HELP!!! 2 1/2 Yr Old Daughter Will Not Give up the Diapers

Updated on July 30, 2010
G.B. asks from Downers Grove, IL
24 answers

My 2 1/2 yr old daughter know exactly what the big potty is and how to go. She even wants to go before bed. But during the day she does not want to give up her diaper. She will go on the potty if I dont put a diaper on her but once its on....forget it. She also refuses to wear a pull-up.

How can I finally get rid of these things?

Thanks in advance!!!

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answers from Detroit on

She just isn't ready yet. I would not get into a power struggle with her about this. There will be a point in time where she won't want to wear the diapers anymore... and it will probably happen as soon as she knows it doesn't bother you (lol). My daughter was almost 3, and when she decided, it was very simple... never an accident or a problem after she made up her mind that diapers where not going to be part of her life anymore. Good luck :-)

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answers from Seattle on

My idea would be that she really isn't ready yet, even if you are ready for her to be done with them. Give it time and it will happen and she will be done with the diaper.
Or you can just stop buying them - but that might have the reverse effect.
Try to not let it stress you out.

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answers from Portland on

I always chuckle just a bit when people say, "my child will not do...". In this case you can refuse to buy them, she refuses to give them up because you keep providing them.

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answers from San Antonio on

When you run out don't buy anymore...they are all gone. Here are your new big girl undies or you can go "commando".

DON'T use pull-ups they are just the same as a diaper and totally confuse the kid.

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answers from New York on

Get the diapers out of the house and put her in underwear. End of
discussion. Obviously she knows when and how to the use the potty.
Good luck.

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answers from Tulsa on

take them away no more diaper only big girl pants

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answers from Austin on

She is not ready. Her body is not ready.
Our daughter was not ready till 3 1/2..

Give each other a break for a while and see if she actually asks to go to the potty on her own..

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answers from Denver on

big girl panties- let her pick them out
and a rubber bloomer to put over them.

she will hate the feeling of "FEELING" wet! =D It should push her to the toilet. She probably doesn't want to stop having fun during the day long enough to ditch the diaper.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Try getting rid of the diapers casually. "oh, I'm sorry, we're all out of diapers, but that's OK, since you know how to use the potty now" if she asks. Don't make it a big deal, keep it very low key. If she demands that you "get more diapers" tell her you will have to see about that and decide later. If she stops wetting herself you'll know she has physical control, but she just doesn't want to be inconvenienced by having to stop playing and go to the bathroom. If she soils her underwear regularly, I would buy some more diapers. 2.5 is very often just too young. My girls were both trained right around 3, but one of them had the occasional accident for quite some time afterwards.



answers from Chicago on

Buy her some big girl panties with a character that she likes and tell her that diapers are for babies. Tell her she is a big girl and big girls wear panties. My granddaughter was in pull ups and would forget all about the potty. I took the pull ups away except at night or nap time and she has had only 4 accidets in a month. Many mornings her pull up is dry. She is 2 1/2 and you are the boss, so show her that you are in charge and she has to go with the program.


answers from Los Angeles on

Mine is 2 1/2 as well. I think these days kids aren't potty trained until 3 or 4. In my case I find the more I push, the more she regresses. You might need to let her take the lead on her time frame for potty training. Mine will also not wear pull ups and requests diapers after a short time with big girl undies on. I bribe her to wear them while she watches a Dora. But I don't see diapers going away for another 6 months or so. On the other hand, I have a friend who successfully used a three day method to potty training both boys at 2.5. Google it.



answers from Charlotte on



answers from Fresno on

I agree with the other moms. Just get rid of the diapers completely. If she'll go on the potty, you're more than halfway there. Just dedicate a few days to letting her run around bare-bottomed around the house, and work with her on getting to the potty in time. Within a few days she will be reliably potty trained.



answers from Chicago on

I like the suggestion to just "run out" of diapers. Studies show that training is correlated with parental motivation. Sometimes they need us to just say "your too big for diapers."



answers from Eugene on

My daughter is 2 y 7 m & almost potty trained. She loves her diapers. She wears them for naps, bed, and long outings. She begs for them the rest of the time. She says "I need my diaper" I have been saying no you don't need one, use the potty. She is smart enough to know it is just easier with the diaper than getting up and using the potty. I don't buy into the she's not ready. She is past ready, and on to the I'd just rather not. It interrupts her play time. She doesn't like underwear or pullups, I think she finds them uncomfortable. So for now, she has been wearing baggy shorts that make it easy to pull off and use the potty.

Skip the pullups they a waste of money. Changes are she will just go in the pullups too. Use diapers when you need to and gradually have them off for longer periods of time. They will not be needed soon.



answers from Champaign on

My son did this also. We had to take him to the store and let him pick out some character underwear that he was so excited about wearing. I paid almost 20.00 but it was the best thing because he decided he wanted to wear those instead of the diapers. (We did have to go back and buy some largers sizes and some different kinds because they rubbed on his skin but he is fully potty trained now.) We found they can tend to run small so you might have to buy some that are a little big so that they will last a little while.



answers from Dallas on

Girls are usually the easier ones to potty train, and mine was fully potty trained the day she turned 2. BUT I never used diapers again, only at night time and during the day it was underwear only. Anytime you keep using the diapers, she'll keep peeing in them. I knew she was finished with using them for night time when she kept waking up with a dry diaper and then we stopped them too but that was almost at the age of 4 so night time is harder but day time should be easier so take away the diapers and only undies from now on. Good luck and hang in there.



answers from Pittsburgh on

I asked basically this same question a little over a year ago and these ladies told me the same thing. Put big girl panties on her and tell her the diapers are gone forever. She will use the potty. My daughter was in pull ups and she would not use the potty because it was easier to just go where ever she was and wait until I changed her. She never really felt the wetness so it didnt bother her. I took the advice I was given and put panties on her. Within a day, she was running to the potty every time she had to go. Within a week, she was having extremely rare accidents. I totally believe in the cold turkey method. It works.


answers from Rockford on

Children wearing cloth potty train on average 9 months earlier than those in disposables. If you're not using cloth try switching. She won't feel so comfortable wearing a wet diaper when she can feel it. She'll find it's easier just to use the potty chair.
Don't want to wash them? See if you have a diaper service in town. It's worth the cost.



answers from Chicago on

If you really think she is ready put her in underwear during the day not a diaper or pull up! Good Luck



answers from Chicago on

I don't understand why she's in charge of the whole deal. You know she knows how to go on the potty and has the physical control/capability to be fully toilet trained - so quit playing her game or you're going to be playing her game forever and as she gets older, it wont' be pretty.



answers from Chicago on

My first daughter was fully potty trained on her second birthday. My second daughter is 2 1/2 and is fully capable of using the potty. She is still in diapers because she wants to be. Is not changing diapers worth potentially damaging your relationship? My second knows her mind and I am choosing to let her take the lead so we don't end up in a power struggle. Of course I would win but at what cost?



answers from Chicago on

Just get rid of the diapers. No pull ups, just big girl panties. If she will go on the potty when not wearing a diaper you are half way there. Check out Lora Jensen's e-book at We used this cold turkey- no diapers day or night- method and our daughter was potty trained fully within a week. By the way, my daughter never had a dry diaper in the morning but we started limiting her fluids two hours before bedtime and would then take her to the potty before we went to bed (about 10:30) and she has only had about 8 accidents since last September. It's all about getting their bodies used to the feeling of having to go and not having the safety of the diaper. They will never learn those feelings while in diapers or pull ups. It's definately stressful for a few days, but I barely remember her in diapers now. It's an awesome accomplishment for both of you. Good luck!



answers from Detroit on

let her walk around naked that's what i had to do with my son. and then try transitioning into panties. good luck

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