Does Anyone Else Have a Child with ADHD, Then Think the Sibling May Also?

Updated on November 06, 2006
K.B. asks from Biddeford, ME
8 answers

My 5 year old started kindegarden this year, and I just spoke with the teacher. He is having problems concentrating, sliding out of his chair, cant stay focused,ect. I am ready to cry at the thought that my baby might also have adhd. His teacher is goingto start sending home daily charts to log his behavior and try positive reinforcement, if he can earn stars, meaning he completed the task, than we can reward him with something positive. He is all boy, never stops moving, and he is also having problems with fine motor coordination and even with writing his name. Does anyone else have more than one child with adhd? If so, when did you find out? ANY advice or help would be so appreciated!

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answers from New York on

Hi, My 8 year old son has ADHD, PDD, ODD & sensory intergration. He was diagnosed in Kindergarten at 5 years old. I also have a 5 year old who I personally see the same signs that my older son had. i have talked to my 5 year olds teacher and we are going to work together and keep an eye on him. I know how you are feeling, it is so hard, it sounds really bad & I feel like a bad mother, but sometimes I hate having the 2 boys in the same room together because it gets so bad.....I hope it works out for you...




answers from Bangor on

Hi K.,
I've gone thru this for years my daughter at a young age was told she was fine, then was told she was adhd and then in her late teens i had proffesional test on her and she was Mild Mentally Retarded I would focus on getting a doctor to do test on your child. My daughter has gotten worse not better.Sorry for this info but its true teachers and doctors deny it as long as they can not there child they don't care my daughter now is 19 and acts like she is 12 5 years in highschool also cause they never read the paperwork sent to them.Her older sister has np at all. I wish u the best of luck you got a long way down the road but i'll tell you kids like this are very luvable. :)



answers from Springfield on

Hi K.,
I wanted to respond to your post. My son just turned six and has just begun kindergarten. He is going through much of the same issues your son is. I have asked the school to do a complete evaluation, as well as made an appointment with a neuropsychologist. My son has pretty intense sensory issues and has since he was little. We have found a positive change when he is getting occupational therapy to work on the sensory issues as well as the fine motor.
I am not sure if sharing my story helps, but I wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts. Also, if you have not yet asked for an eval or done some outside testing, that might be something to look into. With my son, they think it may be Asperger's as well. If it is that is fine,but it could be a host of other things, so I want to do as much as possible to get an accurate picture of what his needs are. If I can be of any help, please let me know....



answers from New York on

My son had the SAME problems in kindergarten!! I couldn't find anyone to help me until I found a Dr. William Weiss in Middletown. He put a camera on Dean's eyes and checked his rapid eye movement. It turned out that Dean was being overstimulated with the sights, sounds, activities in school and his brain was getting "tired". The rapid eye movement is an idicator as to how someone follows an object. A regular REM will follow back and forth quickly. Dean's REM was very slow and stopping. It was amazing to see. I even asked the doctor, does Dean have add or adhd and his response was, "call it what you want but, he can be helped and it will be permanent."
He put Dean on a series of excerises to build his brain so it wouldn't tire so much. And, when it doesn't tire, then Dean would be able to take in different noises while paying attention in class without getting distracted.
Dean started with the excercises and within 2 months he was a changed boy! I couldn't stop crying of joy and relief. I KNOW what you are going through.
Dean started focusing, stopped acting out, could sit still. He was and still is a model student! Every now and then he acts out but, he now knows to take a 5 minute break to rest. I now tell his teachers that his brain has processing issues and tires easily. And when he starts to act out or can't pay attention, the teacher will let Dean sit out for 5 minutes. I keep a really open communication with his teacher, gym teacher and nurse so they all know this.
Dean also goes for Occupational Therapy at the CT Center for Pediatric Therapy in Wallingford for sensory issues. They are fabulous and they can evaluate your child.
You are not alone and there is help for your child without medications! Trust me, I have been through every behavioral mishap that you could imagine!
Good luck and contact me anytime!



answers from Boston on

My son is 6 and has ADHD since he was about 4. He is now in first grade and is doing wonderful. We had a bunch of tests done on him when he was 4 and he is now on Addreall XR. It is a elixer medication that is a time realeased capsule and it is out of his system every night. He does not complain about taking the med.. He actually reminds me. I ask him all the time how it makes him feel to make sure that it is doing the job. His responces to me are that when he is at his desk doing his work and can actually do it and not worry about what everyone else is doing. Also, in circle time he can sit criss cross apple sauce and mot move around alot. His responces make me feel much better about giving him the med. I am not a person that takes med at all!!! He also has a problem with his fine motor skills. When you take a penny and put it between your thumb and finger then ask him to take it from you his hand shakes trying to grasp it. We went to a nero. and they told me that one of his nerons in his brain is weak. They explained it by saying" if you look at a dice of the 5 side a siginal has to go all around the 4 outside dots before it gets to the middle. If one of the outside dots is weak the siginal will get distrubed and it takes longer to get in the middle that is why his hand shakes". It can be treated by using fine motor skills often. It has been two years and he is doing so much better. Best of luck to you!!



answers from New York on

K., I do not have a child with Add or adhd. But I had a few situations with my daughter that i want to share with you. Every teacher she had until she was in third grade always found something wrong with her. In kindergarten the teacher said she cant pay attention. They thought she had an autitory delay. So they would send her for extra help but when she went for the extra help, because it was a smaller setting she did well. Then in second grade they sent her for a launguage test. She score above average on almost every section. At the end of second grade she was doing stange things, falling on the floor, hitting her head ect. I wont go on anymore but you get idea. Anyway in my opinion the school is not qualified to make decisions. They mean well thats all. I went through two theapist who did positve reinforcments like charts. It helps but finally my peditrician sent me to a Phychiatrist. It was expensive but he started with ruling out things. The first thing was add or adhd or terets. There are so many things. My daughter was very sensitive and shy and was upset because we were moving. Anyway i could go on forever but what im trying to tell you is be careful and make sure you get more then one opinion. I also promote a wellness company that i am very passionate about. I believe that the products or safer and better and has made my daughter in a much better mind set. They also have vitiams and I have testomonials on adhd if you want them. Send me your email address and i will forward. MY website address is If you go into the guest area and enter Username: your and password: future you can read about what chemicals in things we use everyday can harm us. I hope I have helped you I know what is feels like when its your child.... Good Luck



answers from Boston on

I have a family history of ADHD (my older sister), and now have my 4 year old being evaluated for the same thing. She is showing the same behaviors my sister used to have. Poor impulse control, difficulty sitting still, and things of this sort. From what I'm told, she's got classic symptoms.
I don't want her to by stereotyped, so if whatever is found out doesn't make sense to me, I'll look into a second oppinion.
We affectionately call her "Hurricane Hannah", but it's really not a joke! She goes and goes non-stop from the moment she gets up at 6:30am, until about 8pm, when she finally crashes for the night.
She has not napped on a regular basis since she was about 2 years old, which is becoming an increasing problem at her daycare. She even goes and tries to wake the kids who DO sleep, because she's got nothing else to do.
I can't allow her behavior to continue without investigating other solutions. She is the 3rd child in a family of 4 kids, and I don't want my other kids thinking that this sort of behavior is acceptable.
I actually had similar issues with my oldest son who is almost 9. Still, every once in a while, I get recurrent notes home from his teachers regarding his behavior. Not really sure if I should have him evaluated also.
Good luck with you!!



answers from Boston on

Hi-- I don not have a child with adhd-- I have been diagnosed with adult ADD and I know my son struggles but you hav eto give a lot of weight to the fact they are all boy and it is sometimes just hard for them to adjust to school-- 2nd grade is 100 times better than first!! Not sure if that helps but maybe he's just over active and not ADHD

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