Moms Are Talking About Right Now


How do you do this friendship thing for an 8-year old? PART 2

J. G. asks from Westfield

Hi Ladies - last year, I posted about the tough time my 8-year-old son has had with making friends outside of school. Shortly after my post, my son did make a very good friend who lived around the corner. I was so happy he finally made a good friend in the neighborhood...


Should I kick out adult daughter or let her have a car?

J. G. asks from Morgantown

My adult step daughter is living with me again to help out my mother in law and I and it's a nightmare. She has never warmed up to me. My husband died and wanted me to give her a car and a RV and some money to pay of her student loans. But he didn't put it in writing...


I put my teenage daughter in a psych hospital did I do the right thing?

A. J. asks from Tampa

She shoved my husband's best friend Chris and he fell in the pool on the fourth. His phone is ruined and he sprained his ankle. Chris wanted to press charges. We asked her what happened. She said he gave her something she was thought was a snack but it was a edible and...


My 8 Year Old Daughter won't poop at school?

O. W. asks from Raleigh

My daughter is a normal healthy girl with no other health problems but seems to come home with stomach pains, after talking with her she tells me she doesn't feel like she can poop in the school bathrooms, She worries she will be made fun of by the other girls, any advi...


How do I get my 13 year old son to cooperate with braces?

D. M. asks from La Mesa

My son is 13, is on the autism spectrum and had braces put on about six months ago. He has a really bad cross bite and crowding to the point where Invisalign isn't an option, and his teeth are just too horrible to leave alone. The day we had the braces put on, he had ...


How did you address your son'

R. F. asks from Buena Park

How did you approach the sensitive subject with your son and am I doing the right thing? My son Jack and I have been on our own for a couple of years now and all things considered, we are doing pretty good. When we lost my husband, his father, my biggest concern was ...


How Do Galactagogues Work?

by Brooke Nally

Things are always better in color, right? Colorful photos, colorful fashion, colorful makeup palettes, and for today’s extra special treat—colorful galactagogues, or more specifically, the rainbow of galactagogues…. More


Coach By Example...Your Kids Are Listening

by Kristy Pepping of Upparent

On your mark, beep! I dive into the icy cold pool, goggles on, with a range of emotions. Can I do this? It’s been years since I donned a race suit and swam in competition mode. What is everyone thinking about me? Will I make my family proud or disappointed? But I’m doing this for my daughter, despite my fear and reservations…. More


Make Sure to Enjoy Your Travels with These Tips

by Sienna Penfold

Traveling is one of the best things you can do in life. It gives you the time to relax, get out of your comfort zone, and meet amazing people. Whenever you have the chance to hit the road, make sure to use the opportunity. But traveling without a plan and directions can be stressful. Luckily, the internet is here to help with some excellent advice on smooth and relaxing trips…. More