New Sleeping Arrangements

Updated on February 12, 2008
M.M. asks from Philadelphia, NY
4 answers

About a month ago, we moved my baby into her own room and crib. Before she moved she slept in our room in a pack 'n play by my bed and slept through the night with no problems since she was 6 weeks old. Now, she is almost 10 months and since moving her she has woken up in the middle of the night every night but one. Is there anything that can be done to help her (and me) sleep through the night again? Is there a light at the end of this tunnel?

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So What Happened?

I want to thank everyone for their wonderful responses and ideas. I have put some of them into play and have had three nights where Lily has not woken up and screamed and cried...although, not consecutively. I feel that if I stay strong and consistent, her sleeping habits will be where we need them to be. Thank you to everyone who responded and those of you who asked similar questions that I was able to read the answers to!!

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answers from New York on

Maybe she doesn't like the crib mattress. Try putting the pack 'n play in her room to see if that works.

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answers from New York on

Try taking the nightgown you wore the previous night and put that in with her. They also sell blanket buddies. They are small 12x12 or smaller blankets with a animal head and arms section in the middle of one side. You can keep this with you a few nights untill it gets your smell into it. Also hold her and it together. That might help.

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answers from New York on

we always had my daughter in her own crib in her own room(except for the colicky weeks). i was falling prey to the 'i think she needs to nurse' calls, which i then read in berry brazelton's book are not usually true food needs, but comfort needs. despite the latest updates, we did the 5,10, 15 minute cry routine. we never did have to get to the 15 minutes and in only 2 nights, she was fine. she's been sleeping 11 hours for almost a year (now 18mos). also, we don't jump into her room at the first peep on the rare occasion she makes one. usually she goes back to sleep in less than a minute. if the crying goes on for a couple minutes, we do go check because it's such a rare occasion.

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answers from New York on

Have you tried leaving a shirt in her crib that you have worn a couple days. This way she can still smell you and feel secure. She has come accustom to smelling you and hearing you during the night that she misses that. Also try playing music for her while she sleeps. It may help.

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