Potty Training Advice...

Updated on November 17, 2008
N.W. asks from West Jordan, UT
10 answers

I have seen quite a few potty training posts, but none dealing with my exact situation. My husband works quite a lot and so when he is home my daughter craves his attention so badly that she has accidents all the time... Or she will take off her panties and just pee on the floor right in front of him. IF he is gone, she rarely has an accident... Any suggestions?

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answers from Denver on

I don't have any suggestions, just an observation. She is 22 months old???? Wow. The fact that she rarely has accidents when he isn't around is amazing. I need some help from you! My son will be 2 next week and has no intentions of potty training any time soon.

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answers from Denver on

My son will be 5 in February and still has accidents occasionally when he is playing and really involved in what he is doing. I have found that reminding him every 15 minutes has worked really well. I also found that letting him know that everything will be the same when he gets done going potty has helped. If he is watching a movie I tought him how to pause it, I make sure that his sister doesn't take any toys that he was playing with, and if we are doing something together like cooking I stop and wait until he is done.Maybe your hubby can remind her when he is playing with her to go potty and then go with her when she needs to.

Peeing on the floor right in front of him sounds like her trying to get his attention. I have also found that as soon as my hubby gets home he gets to spend 15-20 minutes undivided with the kids. This means that he has to use his drive home to unwind and be ready a soon as he walks in the door to get down on the floor and play. I greet him with a hug and a kiss but we don't talk about his day or anything else until after he has had time with the kids. This really sets a good tone for our evening and we usually don't have any issues with either of the kids acting out to get his attention.



answers from Salt Lake City on

Maybe as soon as your hubby get home from work, he can tell her, "Hi sweetheart, I love you, now lets go potty so you don't have an accident, and then we can play, ok?" That way she has an empty bladder, and her daddys attention without peeing on the floor.



answers from Denver on

I would have Daddy do more fun activities with her like read books or watch movies with her so she gets the Daddy attention that she wants. Maybe have her sit on the potty as soon as Daddy gets home.



answers from Grand Junction on

I think Method has a good scent. You can get them at Target I believe.



answers from Denver on

Time is probably the best gift. how about a cupon pack with one hour with just mom, one hour with dad, a moring outing with mom, etc. also, how about a talk box. cut a slit in the top of a box and have little paper and pens on there. then anyone in the family (or you can make just her) puts things in thee. you put compliments like...thanks for doing the diaper change today. then get together for thirty minues each week to go through it and talk. This gives her a safe plae to talk each day. she can put angry stuff even. and you won't forget to compliment her.



answers from Pocatello on

Young children will often have accidents when they are having too much fun to go to the bathroom, this is a problem during playdates, preschool, parties, etc. In your case it is that she is just so happy to have Daddy there that she does not want to miss a second of their time together by going to the bathroom. It is possible that she is afraid that if she takes her eyes off of Daddy for even a minute that he will go away again. Why don't you have her Daddy take her to the bathroom and read her a story while she goes potty? Then he can help her flush and wash her hands and they can go back to playing together. If Daddy is invloved in the process she will not have to leave him in order to go potty. If he is not comfortable doing that then he could also stand just outside the bathroom door and keep talking to her while she goes potty, he can tell her how proud he is of her for being a big girl who is potty trained. He could even give her a special prize like a candy or a dollar stroe toy when she goes potty in the bathroom when he is home. Good luck!



answers from Denver on

22 mos is very young to really understand completely the full concept of potty training. Her body truly has to be ready to hold it for long periods of time. If she is having even a few accidents when he isn't there, her bladder just may not be ready with the connection to her brain. Make sure before he gets home she has emptied her bladder too. She could be holding it because she wants to be with him, kids do that in playing too where they don't want to stop playing to go to the potty Not that she doesn't understand the potty thing, all she is focusing on cause and effect.

I would have your husband take her to the potty as often as he can when he is home too. Establishing to her that daddy is happy when she goes on the potty.

I suggest him reading to her, really giving her focus right when he gets home, playing a game with her or just giving her undivided attention. It is hard I know because he is probably tired and wants to relax Then when she pees on the floor in front of him to not have any interaction with her at all. He may just need to clean it up, but no dialogue. When he is home he needs to focus on her and if there is negative behavior to walk away from her. If she is truly doing this for attention she will get it soon.

He needs to really praise her when she goes on the potty, even you calling him at work when she does so it reenforces the good for her to hear daddy's excitement.
Do a sticker chart and when daddy gets home have her show him how often she went on the potty and have him really show how proud he is of her. Good luck, it won't last forever and be patient. She is very young.



answers from Salt Lake City on

She will continue to do this to get attention as long you allow it to happen.
Obviously she is a bright child and she is old enough to know this is unacceptable.
I would immediately separate her from your husband/you and put her alone somewhere for time out and be very firm this is wrong.



answers from Salt Lake City on

What is dad doing when this happens? Is he showing her that it's ok, or even cute? Or is he doing the same kinds of things you do if she has an accident. It may just be that she's figured out it's acceptable behavior with him.

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