Any One Else Feel like a Jungle Gym?

Updated on October 20, 2011
J.S. asks from Green Cove Springs, FL
9 answers

AHHH, this kid is driving me nuts! I love the fact that she wants to cuddle me, but good grief, I am covered in bruises! She is three and a big three, 3 foot 3 and 35 lbs, and she pretends that she is scared (or something actually does scare her) and she comes running and climbs up on my lap. Which is fine, but the kid can NOT sit still! Then I get elbows dug into my legs, arms, and ribs or she turns on her knees to hug me, then I have knees dug into my legs. I think I need to wear football gear all the time!

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answers from Boston on

Story of my life J.! My daughter is constantly hanging on me!!!! Drives me nuts. But someday we will miss this - right?? ;)

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answers from Pittsburgh on

My son is almost 6, and he's 55 lbs., and it's the exact same thing! He's very affectionate, which I love, but he's also a bull in a china shop! He'll come barrelling up to me, blast into me, nearly knock me down... to give me a hug... LOL And I get the same thing... constant elbows in the thighs, boobs, wherever he sticks them... and they are boney! So yeah, I can relate!

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answers from Kansas City on

what lee said lol. mine is 5 and 50 lbs. not sure how tall he is but close to 4 feet. cuh-lum-see!!! i am constantly having to tell him to be GENTLE - get your elbow out of my ribs, watch the feet, don't use me to get up...etc etc etc...just another thing we have to teach them...and one of those things that has to be repeated hundreds of

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answers from Chicago on

I know the feeling....and it's always at the most challenging time...When I want to give hugs and such they can't be bothered but when I am busy trying to do something then I've got three kids that won't let up...LOL!



answers from Dallas on

Yep, have a 45inch, 50lb 4.5 year old boy. He does the same thing. Gotta remind him to be gentle, say ouch, and tell him that ouch means stop/be careful. But ya gotta love the little buggers dumping love on ya :)



answers from Cleveland on

Mine will come running from the other side of the room and jump on me... and god forbit daddy and mommy hugs where the kids can see - it ends up being a family hug with 3 of them rushing us first. They have chilled out a little becuase they are scard of hurting "Eva" which is due next month, but they still do fun up to me and almost knock me down for hugs when I am standing up.

And if I lay down when the kids are up - I am a true jungle gym... they are all over me including the 15 mo old - which means all 4 of them.

Sorry, but being a jungle gym is just another job of a loving mom.



answers from Dover on

In our house a lap is an invitation. If I am sitting they are on me. If they are not on me they are beside me....and on me. They are so close that I can't move my arm to eat food or take a drink or answer the phone. And then I feel bad because I am having to continually say, "Can you move over just a little?"

But, then they get bigger and they don't want to be with me as much and that's a little sad, so I feel bad then, too.

Oh, the joys of parenting!


answers from Milwaukee on

Yup, that's my son. He would crawl back into me if it were possible. He's always crawling all over me and I'm constantly bruised somewhere.

My husband gets it the worst. I don't know how many bloody noses he's had. I honestly thought his nose was broken twice.

I get REALLY mad when he runs into my back. He KNOWS I have back issues so that turns into a scene when it happens.


answers from Kansas City on

Ohh yea... I have a busy body little boy who climbs me every chance he gets. My hair is almost ALWAYS in a mess and I am also covered in little bruises. My boy can also not sit still for one minute. Up and over! Under and upside down,like a little monkey LOL!

Getting anything done with him is a mission. Diaper change - he is gone like a lightning bolt - same with getting dressed or putting on shoes... I have to bribe him with yogurt to sit still for me.. but even then.. jeez! LOL

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