Social Life: Infant, Curves

Results 1-10 from 12 articles

Curves for Women - Love It, Hate It, Indifferent???

C.O. asks from Milwaukee

I'm very interested in joining a fitness center before winter. I'm curious to hear any good or bad experiences with Curves. I have had a Bally's membership before bu...


Seeking Small Baby Support

C.W. asks from Minneapolis

Happy Mother's Day everyone! I'm writing looking for support/stories from those of you that have small babies and toddlers. My husband and I are not big people and ...


Need to Lose Weight After 3Rd Baby at Age 38

L.O. asks from Nashville

I was just wondering if anyone new of a good excercise program or weightloss program. I have been so depressed. I have gained about 50 lbs and I cant seem to lose it....


How Do You Make Friends?

C.W. asks from Oklahoma City

Hi, I was wondering how you make friends when you move to a new town. I have a lot of friends where I used to live, but I've had them for so long that I'm not really...


Postpardom Depression Advice

L.A. asks from Greensboro

I'm wondering if I should seek help for my depression. I am a first time mother of an energetic 11 month old. I love being a mother, but I feel that is my only iden...


Eating Healthy

K.L. asks from Austin

I have been trying to lose weight for the last 5 years or so, and it's always a failed mission. My husband won't let me cook anything healthy. If I do, I have to cook...


Help! I Feel like Rip Van Winkle!

J. asks from Chicago

Okay, here's my story: I had my children as a "mature Mom" having both my kids in my 40's....for the first time they will both be in school full time in a few weeks ...



E.B. asks from Little Rock

I am 28 years old with 4 children , and a husband. I feel really depess and stress out all the time . I stay at home all the time and never want to go anywhere.My chi...


Advise on Helping My 7 Yr. Old Start Losing Weight Any Tips

K.S. asks from Los Angeles

My son has gained 40 lbs in the past 2 yrs. He has grown 5 in but he is defiantly becoming obese now. I just took him to the dr. and am working on a meal plan, but ...


Depression or Laziness?

J.M. asks from Austin

I hope this is an issue that some of you will understand. Lately I have noticed that I am super tired and lethargic for most of the day. Blood work checked out fine...