Beauty: Epi Pen

13 answers

New Allergy: Itchy Hives!

I am going crazy! I have never had an allergic reaction to anything in my life, this is all new at 31. I have not started new foods/products or anything that we can figure out. Here is the short story: One day I had some itchy bumps on my legs and I thought it was razor burn or something well each day after that it progressed all the way up to a full blown allergic reaction where my face/hands/feet swelled and it was hard to breathe. Well I have been working w/ an allergist for several months and he tested me for the regular allergic prick...


Is It Eczema?

My 7 month old has been having these dry, rough pinkish places come up like...

Skin & Bodycare

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13 answers

Play Date and Allergies?

My daughter is 6 years old, has a tree nut allergy and starting to embrace the "play date." She has an epi-pen, and knows how to use it. How do you all handle play dates? When do you share that she has an allergy, before date set up or the day of? Do you assume the host parents need educated on how to use an epi-pen? I am very comfortable with the situation, but I know others may not be as comfortable. I don't want to scare people off from her inviting her, but I also want her to be safe. Any ideas or suggestions, or stories of what has...