Beauty: Child, Aquaphor

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50 answers

6 Year Old Daughter with Chronic Ear Eczema

Hi- My nearly 6 year old daughter has had chronic eczema behind her ear since she was 3 years old. We have tried many approaches to heal it: homeopathy (myself through books) - healed it for 6 months or so, gluten-free diet - only managed 3 weeks on it to no effect, steroid cream from my dh's dermatologist (reluctantly out of desperation) - caused it to spread to the other ear & scalp. I tend not to believe that a dermatologist can heal with steroids - they just supress symptoms. Steroids have never helped anyone in my family, in fact, made...

Hair Care

See all 39 articles
13 answers

How Do I Get My 5 Year Old to Drink More Water?

How do I get my 5 year old to drink more water? I'm assuming this is what he needs. With the cold weather, his lips are constantly dry & starting to chap. *PART 2* It looks like I need to clarify a bit. The problem with my child is he doesn't think he needs to drink. We have a fridge with an automatic dispenser but it's not enticing to him. He doesn't care if it's juice or water or milk, he just doesn't seem to want to drink anything.


Skin & Bodycare

See all 17 articles
14 answers

Skin Care Problems for Mom

Before I had my daughter I had great skin that needed very little work done to it. Now that I've had her I swear the total chemistry of my skin has changed! I'm having oily & dryness along with random breakouts. I don't know much about skin care due to being so lucky early on in life. I've already wasted close to $100 trying different products. I've tried Biore, Mary Kay, Noxema & Proactive. I have really sensitive skin so the Proactive & Noxzema turned me bright red and made my skin super sensitive. The Biore just made me break...