Nap & Bedtime: Infant, Gerber

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12 answers

My Infant Does Not Sleep

My baby is 5 months old and has yet to sleep through the night. She wakes up to eat every two hours still. She throws anything up that is not breast milk and she now refuses to take a bottle of breast milk. She only wants to nurse. Has anyone gone through this?


Cry It Out Method

Hey ladies. I have a baby that is almost 7 months old. He is breast fed and...


Baby Wont Sleep

Hi my baby is 3.5 months old. She use to sleep pretty good (mesning I could...


My Newborn's Sleep

My baby grunts a lot and wakes herself up or just grunts a long time in her...

Night Waking & Crying

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18 answers

Introducing Gerber Baby Food

Hello moms.... My DS will be 6 months on the 7th and has been Exclusivly Breastfeed with the exception of one week of rice cereal at 4 1/2 mo cause my doc told me I had to but he didnt do well with it (stomache ache, gas, digestive problems) so I stopped it. well now were comming up on the 6 mo were I am suppose to introduce food to him and I think he is ready he is very intrested in my plate and what were question how much do you feed him like a squash/peaches half a jar each does he get this 3 times a day do I have to feed...


Am I over Feeding??

My 6 wks old daughter is eating about 4oz. every 3 hours, but sometime after...