Need Sleep Help

Updated on January 26, 2009
W.B. asks from Shallowater, TX
14 answers

My son is almost 10 months old. He hasn't ever been a real good sleeper and it seems to be getting worse. When he was born he had jaundice pretty bad and slept quite a bit. We would many times have problems even getting him to stay at wake to eat enough. Fast forward ... at night he usually goes to sleep between 7 and 7:30 p.m. After that nothing is the same. He sometimes wakes up around 12 or 1 a.m. for me to nurse him. Then here lately he then wakes up again around 5 a.m. ready to tackle the day. He used to wake up around 6:30 or 7 a.m. The past few mornings I go in there and feed him again at 5 a.m. Sometimes he'll go back to sleep and let me lay him down and other times he'll start crying. First question ... what should I do at the 5 a.m. time when he starts crying? Hold him until he goes back to sleep? Many times he'll wake up once his head hits the crib sheet.

Okay ... now on to his terrible napping situation. For a while he was taking a morning nap and an afternoon nap ... both lasting no more than 45 minutes each. Now, he's down to a 10 minute nap in the morning and about a 30 minute nap in the afternoon. Each time I will nurse him to sleep. Then he'll wake up and start to scream his head off. What do I do at this time?

I've read that babies at his age require a minimum of 13 hours of sleep a day/night. We're not getting that.

Please help. I'm about to go crazy and I fear that it's not good for him to get this little of sleep either.

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answers from Abilene on

you didn't say, does he eat solids? first i'm raising my granddaughter. she is three. you need to try to get him to take his nap after lunch. like 12:30 to 1:30 or 2:00. then his last feeding about 7:, give him some baby cereal with breast milk or formula. he'll sleep better and through the night. it will take some adjustment but you will both be happier. i hope this helps. good luck S.

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answers from Dallas on

Your story is EXACTLY is what my son did! He is now 6 years old. He did not sleep well, I nursed him to sleep, he was not all that happy of a baby, and my life was a wreck because of it all. I tried everything and all the books. I was at my wits' end when a friend told me to read Dr. Ferber's book. I did not want to do the Ferber method (crying), but she told me to just read the book. Once you read it, you'll understand how we trained our kids not to sleep (you really have to read it to know). I read it and discussed with my husband so we were on the same page and in it together. We did it and it was amazing! You have to commit to 2 weeks, but it takes less than that. It was not fun during that time, but when we finished, my son was sleeping 12 hours at night and 2 naps, each 1 hour!!!! And better yet, he became a new kid during the day because he was rested - I did not know how much he had been needing sleep. Once we had him sleeping and had his bedtime routine down, I could leave him with any relative or babysitter and be confident that they could get him to sleep easily. He is now 6 years old and has been the best sleeper. He transitioned to a toddler bed and then to a regular bed with NO PROBLEM - and actually NEVER got out of his toddler bed (just called me to come get him in the morning!) If you are as desperate as you sound, read the book. Let me know if you have questions or need support. :)



answers from Dallas on

Hi W.,

My pediatrician had recommended a book to me called "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." It was truly a blessing!!! Not only did it help me with my children when they were infants - but it cleared the path through all ages (the book goes through teens). Because my children worked so well with the ideas in the book, I do not have any sleep issues with my children. Whether it is a school night, weekend, vacation, my children can fall asleep on their own, sleep well, and can adapt. My very dear friend used this book with her child -- who is now a freshman in college - a great sleeper. Honestly, I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Good sleep is so important for a happy child.

Good luck - and lots of zzzzzzzzs!



answers from Dallas on

That is exactly how my first was...and grumpy because of it. My second seems to be following in her sister's footsteps. I just kept being consistent with the routine and following the advice in Dr. Weissbluth's book. She is an awesome sleeper now - 6:30-6:30 with a solid 2 hour nap after lunch (she's almost 2). Hopefully yours will fall into place as well. You can't make him sleep, all you can do is your best to provide a good schedule and a good environment for him to sleep in.



answers from Dallas on

I am the mother of a seven month old baby girl and trying to figure out the sleep issue myself. It is my understanding from reading many different resources and talking with many different moms -- each baby is different and unique when it comes to how they nap and night sleep. I read below that a mother recommended the cry it out approach, I encourage you to read various resources and make the decision for yourself, but if your child is not responsive to cry it out methods (high need babys will likely not give up, breaking your heart and breaking their initial trust of you) . . . try reading "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. The book offers many different methods you can try to help sleep overcome your little one. If you have not began reading Dr.Sears books, I highly recommend them too. A good one to start with is "The Baby Book".
Best of luck!




answers from Dallas on

I had a very similar situation with my first son, now 2 and a half. I used the book, No Cry Sleep Solution, and it worked miracles. Took some dedication and a little time, but it is worth don't have to let your baby cry!

Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

Hi W., have you tried pushing him in a pram after you have fed him in the morning or afternoon as this will sometimes help him go to sleep and when he does go to sleep leave him in it and he may sleep longer than picking him up and putting him in a cot. This has worked for us with our own, grandkids, and foster kids as well. It may take a while for him to get used to going to sleep in the pram, but its worth it if it gives you a break. I took our granddaughter for a walk in the pram when she was a few weeks old and it took her a while to go to sleep in the pram, but she did go to sleep and she will be 2 in March and she still goes to sleep in the pram when I go shopping with our daughter & granddaughter every 2 weeks. Ed



answers from Amarillo on

If you can get him to stay up just a little bit later at night, and give him a bottle of rice cereal, he should sleep longer. My daughter started sleeping much longer when I did that. I'm not for giving a pacifyer when the child is perfectly content, but when fed an dry, and you know sleepy, it works wonders for them going back to sleep. I even tried it in the middle ofthe night. I would put that in her mouth, pat her sing a little and she would drop back to sleep, and then real soon didin't wake up then until morning. If they play some or sit in a little swing or whatever you may have for them to sit in, and interact while they watch you in you morning chores,they may take a nap with soothing music casses or something not distracting. good luck.



answers from Wichita Falls on

You're nursing? At five o'clock, I'd just bring him to bed with me. Nurse, sleep, till the alarm clock goes off. My babies hated when I started working out and their 'pillow' got hard. :)

Some babies need less sleep than others. It's a fact. If you're really stressed about it, you can get a sling (I like the over the shoulder baby holder - but there are several good ones) and make him rotten by holding him while he's sleeping.



About me: Mama to two very rotten little boys, who are the light of my world.



answers from Dallas on

I'm not sure about the waking at night because both my children slept through the night much earlier than 10 months. As far as naps go, maybe one long nap in the middle of the day is the answer. He seems a bit young, but you could try it and see how it works out. My second son was a terrible sleeper for the first 6 months of his life, so I know how you feel. My son is now 18 months and some days he doesn't want to nap even though he is sleepy, but I put him in his bed anyway. He will cry for a little while, but almost always fall asleep within about 10-15 minutes. I'm not a believer in letting a baby cry it out, but for a short time when they are really sleepy, I don't feel too guilty about. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

We put our baby down about 7, then woke him up for a "focal" feeding about 10-ish. (Got this from some book about 20 yers ago) Don't train your baby to fall asleep in your arms. Put him to bed (in his own bed!) before he falls asleep. Otherwise you are setting yourself up for difficulties in the future!

This topic has been covered in Mamasource before - I'll bet they archive the answers somewhere.

As far as naps go: my son took two naps a day. My daughter didn't need as much sleep (this is true even today - she's 17 and he's 20 and he still needs more sleep than she does). She gave up her morning nap much sooner than he did.

Hope you figure things out!



answers from Dallas on

My baby is 6 months old - still not sleeping through the night. She was requiring a 1-2am bottle feeding until a few weeks ago. Now she wakes and can fall asleep without a bottle. This was so different than my first - my first daughter stopped getting a feeding in the middle of the night around 3 months. We have started putting our 6 month old to bed around 8-8:30pm to help her sleep longer through the night. This helps sometimes. Do you think there might be something else going on - cold, thirsty b/c of the weather (heater can be dry). I know my little one woke up last night because she was coughing quite a bit. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

Good morning W., I am chuckling over here because as I am reading this, I too, am up with my 11 month old son at 5 a.m. SIGH! He sounds alot like your son, he takes two day time naps, about 30-60 mins(if we are lucky)LOL! My son usually goes to sleep around 8:30 or 9, will wake again around 11. After that it is hit and miss, sometimes he wakes at 1 or 2, sometimes he wakes at 3 or 4. But he is always up for the day at 5 or 6. When he wakes before 5 or 6 I usually sleep nurse him in our bed(make sure you put him on the inside of the bed between you and your husband, so he does not fall off.) I know how hard this is for you, this is actually baby number 3 for me to nurse. Hang in there, hopefully it will get better in a few months.
Actually, my son just started sleeping thru the night this past week. He has not made a "habit" of it yet, but last week he did sleep from 9 until 6. WHOOHOO!! He did this for two nights last week, hopefully he will do it more often.
Sorry I do not have more advice, other than try not to let him sleep past 5 pm, until he goes to bed for the night. Maybe you might be comforted to know there is another mommy out there right now dealing with the exact same thing LOL, you are not alone...I feel for you. It will get better, maybe not as soon as we like, but I am sure he will be sleeping thru the night in a few more months. Take care.



answers from Dallas on

Hi W., I have found that bad sleep habits often have something to do with stomach issues. Things are just not settling well. Have you tried changing the feeding schedule or amount? Of course, the more you get up and stay up with a child the more they will expect just that. The only way to make it through sanely and not sleep deprived is to get your child on your sleeping habits as far as when to wake up in the am and stay awake. I know, easier said than done. Don't fret,this happens to almost everybody. You will find the right combination..hang in there.

God Bless and Good Luck,

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