Mt 6 Month Old Wakes Me up More than 5 Times a Night

Updated on March 03, 2011
C.K. asks from Houston, TX
8 answers

I need help. I am a veteran mom, but I didn't have this problem with my other two. My 6 month old baby boy wakes me up every one to two hours screaming for me and to either nurse or have a bottle. He can carry on and nothing will stop it until I get him. I've let him scream for an hour before. It's not fair to my other kids who have school, so I always end up getting him and nursing him. Besides, I am losing my mind now 6 months later, so in a stupor at 1, 2, 3 or 4am, who wouldn't want it to stop? Even if I plan NOT to get him, I am so tired that I do. He is the happiest little guy all day and drinks 4-6 bottles and has 2 jars of food-usually something with a brown rice as well. I know he is getting enough food daily. He just wants ME! I work full-time, so the nights are our only time really, other than the rushed evenings where I am dividing my time with the other 2 kids as well. I should mention that I am recently divorced, so having my husband step in is not an option. I am just very weary. I haven't slept more than 3 hrs a night in 6 months--and that isn't even 3 hrs in one chunk. Can anyone help? thanks

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answers from Houston on

Ok, I actually had this problem around 3 and someone reminded me....growth spirts go in 3's. 3,6,9 and so on. So, he is just hitting his growth spirt. No worries.!!! It gets easier!!!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I'm not a fan of co-sleeping, but in your case, I think it might be your best bet. Nurse in bed so you can dose off. Maybe he needs to feel you close. Makes sense if you work full time. Only you know if he is really hungry or just comfort sucking back to sleep. If he's teething try some Tylenol at bedtime and again in the night when he wakes. Mine is doing something similar right now. If this waking lasts 72 hours it was most likely a growth spurt. If its on going I say more likely teething or some combination of both.

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answers from Boston on

If his weight is enough (and the doctor can tell you) to make it without night feedings I would let him cry it out or use the Ferber method (he has a book you can buy online or your library probably has it called "how to solve your child's sleep problems"). Both my kids feds round the clock until 6 months old every 2 hours. I let the first cry it out: she cried 4 hours for 4 nights in a row at the next feeding time and then she was done and slept from about 11 to 6 every day. With the second I used the Ferber method which means you go in at successive longer times but not feed and not cuddle, just to check and let them know you are there. Then back outside their room to listen to more wailing. That took 2-3 weeks but seemed kinder. However, if I had to do it over again I would let her cry it out too. They do not remember later and it works a lot faster. Maybe get the kids some earplugs for a week or a fan or both. Good luck and hope you get some rest.

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answers from Springfield on

I would seriously consider co-sleeping. When he wakes, just latch him on and go back to sleep yourself. It saved me during that first year with my oldest. (Turns out my youngest was just a better sleeper at that age.)

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answers from New York on

Can your kiddos go to a grandparents house for the weekend so you can CIO correctly and with consistency? I completely understand where you are coming from b/c you don't want the other two to be zombies in school either, but your son cries with that intensity b/c he has figured out that it results in you coming in to get him.

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answers from Youngstown on

Oh I feel your tiredness. My older two were great sleepers and my baby who is 11 months is the worst. The last week I have been refusing to feed him before 5 am. He finally slept until 530am. I too could not let him cry it out because my older 2 had school and its not fair to them to hear their brother scream his head off, so he ended up sleeping in bed with us. I got sick of getting out of bed so I would just nurse him on one side and roll over and do the other.Well now I have to get him into his own You're right he just wants to be comforted by his mommy. I don't know what to tell you to do because I am doing everything wrong Im sure. Good Luck



answers from Washington DC on

Things that come to mind: Teething, growing, reverse cycling/responding to stress.

I'd frankly learn to cosleep under the circumstances. I remember working FT with a little one and bigger ones and how tiring that can be WITH a spouse. Talk to the pediatrician and make sure the right dose in case it's his teeth. Pre-medicate him before bed.

Remember that this will pass. Can you get a friend or family member to come by now and then so you can nap?



answers from Honolulu on

Well he is hungry.
6 months old is a growth-spurt time.

Both my kids as babies, had GINORMOUS appetites and I was breastfeeding. I had milk, they latched on well, and they had GINORMOUS appetites and grew like weeds.
They woke at night too, just like yours.

Or could he be teething? From this age they teethe.

So you are still nursing or giving bottles, right?
Do you still want to nurse? If so then do you have enough milk? If not, he won't be getting enough intake.
He obviously, needs the intake at night. He is hungry.
If you do not want to nurse.... then giving him bottles of pumped milk/Formula, may be easier.... ?

From about that age as well, my kids as babies started separation-anxiety. And they were also hitting developmental changes and milestones. So this tweaks them as well.

Does your baby nap during the day? Lack of sleep/being over-tired also makes it harder, for a baby to sleep well. Does his care provider have him nap during the day?

He seems to have a hearty appetite. My kids were like that.

Nurse/give a bottle to him before bed too.

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