Sleep Problems: Ellaroo

See all 8 articles
66 answers

Ring Sling for Breastfeeding

I was wondering if anyone had success using a ring sling for carrying their baby? I have 3 baby carriers already (Peanut is too squished, Ellaroo wrap... kind of impractical, and the Bjorn... I use it the most, but can't breastfeed!)but I really want one that I can use to breastfeed without using both arms while out and about. My baby feeds so frequently, and I'm tired of just sitting on my couch all day :) I was looking at the Zolowear cotton ring sling, but someone told me the Maya wrap is more popular, and a little bit...


Sling Baby Carriers

I'm wondering if any of you moms could recommend and/or give me some...

Sleep Schedule Changes

29 answers

First Time Mom Needs Advice on Sleep and Routine

I need help! I am a first time SAHM to a 3 month old little girl. I am really confused on making a routine. My baby goes to sleep and wakes up the same time each day, but during the day nothing is ever the same. Sometimes she takes really good long naps, and sometimes she take two or three ten minutes naps. Sometimes she doesn't take any naps at all. Is this normal? I've read that I am suppose to try to put her down when she is awake, is that true for naps too? When I have tried she wakes herself up then cries forever, until she...

Sleep Training

15 answers

3 Month Old Will Not Take Naps in Crib

I have a 3 month old who will sleep in his crib at night but will not take a nap in his crib during the day. I have "blacked" out his room so lighting is not the issue. I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem. He will sleep in the swing during the day or on me. I'm getting frusturated and nervous b/c we are going on a vacation in a month and don't want to have to pack the swing accross the country! Any advice will be appreciated