Night Waking & Crying: Infant, SwaddleMe

Results 1-10 from 84 articles

Sleeping in the Night

Y.C. asks from New York

I'm a new mom of an almost 4 week old little boy. we've been trying to train him to learn the difference between day and night since he happens to stay up between 3-5...


Getting a Baby to Sleep Longer Through the Night.

M.H. asks from Dallas

Just wondering if anyone had any tips, techniques, advice on getting a baby to sleep longer through the night. I have a 7 week old who was sleeping 5 to 6 hours thro...


Sleeping Thru the Night??

S.F. asks from Dallas

Am I expecting too much? Our daughter is 6 1/2 weeks old, and we are feeding her every 4 hours. She takes about 4-5 ounces at every feeding. She usually naps a little...


Weissbluth and Night Eating?

K.D. asks from Chicago

Hi there. I am the first-time mom of a 4month and one week-old (19 weeks). I'm very interested in using Weissbluth and we have been pretty good about the sleeping e...


What Do You Really Need for an Infant?

L.L. asks from Hartford

So it's been 8 years since I last had a baby to care for. I am expecting again and am at a loss for what I really need and trying to prioritize. I have looked at many...


How Much Sleep Does My Baby Need?

T.M. asks from Dallas

I have a 10 week baby girl and my pediatrician has always just called her one of those "fussy" babies. But, now I'm thinking it might just be related to not getting ...


Newborn + Breastfeeding + Middle of the Night Cosleeping = Po'd Husband - HELP

S.G. asks from Chicago

We have a two week old - yay! He's nursing great, however he's had his days and nights mixed up. We have been successful at keeping his up more and more during the ...


4 Mo Wont Sleep Alone at Night HELP!

L.P. asks from El Paso

My 4 mo son wont sleep alone at night. We place is playpen right next to the bed at night. He'll be fast asleep in my arms or on the couch but as soon as his back tou...


Advice? Baby List

J.K. asks from Fayetteville

What were some things that you jay couldn't live without when you had a baby? Different brands, different must haves?


Help! Baby WONT Sleep

K.G. asks from Pittsburgh

My daughter is now about 6 weeks old. Within the last week, she has stopped going back to sleep after eating at night. She will only sleep if i'm holding her. Even if...