Looking for Fun Food Ideas for One-Year Old Brithday

Updated on July 31, 2009
A.H. asks from Ontario, CA
8 answers

Hi Ladies! My little man is turning one soon, and I need food ideas. The theme of the party is green animals (frogs, turtles, lizards, etc) so if it fits, or we can give it a fun name to make it fit (Lizard Lemonade, Go Green Fruit Salad {kiwi, honeydew, green grapes...}), it will be helpful! I need food from main dishes to sides and beverages, so if you think if it throw it out there! Note: having the party in the park, NOT anywhere near my home :0(

Thank you!

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answers from Los Angeles on

How about a pasta salad made with spinich noodles? Or, you can use green food coloring on regular pasta. LL

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answers from Los Angeles on

Dessert idea:

Banana Avocado Mousse (3 Toddler Servings)

1 Banana, peeled and chopped
1/2 Avocado, peeled and cubed
1/4 Cup Whole Milk Yogurt
2 Tbsp Rice Milk (you can also use almond, soy or whole milk)

1. Place all the ingredients in a food processor or blender and puree until thick, but smooth.
2. Serve.
I've made this before and it was really easy to make and yummy! The "mousse" comes out looking green because of the avocado. It's healthy for you, but the kids won't know because it tastes delicious. Sorry, can't think of a name for this dessert that would fit your theme right now...

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answers from Los Angeles on

How about swamp jello? If you mix cool whip with green jello and pour it into a low dish, it will settle into two layers - a creamy green layer and clear green layer. You could then put a plastic frog or lizard on a lilly pad in the center.

We had a water theme party and did this with blue jello.

We also served grapes - call them Turtle eggs

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answers from Los Angeles on

Spinach or basil torillas or large lettuce leaves to make deli wraps instead of sandwiches. Add green food coloring to food items like mayo for potato salad or ranch dip. doa google search for St. Patricks Day treats and you're sure to find lots of green food items.

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answers from Los Angeles on

spinach salad

jello salad

green cupcakes

main dish all I can think of is a pesto pasta dish.



answers from Los Angeles on

We had a frog party for my kiddos 1st birthday party. For food we had Frog legs (chicken strips), flies on a log (celery with peanut butter with raisins on top), Blue jello that before it settled completely I put gummie frogs on top for them to settle in a little to look like frogs in a pond, bowls of green M&Ms for the kiddos to enjoy, Gucamole with chips, and to drink we had blue and green gatorades. Everyone loved all the green stuff and my friend had made him the cutest frog cake. Hope you have a wonderful birthday party. You could see pics of his birthday at http://howsefamilyhappenings.blogspot.com (go back to the end of Feb/beginning of March for the birthday post). We chose the frog theme because he had a tough start at life being born with a cleft lip and palate and having to endure countless doctors appointments and surgery. We used the saying that FROG stands for Fully Rely On God!! It was the perfect theme for us.



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi A.,

Congrats on your little one turning one! I own a children's birthday cake and cupcake baking business and for Mamasource members you receive 10% off of your cake order. If you want, I can make you an alligator birthday cake (green!) which you can view on my site: www.queenoftartscakes.blogspot.com if you scroll down to the bottom of the screen you can see it. My own son turned one this past May and I baked this cake for his 1st birthday. It fed 50 people and was chocolate with green vanilla buttercream frosting.
If you click on 'Member Perks' on the upper right portion of the Mamasource screen, you will see my ad for Queen of Tarts Cakes and from there you can click the link to my site to see children's novelty cupcakes and cakes. I also can do custom green cupcakes of a variety of animals, bugs and butterflies. The kids love them!


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