Stages & Milestones: Preschooler, Saline Drops

28 answers

7 Month Old Waking up During Night

Hello, I am desperate for some advice and will try and keep this as condensed as possible. My 7 month old for the past week and a half has been waking up 3-5 times a night and it making me a very crabby person. I recently switched hours at work and need to be up at 5am which has been challenging with my son waking up so much. I still am nursing and it seems the only thing that puts him back to sleep is if I feed him for a couple of minutes until he passes out. My husband tries to get him back down with both rocking, and a bottle. That...

Eating Solid Foods & Weaning

See all 8 articles
18 answers

Can't breathe...can't Nurse - HELP!

My daughter is being treated for an ear infection and has a virus of some sort. Last night, she couldn't nurse because she was so stuffed up. I tried everything: humidifier, steam shower, brought her out in the cold, aspirated her nose. NOTHING worked, so she went to bed without nursing. This morning - same thing. I had to just give her breakfast and I plan to pump in a bit. Neither of us are ready to wean, but I'm not sure what else to do...HELP!


How Do I Wean?

How do I wean my 11 mos old that will not eat other foods? She'll eat foods...


Solid Food Advice

Hi, I am a mom to twin 6 month olds and we have just begun solid foods...