JFF: What Is Your Favorite Food Lately?

Updated on August 04, 2011
N.P. asks from Mobile, AL
32 answers

I don't really have an all time favorite food. I go through spells of something being my favorite for about a week. My favorite this week is roast beef & swiss, with lettuce, onion, tomatoes, and just a touch of honey mustard on a whole wheat tortilla. Next week it will be something different. What is yours?

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answers from Redding on

My thing today was fresh, plump cherries and dry roasted peanuts. All day. I'm not even hungry for dinner.

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answers from Lynchburg on

With this heat...


italian ice...

Do not have a freezer BIG enough to keep up with demand...

And frozen home made 'pops'...


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answers from Norfolk on

this week it's been a toasted english muffin drizzled with olive oil, and a delightfully gooey fried egg slapped on it! Soooo delicious! I'm lucky that it's at least a healthy obsession this week....last week it was double chocolate milano cookies :(

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answers from Phoenix on

JFF:? Does that mean, "just for fun?"....Sorry I'm not up to par on the chat lingo...lol

My favorite food is chicken, and mexican. Basically anything with CHEESE! I love cheeses! :-) Your roast beef wrap sounds absolutely DeeeLISH!

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answers from Chicago on

For me it has been veggie fritatas with mushroom, red peppers, asparagus & topped with fresh basil. I LOVE the Atkins Diet ;-)

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answers from Houston on

mangoes....watermelon....grapes, any fruit really right now

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answers from Kansas City on

Fresh spinach salad. I make different variations of it. Sometimes I have (fresh) spinach with kalamata olives and roma tomatoes (no dressing). Sometimes it's spinach, black olives and little bit of shredded cheese with a tsp of ranch dressing. =o)

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answers from Nashville on

I love turkey from the oven ~ like the turkey you eat for Thanksgiving.
I love to take reg. bread and have turkey, lettuce, tomatoes and mayo.
With some sweet tea from Publix.


Oh, don't let me forget about desert.

That would be anything with choc. in it.

= )

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answers from Jacksonville on

Sushi! More specifically Volcano rolls and California Rolls :)


answers from Dothan on

Ice Cream, today, tomorrow, yesterday, forever!!!!:)



answers from Chicago on

garden fresh tomatoes with a touch of salt



answers from Daytona Beach on

pizza and ice cream. always since i was little. sometimes i get sick of them. i also love the 1905 sald from Columbia house. YUM! i make it at home and eat the whole thing by myself in just 2 days.


answers from Milwaukee on

Dorita taco salad and strawberries.


answers from Detroit on

Bananas, cooked mushrooms, cucumbers, raspberries. Love me some Taco night!

Wow, good question! I love your answers. Great delicious ideas!



answers from Los Angeles on

Chinese. For some reason I want it all the time.



answers from Rockford on

I go through spells too. I have been craving fruit all the time lately, but that's because the temps insist on being in the 90's and the humidity insists on being about 1000%. Every day. Last fall I had a caramel apple craze for some reason. I ate so many of them over the fall it was ridiculous. Then I just stopped. I perpetually crave cheese though and have my whole life.



answers from Kansas City on

I'm on a diet right now, so my faves are tomatoes and cucumbers, they are so fresh and yummy!! But I could really go for a chicken BBQ pizza, or a sausage one!! YUMMY!!



answers from Portland on

oatmeal with butter and Herbamare, a seasoning mixture.


answers from Provo on

peaches with poppyseed dressing. I have been having that combo with almost every meal. For breakfast and lunch this whole week I have been having a salad with peaches, sunflower seeds, mango, peaches and that dressing, or I will cook a veggie patty and put peaches and dressing on it. Sounds weird, but I dig it!
Tonight I made bruschetta and ate the whole pan, so that might be the new theme...



answers from Seattle on

LOL... yeah, me too.

Chimichurri Sauce. I'm on a major binge.

It's best on red meat, but can be drizzled over just about anything, or used to have food dipped into it. OMG. Heaven!!!


Sammies: Como bread, Garlic Mayo, Spinach, Red Onion, Roasted red peppers, Roast beef, avacado, swiss... toasted openface in the over and then put back together for an absolutely orgasmic sammie.

((Last sammie binge was Philly Cheesesteak. Widdout)

Cereal. Can't explain it, but I've gone through 3 boxes of Crispex lately


Feel it coming on: Fish Tacos.


answers from Kansas City on

i ate salad, carrots with peanut butter, and an ice cream cone for dinner tonight. it was 105 on my way home from work and that hit the spot TOTALLY. i have been hitting the fruits and veggies (and ice cream!) lately. i actually feel better than normal lol.


answers from Sioux City on

Anything that is served to me and I don't have to cook it!!!!!



answers from Portland on

I just discovered how good bananas and Nutella are this week. Don't know why I didn't think of it before but it was a little bit of heaven for my taste buds.


answers from Dallas on

Cherry sours! They were my fav candy when I was little and I found a huge bag at kroger! Sooo happy!


answers from Cincinnati on

Taco salad, and watermelon! (Not together)



answers from Chicago on

just discovered there is one of the best cupcake bakeries right by my work in the area! I consider this a curse but it's so delicious I can't help it. Right now I dream and dream and eat their red velvet cupcakes with the cream cheese frosting. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!



answers from Pittsburgh on

This week - fresh figs, cherries, tomatoes



answers from Joplin on

It is summer, so all my favorite foods are fresh, the tomatoes are so good I have been loving BLT's, Strawberries have been on sale so I have been eating a lot of strawberry and spinach salads with a sweet viniagrette. For no no foods that is a major treat I have to say I am seriously addicted to Bonnaroo Buzz ( Ben & Jerry's ice cream) I can make one last a whole week!
My fave snack has been red grapes! They are so good as a snack when you have been out in the heat or sitting by the pool.


answers from Bloomington on

Anything fresh, I am loving all the fresh from the garden produce! Also, spicy pickles!



answers from San Antonio on

It changes from day to day. Darn pregnancy gravings. Today it was nachos.


answers from San Antonio on

The past 3 weeks, it's been 'watermelon salad.'

You get little slivers of red onion, soak it in some lime juice. Add salt. Add katamala olives. Add feta cheese. Add chunks of watermelon. Toss. Enjoy. It's salty, it's sweet, it's refreshing, it's crunchy, it's soft, it's a lot of tastes and textures all mixed together. Mmmmm.



answers from Detroit on

I have always loved BBQ ribs and there is a place near us that makes the most awesome ribs ever...and roasted potatoes in butter...I could get them for take-out every day...

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