Tubes in Ears and Adnoids Removed

Updated on March 24, 2010
L.D. asks from Greenville, TX
17 answers

This is kind of a 2 part question ....

My son is getting his adnoids removed and tubes put in his ears this Thursday.

Part 1 question: How long is the recovery for both of these?? What was your experience?

Part 2 question: How do I explain to my son what is going to happen? He's 3 1/2, super smart, but halfway afraid of doctors/hospitals/new people. I want him to be prepared, but not to terrify him. I don't want to just show up to the hospital and tell him he has to have this done -- I want him to be aware that we are doing this for his good, and he will be okay. (and so will I ....) What did you do to prep your young one??? And how did they do?

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So What Happened?

Well, we're home from the surgery and everything went great!!!
The "silly juice" was AWESOME! He could have cared less that he was leaving us (which is not like him).
The only thing that I would have like to have known (not that it could have been prevented, but that I could have been more prepared) is that he would be SO super scared after surgery. The nurses said that it was completely normal and they all do it ... He was crying hysterically and kind of screaming while trying to come out of his anesthesia. Like I said, I couldn't prevent it, but knowing would have helped!
But I do appreciate everyone's help .... ya'll helped a ton! It is just 3 short hours since we got home from the hospital and he is up and running all over the house! Thank you God!

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answers from Dallas on

3 of my boys have had this done and recovery is within the day. It was hard for me to make them rest.

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answers from San Diego on

Have you considered a Chiropractor before taking this aggressive measure? I'm speaking of the tubes in his ears...I can assure you that if you had your son adjusted on a regular basis. he would not need to go through this procedure. My husband is a Chiropractor and I have seen children change drastically after going through treatment. Our bodies are amazing if you only give the chance to work on it's own. That's basically what a Chiropractor would do for him, it would adjust his spine to send the right signals to his ears.
Do me a favor and look up Subluxation.
Hope this helps!Have a GREAT Day!

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answers from Burlington on

Hi L.,

He's probably allergic/intolerant to something he's eating.

Good luck,
: )Maureen

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answers from Dallas on

My son had tubes in/adnoids removed at the same time. He was almost 4. Be honest with him. Tell him what is going to happen- going to the hospital, getting the neat jammies to wear while at the hospital, a nurse will come talk to you and give you 'silly juice', you will get a little sleepy and once you are sleeping the tubes will go in and you will be back in the room with me. Once you wake up we will go home. That is on his level and nothing should sound scary. Just be prepared for him to not want to wake up. The nurse wanted my son to drink a juice box or eat a popsicle before we could go home and he only wanted to sleep. He was irritated and fussy when we had to change his clothes from the hospital pj's back to his clothes. Then he threw up. I guess the anesthesia didn't agree with him.
Let him take is blanket, stuffed animal or what ever brings him comfort.
As for recovery time, he was back to playing and having fun that same evening after a good nap. Our surgery was on a Thursday and he was just dandy that night.



answers from Dallas on

My only suggestion is to make sure that you tell him, but not too far in advance. Like maybe the night before. I made the mistake of telling my son about his appt for a flu shot 2 or 3 days early. He is not scared at all of going to the doctors and has never blinked an eye, but he had too much time to think about it and whined/ fussed/ resisted the whole way to the office and was crying before we even put him on the doctors table.



answers from Los Angeles on

Maybe try to compare how when he lets you put medicine and band aids on his boo boos that they get better and that the doctor has to put some bigger medicine on his throat to make it better. I think it also helps to have the doctor explain a little bit too, so he doesn't think that you are the only one forcing him to do it. Also, totally helpful if you get an anastesiologist that has kids of their own, they really care for you and care for your kids just like their own. Mine blew up a rubber glove and painted a face on it and made sure the mask had banana scent in it, my son's favorite. He really put my son at ease before hand. Mention all of the ice cream he'll get. Get the earliest surgery appt. you can, making a kid go without food, is very difficult. Good luck!



answers from Portland on

My daughter went through this at 3. We just told her she had a booboo in her ear and we needed to get it fixed. She recovered quickly.
Just uncomfortable the first day and then needed the pain medicine the next two nights when she woke up with her throat hurting.
Call the children's hopsital and ask them what their procedure is. Lots of times they take the child away in a wagon and put them under before they even put them in a gown. If the child is too stressed about it they can also give a calming medicine served in juice. He may not understand what is going to happen and it may freak him outif you explain it to him. Keep it simple but call and ask the hospital too.



answers from Richmond on

My son just had his adenoids removed and a 3rd set of tubes put in in November. He was 3 1/2 at the time. We told him that we were going to the doctors and they were going to give him some medicine to make him sleep and that they were going to fix his ears to make them all better. We told him that his ears and his throat might hurt a little but that it would get better fast and that he would be just fine. He was ok with everything. We brought his portable dvd player to occupy him prior to being taken into surgery and we just kept him in his pajamas that morning.

My son had a rough time waking up after surgery. He just cried and cried and cried but they gave him some medicine to calm him and ease the pain. He drooled a lot because he didn't want to swallow b/c his throat hurt. We got him home and he laid on the couch all day - we tried not to let him walk around b/c he was so unsteady on his feet. He complained most of the day about his throat. The only thing he ate all day were 2 jello pudding pops. The next morning when he woke up it was as if nothing ever happened!!

Good luck to your son and you too!

Oh and make sure not to give your son anything red to eat for the first day or two (so you know whether bleeding is an issue or not). Also keep your son hydrated for the 2 weeks following so the cuts in the throat heal and don't dry out (as gross as that sounds)!



answers from Raleigh on

Both my sons had tubes put in their ears...It was such a quick procedure and they were in and out of there in no time. They were groggy and cranky for the next 24hrs or so but they did fine. Both of them were almost 2 years before they had it done...They were nervous, but most of the time the docs that do that are SO familiar with it that they are very upbeat and make the kids feel at least that's what my experience was.....I have never experienced the adnoid part of the surgery so I can't offer any advice on that part. Good luck to your son:)



answers from Savannah on

Hi. My daughter had tubes at 18 months but her adnoids/tonsils removed at almost 4yrs old. We simply told her she was going to the doctor and explained they would take her and when she woke up she would have a sore throat. We told her it wouldn't be bad because she was going to get all the ice cream and treats she wanted. Our daughter is not afraid of hospitals/doctors/new people though so she went no problem. But we did talk about it prior and continually let her know we would be there as soon as she was done with the drs. We also let her know besides the treats that she was going to get some presents and watch lots of movies. (we got her a couple dollar store gifts and a new movie).

With her ear tubes...recovery was insanely fast. Within a couple hours she was running all over the place like nothing happened. There was drainage and it was gross...but that was the only sign she had anything done. She never complained about it at all. The adnoids/tonsils was a lot harder to recover from. The first day she was fine for the most part...groggy from the meds (which I will warn you he will be VERY irritable and upset when he wakes up from surgery---but it will pass within an hour or two). She was really good about drinking and eating popsicles and icecream on Day 1. She laid around alot and watched movies all day. Day 2 she was slighly more irritable and it was a little tougher to get her to drink/eat but she still would do it. Day 3 was THE hardest. I've heard this is because the scabs are healing and it hurts. She was extremely moody and near impossible to get her to eat/drink. We had to bribe her a lot since if she doesn't drink she'd wind up back in the hospital for dehydration. Her doctor also told us to focus mostly on fluids to ensure she was hydrated but of course if she wanted to eat give her food. By Day 4 she was getting better and asking for other food besides yogurt and ice cream.
We also bought Ensure (so she'd have calories as well as fluids). So basically that surgery is going to be the tougher one but he'll be ok. My daughter actually enjoyed getting to watch movies all day and snuggle on the couch with mommy and be lazy. She never really watches tv so this was a big treat for her. So try and find something low key (like movies, reading, puzzles, etc) to keep him resting so he'll get better quicker.

Oh and if he's a snorer now or deep prepared for him to be silent. I was so freaked out the first night after her surgery because she was sooooo quiet. I kept checking on her because I was used to hearing her breathe thru the monitor.

Hope this helps! good luck!



answers from Nashville on

Well, I would leave out the adenoid part of the surgery b/c really....there's no need to explain that part. At least I didn't with mine. =0) Is your 3 1/2 yr old really responsive to books?? If so...this is the best book! It's called Chris Gets Ear Tubes. I also got the Goodbye Tonsils for my firstborn who had her tonsils removed at age 3. Both of my children are very responsive to books, so they were great for us. My firstborn is now 6 and STILL reads that silly Goodbye Tonsils book. Check it out online:

However, with the surgery so close, you may be able to find a copy at a local bookstore or even a library?? Or you could pay for overnight shipping which is what I did with our Goodbye Tonsils book. LOL The books were so helpful for my kids that our ENT now displays them on his board in his office and now recommends them to all his small patients. =0) Good luck. Your little man will be just fine! The surgery will last about 30 minutes and he'll be back to normal by bedtime. Eating and fine that very next day! Just keep ontop of those drops and meds like clockwork. You will love your antibiotic free life!!!! I promise! =0)



answers from Indianapolis on

Tough ones - my youngest had his first round of tubes right at his first birthday. He then had to have two more tube placements and adnoids removed with the final tubes. He was young enough that there wasn't a lot of understanding on his part - but his last one was about 2.5 years. We explained to him that it was going to make him feel better and no more ear pain. He wasn't too worried going in (not near as much as me). I tried hard not to show my nervousness and made the whole getting changed into the hospital gown sort of fun - we took pictures and all. I will say the absolute worst part is when they take him from you to the surgery room. My son cried and reached for me while hollering for Mommy - brutal! Although, I won't lie and say it's not that bad - it only lasts a couple of minutes and then they are out. I do think we suffer more on that one - it broke my heart. But he has no memory of it and was totally fine. Another hard part is waiting to see him after they are done - I wanted to be with him immediately but of course there is a short post op periord - it is short. He was droggy the first day and it took a couple of days (with all three) to really feel good - but I can't remember any of the recovery being too bad. A lot of cuddles!:) The best part is - once they removed my son's adnoids - he hasn't had any major trouble since. We have had a few ear aches - but nothing like before. Good Luck - and be strong! :)



answers from Dallas on

I just have to add one thing mostly for you. My hearing at 4 as well as my grandsons at 19 mo had really gotten bed and after surgery the noises were soooo much louder it might make him a bit nervous. We had to turn down the tv, radio as well as our tone of voice. It will all be worth it.
God bless you & your family.



answers from Dallas on

My son had tubes put in at 18 months so he was a bit young to do much explaining. All we said was that were going to help his ears stop hurting. In terms of recovery time ... the most difficult part was the 15-20 minutes immediately after the 5 minute procedure. He was very groggy and out of it which was probably hardest on me. By the time we left the hospital (within an hour after the procedure) on our way home to "rest and recover", he was his normal chatty self. By the time we actually made it home, it was if nothing happened that morning and it was normal hyper toddler day! I gave up on trying to force him to rest and just let him be.



answers from Dallas on

I do not think there is that much of a recovery time. Just to be save, i think we did soft foods for that first day.
He will be scared because of the hosptial but he shouldnt be sore.
I told my son that we were have surgery so that his ears would not hurt anymore, and everything will be better afterward. There is really no way to explain to your child...just be there with him and hold his hand. Tell him you love him and it will all be over soon.



answers from Dallas on

When our little girl was to have her tonsils out, We went shopping found the most beautiful gown and housecoat we could fine and also house shoes . Letting help pick out everthing for the Hospital. We packed her suit case togather ,Puting tolitries and everthing in her bag. We explained to her the nurse would be very nice and and they would let her go to sleep for a little while and remove her Tonsils and Adnoids. She would be given icecream when she woke up. All went well. It was a great thing to get them out. So she could be well. your Friend


answers from Miami on

Good Morning! Yes explain to him that they are going to fix his ears and that everything will be just fine! I had this same procedure done for my nice/daughter; and she was not hurt at all; and now she truly hears me when I whisper I love you into her ears! It only took a day for her to be back to normal and the tubes came out about 6 months after being placed! She is now hearing her teachers and everything fine. Good Luck and we wish your son a speedy recovery also! In our prayers,
Kathy N. & Family

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