Help Getting Things Going

Updated on December 21, 2008
D.L. asks from Bakersfield, CA
22 answers

Hi, my name is Dani and I am 39 weeks along. I seem to have back tracked. I went from 60%effaced to 25% and from a station -2 to a -4. I did not dilate on my own with my first child, had to be induced. I am wanting to try to get this baby moving right along, but do not know what to do. Can not have sex as it is WAY to painful for me. I do nat want to try the castor oil in fear of it making baby sick. I have been walking 1-2 miles a day, and even was having regular contractions Saturday night, but they stopped after 5 hours so we were sent home. I know I should just wait and let things go on their own, but my fear is that I will end up having to be induced on Monday if I don't go naturally. Doc wont wait because of last time. (for some strange reason my does not like to dilate on its own). Please help, I dont want the pit again.

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answers from San Francisco on

I took castor oil and it was fine. I also had sex and eggplant parmesan (I saw something on good morning america that said there was some enzyme in it). I went into labor that night. BUt since I did all 3 things who knows which helped the most.

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answers from San Francisco on

HI D.,
I might not be much help but I went to a mothers club meeting where a massage gal gave us tips on ways to reduce stress to ourselves by pressing on pressure points on our body. There was one that she said DO NOT DO if you are pregnant cause it will cause you to go into labor. I would look up massage and pressure points and I bet you will find the spot and how to do it. If I remember it right is was on your hand.
Also, I had my Dr's swipe my membranes to help me along 2 weeks before my due date. I dont know of any other things besides what you already tried and what others suggested.
I know lots of woman don't agree with drugs at all but I have to share how beautiful it is to have a child and be fully present and take part after an epidural. I have gotten to aid in pulling two babies out durring delivery and it was amazing. If I were in terrible pain I don't think I would have even cared about participating in that way. The Dr delivers the head and shoulders and I reached down and put my hands under the arm pits and pulled them out the reast of the way. It is the coolest thing.
Good Luck,

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answers from San Francisco on

My nurse midwife told me about nipple pulling....literally have your husband pull on your nipples as if he were milking a cow.......doesn't have to be hard,just firm. My water burst 18 hours before I went into labor and i tried other things, but within a short time of nipple pulling(simulates breast feeding and releases those hormones in brain)I was in full labor. Also visualize opening up and letting go,like a bud opening up....birth is about letting go....very important!

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answers from San Francisco on

Well this is what my aunt who had 4 kids told me to do and it worked because the next morning I went in to labor at 4:30am. I was 6 days early too. Scrub the bathtub on your hands and knees... imagine trying to get the enamel off of it. Then vacuum the entire house with the self-propel off so you are having to yank and push. I then went and sat open legged (v position) on the floor with my pelve leaned forward.
Good luck! :)

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answers from Sacramento on

Around my 5th month of pregnany I came down with a bad virus and all I wanted was Tazo Passion Fruit Ice Tea. Little did I know that this causes contractions....big time. When I went to the doctor, he flipped becuase that particular tea is really dangerous to drink early in pregnancy. He told me to hold onto it until I was close to my due date then drink it to stimulate things. You can buy the tea bags at any Starbucks. I was seriously drinking a cup an hour. You might call your doc to get approval first but from my "accidental" discovery, this really works!

Good Luck!

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answers from San Francisco on

Why would you have to be induced on monday? Not everyone goes exactly 40 weeks. A woman can go anywhere between 38 and 42 and be considered normal. After 42 the placenta can begin to degrade and that would be the ONLY time you would need to be induced (or for other mother related health issues) Don't worry. Your Dr wants to keep a tight schedule. Don't let him scare you with induction talk. That's why I had a midwife attend my home birth. None of that pressure. Take control of your birth. Make a birth plan (if you haven't already) and give it to your Dr. How far along were you last time when you didn't dilate? Probably at 40 weeks also. Your body and your baby just wasn't ready yet. Trust your body and reclaim your right to birth within nature's time frame -not man's. Congratulations!



answers from San Francisco on

Hi D.,
Congratulations, you're almost there!!
The yoga trick is to get on hands and knees and do deep hip rolls. Not only does this feel GREAT but it gets baby in the best position and can really help get things moving. Also, practicing some meditation techniques such as visualization can work wonders. Let yourself lie in a comfortable position, take some deep breaths and visualize everything relaxing and opening up; you can repeat a mantra with this such as "I am opening up with ease and grace". The mind is very, very powerful.
Kissing (make out style) & nipple pulling also can both work as they release oxytocin which is what needs to happen.
Good luck!



answers from Sacramento on

Hi Dani,

Please remember something very important...this is your body and your pregancy and your baby and your delivery!!! You do not have to get pit (I told them no and they respected that) and you do not need to think about induction until you are 2 weeks overdue. Sounds like your Dr. is trying to run the show...let Mother Nature and your baby do that. Listen to your body and be patient with your baby. My first was 13 days over-due and my second was 7 days over-due. Slow down and tell your baby that you're ready when he/she is. Trust in yourself!

Hang in there!



answers from San Francisco on

Hi D
Congratulations! Get a pedicure...that might help get things going!
Good luck!



answers from San Francisco on

Hi Dani! I don't understand why your doctor wants to induce when you're not even past 40 weeks yet. If there is no problem with your baby (and I mean a REAL problem, like extremely low fluid levels or an irregular heartbeat) then there is no reason to induce, certainly not before 42 weeks. Try to relax and let nature take its course. Your body is sending you all sorts of signals that tells you it is warming up for labor. I'm sorry that your trust in your body was taken from you last time. But that doesn't mean your body doesn't work, only that your doctor wasn't patient, unless there was a medical reason to induce. I don't hear you saying anything this time that sounds like the baby needs to be forcibly evicted. If I were you I would wait, refuse induction and enjoy these last few days of peace.



answers from San Francisco on

Hi D.,
I agree with other moms-- don't be bullied into an induction unless there is a confirmed medical reason that you understand. I was at almost 42 weeks when I had my daughter and yep I was really uncomfortable. Your OB should be performing stress tests and also checking to make sure there is adequate amniotic fluid. I'm no expert, but this is what my doc did for me. Once you go the induction route you are signed up for major medical intervention in your birth experience. One really helpful mnemonic device I learned in birthing classes: BRAN: ask about the BENEFITS, the RISKS, the ALTERNATIVES, and what happens if you do NOTHING. Run through this on every suggested procedure so you feel comfortable (as if you could feel "comfortable" right now).
Good luck-- you're going to do great!



answers from San Francisco on

Try LOTS of nipple stimulation and sucking your thumb. Press your thumb on the tender spot in the roof of your mouth. We took a natural child birth class with my babies and learned this. Also, a small amount of castor oil mixed with scrambled eggs should not hurt your baby, in fact this was also a recipe given to us in our natural child birth classes. Also, I would not allow an induction until after 41 weeks unless the baby was in danger. It's much better to go naturally into labor. The baby will come out when it's ready. Don't let them bully you.



answers from Modesto on


Remember that a doctor can't "make" you do anything. They are "practicing" medicine and are human. Not to say that you should ignore your doctor, but unless there's a medical reason why it's NECESSARY to induce, all you have to do is say "No" - although I know that's easier said than done.

Anyway - good for you for not wanting to be induced again. The statistics show that induction increases the possibility of other interventions including caesarean.

Also remember that your baby knows when it's time to come. 40 weeks is not a magical number - the baby certainly doesn't have a calendar in there! Also remember it's only an estimate of when you conceived. 40 weeks and 1 day and no baby doesn't mean you're "late" - it means your baby isn't ready yet and perhaps the estimate was wrong. The average first time baby arrives 8 days "late" (41 weeks and 1 day). I know this isn't your first but am pointing this out because many doctors start talking induction at 40 weeks with the first even though most babies don't come naturally until the 41st week.

All that said, I don't know your medical history so maybe there IS a medical reason for induction in your case, if it comes to that. I just wanted to try to give you some supportive words for not handing all your strength and power over to your doctor. You know your body better than anyone else so trust your instincts. And, of course, follow all the other moms' suggestions of how to get things going!

Best of luck!



answers from San Francisco on

Spicy pizza is supposed to work :)



answers from Salinas on

Hi Dani,
It may sound odd or maybe unreal but Chamomile tea. It work great for My niece, cousin,a few friends and MYSELF. In one cup of hot water put three bags of tea, let steep for about 2 min and drink it warm. drink tea every 3-4 hours. I drank my around 4pm, then 8pm then around 8am. I woke up in mild labor had her at 4:28 pm almost 12 hour after first cup of tea. All of our family who took tea as directed had them within 12-24hrs. And you know what it wont hurt to try, if it doesn't work for you at least you will warm up and RELAX. because chamomile tea is a natural calming tea.
Good luck and have a wonderful upcoming holiday :)



answers from San Francisco on

Castor oil will not make your baby sick at all. It does help!



answers from Sacramento on

I know it sounds crazy but it really works. Go eat Mountain Mikes Pizza with the red sauce. Toppings don't matter is has to be the red sauce. Within 72 hours the tale says you will be in labor. It worked for me - twice - and three of my friends. Good luck.



answers from San Francisco on

If your fear is that induced labor hurts worse than regular labor -- I thought the same but, with my second child, when my body did it all on its own, I discovered that natural labor is just as painful. (That's why they make drugs.)



answers from San Francisco on

Hi there-
Remember this- unless your baby is in distress- you are the boss so gently remind your dr that it is your body and you do not want to go that route unless medically necessary for the baby's safety.
Try to rest and 'enjoy' your last few nights woth just one little person already know what comes next :0)
Ok..stairs...or steps. I went to the gym and did step-up's on a bench...tried it for three sets of ten (wasn't pretty...pretty slow and exhausting ;0)but I started having strong contractions suddenly so I began to walk away to go do cardio (feeling huge, slow and defeated) and sploooosh- my water broke.
Did I recommend resting....get your car loaded if you do this....but remember, your body decides....good luck mama!



answers from San Francisco on

Acupuncture works great!
If you are in or near San Francisco, try Retreat Acupuncture
###-###-####. They do house calls as well.



answers from San Francisco on

When my due date came and went and I was a week and a half or so past due, everyone I knew told me that I was going to end up being induced, and I kept telling them that my baby knew perfectly well when it was time for him to come out. I had a healthy baby boy, 8lbs 10 oz.

Your doctor only has to induce if you go a certain amount of time past your due date, when you're in danger of not having enough amniotic fluid. I would look it up in What To Expect, and I wouldn't let him induce you before that time. My labor was 22 hours because I was slow to dilate and I had my baby without Pitocin. It can be done!

You're right- you should just let things go on their own. If you don't want the Pitocin don't let this doctor push you around. Come armed with the facts and just tell him that your birth plan does not include induction before such and such a date.

Good luck with your labor and with your sweet baby!



answers from San Francisco on

I haven't read all the comments, but usually people don't realize the effectiveness of massage / acupressure. Find someone who is skilled with prenatal massage and see if they are willing to work all the points to help induce labor while they are helping you relax (which is often the reason why labor "backtracks."

I know this sounds insane, but please do whatever you can to relax. You'll need your strength and the more you surrender to your body's natural abilities, the better job your body will be able to do.

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