. I switched over the whole family. Let me know if you would like any more information or would like to see actual results. I also am giving mamasource members a discount..look in member perks.Hope to hear from you.

C. B.
Arbonne Consultant
Member Perks available!!



answers from Austin on

I agree with Amy, about the baby wipes. When my daughter was a baby, she too would get a rash on her face. It took me a while to figure it out, but I eventually realized that it was from using baby wipes to clean her face after a feeding. Once I stopped using the wipes on her face, it quickly cleared up. I think they have a bit of alcohol in them that was irritating her already sensitive skin. Good luck!

S. T.
Mom to Delilah-5 & Shaun -1


answers from Houston on

It could be anything from eczema to a food allergy so I think you should take him to the Pedi & get to the root of the issue so you know exactly what it is & how to treat it properly. With 2 small kiddos at home & another 1 on the way, I know you've got your hands full, but at least if you go & get it figured out you won't have to worry as much next time it pops up & you'll know what to do. Good luck, I am due in June & have a 16 month old & I'm wiped out, so I can only imagine how tired & busy you are every day. Best wishes & Congrats on the new baby!



answers from Houston on

When my son was very young he would get a rash around his mouth too. It finally dawned on my that the rash only appeared when I used a baby wipe to wash his face - which was almost everyday after eating. I stopped using the baby wipes and used a rag or paper towel instead. The rash disappeared.
I think the most important thing to do is figure out what is causing the rash. Pay attention to when the rash appears and think back to what he ate or what he touched recently.
Good luck!



answers from Odessa on

My son has recently had a rash around his mouth. We've been on antibiotics for ear infection and so forth. It's kind of gone away outside of now it's more like chapped lips with a little redness around the lips. I've gotten some Burt's beeswax lip balm and it seems to be helping a little. It's not totally gone yet though. I'm anxious to hear some of your other responses.

Good luck!



answers from Austin on

Sounds like excema to me too, sounds just like what I used to have and my son gets it on the backs of his legs when he has too much processed soy (anything but soy beans). We are also not using dairy because of this. Wash his sheets in All Free or something similar, don't use any fabric softners, and try Aveno for excema if the other stuff recommended doesn't do it ( I didn't read e/t but I saw some recs). Also stay away from ANYTHING with lanolin in it! Extreme temperatures will also exacerbate it so when it is cold outside you might just coat him with whatever is working to protect his skin from getting too dryed out. It will eventually itch and he will make it worse b/c you can't keep a 2 yr old from scratching.



answers from Houston on

It sounds like he is alergic to something. When my daughter eats oranges, even though she isn't alergic it is the citus when she bites into it. If she don't wash her face afterwards she will break out in hives. Watch what he eats. It could be something he eats or drinks.



answers from Houston on

You may want to try Aquaphor. It is a little expensive, but it is worth the cost. I used it when my son was in diapers and it protected from any type of irritation or rash, but it also good on any part of the body that is has irritated skin. During the winter months, I is it on my lips when they crack. I buy it at Walmart(located by the lotions, but sure that you can find it at the larger drug stores and retail stores.
Hope this is of some help and best of luck!



answers from Houston on

Have you googled childhood rashes? I know there are some pretty good sites that have pictures so you can get an idea. Does he still take a binky? It could be that the binky does not stay clean enough if he does take one, and, it is causing a reaction. It could also be an allergic reaction to any number of things. I don't have suggestions on what to put on the rash, since it is so close to the mouth. There are many organic, safe if injested products out there now, so, hopefully someone knows some of them!
I would suggest taking him to a CHILDREN'S dermatologist and having them look at it if it is recurring. You really need to find out what is causing it, instead of just treating it every time it comes up. If you can figure out the source, you can make sure it does not happen to being with again. Usually they stay pretty booked, so, you might have to take him to his pediatrician first so that he/she can get him into the door at one through a referral. They are usually pretty picky about who they take in, because they want to make sure it is someone who is actually supposed to be seeing them, and, not just someone taking time away from their schedule.



answers from Austin on

Look into XANTHONES, these are powerful anti-oxidants, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory,

Ask your Dr about these and how they can help,

Watch this video, ABC news, the first 2 minutes are very informative.

Here is something interesting for all of you . Women put on 168 chemicals in their face thru their makeup and skin products, (lead in lipsticks) and (Antifreeze, Brake fluid and more) What are you using for SKin Care?
These also go into our kids bloodstream, Did you watch the ABC news??

www.CosmeticDatabase.com , search your product and learn and educate yourself.

Men's shaving cream has propane!! WHAT!! What happens when a toxin enters the body
Once a foreign substance enters the body, whether it is ingested, or absorbed or injected, it has to be detoxified and made water soluble so that it can be safely eliminated.
The liver and the kidneys are the main organs responsible for detoxification, while the lungs, skin and intestines also play an important role. Despite the fact that we have these powerful allies working for us, our bodies just can't detoxify and eliminate all the chemicals that we ingest.
When the main organs have more than they can handle, the still active or partially deactivated chemicals are stored in the fatty tissues - possibly even in the brain and central nervous system. The reactive and toxic compounds can be released into the bloodstream, disrupting the systems of the body and cause premature aging and disease.

Our bodies systems were not designed to handle the plastics and synthetic compounds. Recall the point that the chemical needs to be made water soluble, the sad thing is that many man made chemical are not water soluble so our body can't process them. Some of the compounds used especially in skin care are nanoparticle sizes meaning that the element fits through the pour size of our skin and gets embedded deep inside.
"But relatively little is known about the potential health and environmental effects of the tiny particles -- just atoms wide and small enough to easily penetrate cells in lungs, brains and other organs." -Associated Press

Staggering Fact
Out of 2700 chemicals that are marketed in quantities above 1000 tons per year, there is insufficient or no basic toxicity data on 86% of them. - data from 2003!

Is it any wonder why we are seeing the increase in premature aging and disease?
Just to highlight the effect of chemicals getting into our bodies. The US EPA analyzed toxins in human fat tissue samples.
Here is what they found.
Styrene (styrene based cups) found in 100% of the samples
1,4 Dichlorobezene (house deodorizer, moth balls) found in 100% of the samples
Xylene (gasoline, paints lacquers) found in 100% of the samples
Ethylphenol OCDD (drinking water, herbicides, wood treatments, auto exhausts, incinerators) found in 100% of the samples
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 HpCDD (wood treatments, auto exhaust, herbicides,Incinerators) found in 89% of the samples

OK, OK the list goes on but other than drinking water has anyone purposely gone out to eat one of these things?
Yet they are inside you, this is what I call the ticking time bomb.
For me the benefits of the mangosteen provide a solid defensive line against the effects of these chemicals.
The glimpse line also gives people a healthy chemical free alternative to health.

Art gave an experience of a women he was talking to in the plane and he was mentioning the statistics about the dangerous chemicals and the effects they have.
To make a long story short the bottom line is that she didn't want to know what was in her cosmetics.
SHE DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW! (Ignorance is bliss)

What a shame. Instead of benefiting by this knowledge and protecting herself and making healthy choices she would rather ignore the facts and do nothing.

I hope this information may help others to at least look at what they are doing now and make changes.

Glimpse is Pure Green and Focus, no chemicals , BioActive X3 Complex, Make a Choice! a Healthy choice

this might help,
I will be at IHOP today, at 10AM, in Georgetown, ext 261
to explain more on this, if interested
I will see you there.




answers from Corpus Christi on

It sounds like allergies you might need to see Dr. about that if not already. As to something that you can put on his face chap stick will help, and it will not hurt him because of its content. Hope that you both can get some relief for this. Good luck.



answers from Austin on

Two of mine got this when they were teething or if their face stayed wet when it is cold out. You can mix desitin cream (clear) and hydrocortizone. Just a small amount of each and rub in on a dry face. This helped clear it up but you can use just the desitin to help keep it away during the cold days.



answers from Austin on

Does your son use a pacifier? I've noticed my daughter gets a little rash that tends to be worse when she is cutting teeth and drools more - the paci holds the moisture on her skin for longer periods which I think is what is causing her to get a little rash just above her chin. I also would notice it when I gave her new foods soon after she started solids. Just a couple of suggestions - hope this helps. Check with your pediatrician if you haven't already. Good luck!



answers from Killeen on

I would try some hydracortizone cream on it. If that doesn't work I would document his intake of food. It could be an allergic reaction to something he's eating. See if Benedryl will knock it out also. If it does, you can almost be absolutely sure it's an allergic reaction to something. The doctor can help you figure out what he's allergic to.

Good luck to you!



answers from Victoria on

Since he is two is he currently cutting a tooth. I heard that drool on the skin can make a rash like you discribed. It mentioned something like this in the book What to Expect in the First Year. Good luck hope your little one gets what he needs to make him feel better.



answers from Houston on

I don't want to seem like the type of person who is promoting herself, but if it works it is worth it.

I am a mother of 3 and have one on the way and my 12 year-old-son has eczema. I am an independent distributor for XanGo. XanGo has a mangosteen juice and a skin care line that leaves absolutely no toxins on your skin that will penetrate through the epidural layer. My son has used the juice and it has decreased his skin problem. I have not used the skin care ye but have heard amazing reviews about it.

You can visit my website at www.vanshotwell.mymangosteen.com or email me at ____@____.com and I can send you other testimonies.

I hope this helps and I would be very cautious of what is put on that delicate baby's skin.



answers from Houston on

The fact it's been off and on since birth makes it sound like something environmental (baby wipes, paci, etc.) or a food allergy. If you can rule out the environmental stuff, I would definitely look into the allergy route--lots of people have non-life threatening ones and they aren't diagnosed. But if you don't get them diagnosed, you can acquire other allergies and even end up with asthma.

I wouldn't try a regular pediatrician for this, I'd see an allergist (or maybe a pediatric dermatologist).

If there's a long wait to see someone, you can try an elimination diet and a food log to see if it helps identify anything. It's sort of like when you introduced him to solid food: start of with just a few known safe foods, then add a new one every three days. (My nutritionist told me that it can take 3 days for a food to cause problems.) Milk (in all its forms) is often a culprit; grains may be something else to look at.

Something else you can do to help his body is make sure he's getting enough Omega-3s...they will help his body calm down from the inflammatory state and can help his skin as well.

Since allergies may be an issue, and he will end up consuming whatever you put on him, I wouldn't do any hydrocortizone or chemical creams, nor the nursing cream. I'd try the olive or other oils mentioned, possibly aloe vera (pure).

Good luck!



answers from Houston on

You've had alot of great responses.....allergies, drool rash, etc. I agree that it can be any of them, and may take you awhile to figure out. My son, also 2 yrs. old, has numerous food and environmental allergies. When I altered his diet greatly, changed laundry detergents, and stopped using diapers and baby wipes w/ chlorine, his skin greatly improved. My son drools alot when teething, and those back molars have been in progress for the past 6 months!!! He gets red spots and bumps, sometimes with redness all over the skin around the mouth and cheeks. I use either coconut oil (it has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties) or Corona ointment. Google "corona ointment" or go to a feed store for it. It's actually an animal ointment, but my doctor loves it for babies, kids, and adults. It has anti-bacterial, -fungal, and -viral properties, too. I first heard about it from a friend whose 16 month old son was in Tx. Children's Hospital undergoing chemo. His oncologist prescribed it for the rashes he would get in the diaper area and around his mouth. When I asked my doctor about using it on my son, he said it is the best stuff around, much better than any diaper creme on the market.

If you want more info. on allergies, let me know. I, unfortunately, have a wealth of knowledge on that stuff!

Best of luck to you and your son!



answers from Houston on

Hi S.,
I suspect your son has a food allergy since the rash is around his his mouth. In certain restaraunts I eat I get a tingling kind of odd feeling around my mouth. If it begins after I've received my meal, I have time to finish eating it before it starts making my nose itch. There is no pain, but the nagging sense of wanting to rub my nose and mouth. If I get out soon enough,say within the hour, the sensation is gone. I explain all this to say being in a food oriented place and the tingling around the mouth indicate food allergy to me. Start keeping a log of Every thing he eats. You may find that it is an additive in something. Or citrus. Many children cannot do citrus.
The key statement you made is that he doesn't seem bothered by it. Don't put anything on it that is not ingestible. Good work using your instincts.

My daughter was a really sick baby due to the corn syrup solids in her baby formula. It took almost a yr to recognize that was the offender. When I switched her to a formula w/o CSS, she got well immediately.

You are determined. You will discover it.
Peace, C.

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