Skin Problems: Similac

15 answers

Parents Choice Formula

I would like to get opinions on the Parents Choice Infant & Toddler Formula. I have noticed the price difference compared to other formulas but just wondering if it's a good formula. Thanks in advance for any helpful info.


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12 answers

Good Start Formula vs Similac vs Nutramigen

I have been breastfeeding my daughter pretty much exclusively until about 6 weeks old when I started supplementing more with formula. I had tried the Similac Advanced early on b/c it claimed to be more like breastmilk. But I had to eliminate dairy in my diet b/c it caused her lots of gas and colic. Since then we have gotten some prescription colic meds and have been using mylicon a lot and its better. I eventually switched to Nutramigen. It is so expensive and since I am doing half breastmilk half formula bottles for when I go to work, I...

Eczema & Hives

6 answers

Anyone Had a Child Allergic to Formula?

I'm almost exclusively breastfeeding my almost 5 month old daughter. Because I was starting to worry about not having enough milk, we opted to supplement once with a milk-based formula (she had shown no previous allergies). She seemed fine until her stool the next day had a few teeny strands of blood (very teeny, classic of milk allergy which my son had). She only had one diaper with that reaction and I immediately went off dairy. With my older son, I also went off soy, but I wanted to start one thing at a time. We go for a week,...