Potty Training? - Caldwell, ID

Updated on November 24, 2006
R.D. asks from Caldwell, ID
8 answers

My son will be 2 just 5 days before Christmas. He's been showing signs that he is interested in the potty (and by "the potty" I mean the actual toilet, not the potty chair), so I've put him on and off the potty, but mostly at his request. Then one day about two weeks ago, I tried him in big boy underwear since he was doing so very good. He actually did great in them, with only about 4 accidents all day...At least I was rather impressed! He even started waking up in the middle of the night wanting to go potty, or upset because he wet his diaper. But lately, really the last week and a half, he's showed absolutely no interest in it at all. It's like, everything totally reversed and I'm not sure why...I don't know if it was because my husband wasn't right on top of having him in and out of the potty like I was, after he got home from work, or if maybe my son just lost the interest in it. I understand that he's not quite two, but I've heard that so many kids are able to be potty trained even earlier than that, providing they are ready. We even have a potty chair, but he has never showed any interest in that...it's always been about the real potty. I don't want to push him, but yet, he was doing so well...I've tried virtually everything that I know to do...Like racing him to the bathroom to see who could get there first (of course I let him win), skipping to the bathroom, dancing our way in there, and while we're in there, I jump up and down and make a complete fool of myself when he goes, and sometimes when he lets me know he has to go potty on his own, he gets a little treat. I've even let him play with a toy, and unroll the toilet paper, which was a huge mistake!!! Like I said, I don't want to rush him if he's not ready, but I feel like he is, with all that progress a couple weeks ago, and then boom...just like that, he doesn't want anything to do with it....Could it be simply because my husband isn't as "on top" of it as I am? Or was it a phase he went through wanting to go potty, and now that phase is done and over, and he isn't ready?

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answers from Grand Forks on

I have similar issues with my 3yo. He has been potty trained for almost a year now but lately he has been wanting to wear a diaper. Sometimes I give in because it is in the morning and I am not quite awake and not in the mood to fight with him, sometimes I am very strict and force him to put on big boy pants. I know that I should be more consistent but it is hard sometimes. The reason why I am opposed to him wearing a diaper to daycare is that the daycare provider tells me that he is not there for 5 minutes and wants to take it off. To me this is a waste of a diaper and very annoying. I did not think much of it until now. Maybe it is normal to backslide in training.

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answers from Billings on

For a boy to have interest in potty training at that age is amazing if he's losing interest for now let him he seems smart for his age and Im sure he will potty train soon just keep trying it will take time but it will happen

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answers from Des Moines on

I am getting ready to do this myself. My daughter turns 2 on saturday. She goes in spurts so far. About 2 months ago she would whole heartedly want to sit on the potty if I asked if she needed to go or is she dirtied her diaper she'd say almost instanteously "I potty", but recently she has been rather non-chalant about it. What I remember about our son, is he did the same thing and when he was totally ready he did it on his own. we did just stay consistent with asking and helping him when he did, but not pushing him when he didn't. Now I do think that Not pushing does not mean just let them flat out bowl you over and get away with out attempting, because that's part of the nature of 2 year olds. My sister and I both have done the aspect that if they dirty their diaper they empty it in the potty. if the drop it they pick it up (not with TP...their hands wash). Mommy is not cleaning it up. same with accidents, they clean up for the most part. I'll be there to help, but Sam would clean it up, put clothes in the laundry, etc.



answers from Fargo on

Your son sounds ready!!! That is a good thing. It is probably a little frightening but it sounds like it is time. I havent yet trained my son as he is 9 months old BUT I have been in the childcare field for over six years with a specialty in infant/toddler. I have trained over 20 children mostly boys.
The key is timing. In my experience it is very effective to set a timer or watch the clock and take him potty every hour-hour and a half, depending on his urinating frequency. It is also VERY important for him to see DADDY going potty so that he learns he can stand or sit. When it comes to learning to #2 on the potty, that is another challenge. That is why I would recommend starting him in the sitting position until he learns to do both well. Always give him the option of standing but really reinforce sitting if he is not stubborn about it. Another thing that I found to be really successful is to go from diapers to underwear. SKIP pullups as they look and feel like diapers. Not to mention that they are expensive. I have a great deal of experience in this area so if you have any more questions or need me to clear up any part of this, as it seems I have rambled a bit feel free to contact me.



answers from Cedar Rapids on

When he's ready he's ready. It's good that he's shown sign of interest, but like anything else (toys,games, movies, the excitement fades. He'll come around, my 3 yr old son did. He didnt like being dirty or wet and it sometimes felt in one day our progress would diminish!
We tried a calender, and HE got to draw a happy face in the square or add a sticker that day after each potty use, after 5 he may get a treat, or vitamin.
Reading Potty books help too! Good Luck!



answers from Minneapolis on

My daughter turned 2 in the beginning of Nov and she went through the same thing about 3 months ago. I bought her some panties and she wore them a couple times, only had a few accidents, then all of the sudden she lost interest and I didn't push it. Now that she is two, I started asking her if she wants to wear her panties, and she is very excited about it. She is having very few accidents and she now knows how uncomfortable it is to have dirty panties, that she now tells me when she has to go. I do home daycare and I now know that all kids are different. They really just have to decided for themselves when they are ready. I hope this helps a little bit. Good Luck!



answers from Boise on

i would be very interested on what the comments are going to be on this one cause i have a 2 yr old that is just like that and i thought he would be the easy one cause of his 4 older sibs. but hes really not so ya i could use the help on this one to .



answers from Grand Forks on

My son is 3 1/2 and has been stubborn about potty training. We are at about 98%. This is my 4th child and truly you cannot push a child into being ready. Leave underwear out for him to see so if he wants to wear them he can. Leave the potty out where he can get to it readily if he feels like using it or just sitting on it. Let him get comfortable with things at his own pace. I would also encourage your spouse to take him into the bathroom with him so that he know what boys 'do'. My son thinks he needs toilet paper, he doesn't wipe, he just tosses it in the bowl. Your husband might be a little uncomfortable with this but it is a small sacrifice for his son to learn potty business. It can also be a 'guy thing' for them like it was for my husband and son. They washed there hands together and then gave high fives, even if Dad was the only one to 'go'.

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