Photo by: NPA

What Pet Adoption Can Teach Your Kids

by Katya Friedman
Photo by: NPA

Adopting a pet from a local animal shelter or rescue organization can be a very fulfilling experience. It is one of those moments in life that remain etched in a memory forever: that pleading face you can’t resist, and the pride that you wear out the door. After all, you just saved a life.

Betsy and John have always loved dogs, and when their last one passed away, they took some time before deciding to get a new pooch. Now with two children, they felt it was time to bring home a furry best friend, as they both believed that the unconditional love a pet gives can be very healthy for children as they grow. John and Betsy began to search through to look for canine candidates that would be good for the whole family. They knew that adopting a pet would provide an opportunity to teach their children some very important values, and that letting their kids be a part of the rescue experience would be good for building identity as a family. It’d be a great way to explore who they are as a family and what they stand for.

Teaching kids about personal responsibility, community service, and their ability to make an impact as they make choices in life can be powerful character-shaping lessons that come with adopting a pet. It’s worthwhile to teach kids that they can change the world, and to give them opportunities to do so in positive, pro-social ways. Adopting and caring for a homeless pet can plant the seeds for that ethic.

Betsy and John decided to conduct a family meeting to talk to their kids about how they would care for an animal’s needs. They talked about the exercise and attention a new dog would require, and who would be responsible for feeding, training and walks. By doing this they involved the whole family in the adoption process, and made having a pet a bonding experience. They aimed to teach their kids accountability as Betsy and John told them that everyone in the family would take part in caring for the dog. They wanted to make sure the kids understood the importance of planning and long-term commitment, and to convey to them value and respect for an animal’s life.

Betsy and John chatted about what kind of dog would best suit their lifestyle, which taught their children about honest communication, responsible decision making, and acceptance. They also spoke to their children about the possibility of providing a home for a Pitbull – a breed so disadvantaged by misconceptions and negative stereotypes. They felt this would be a great chance to discuss pre-conceptions and differences, encouraging their children to learn for themselves and not buy into public perceptions that may be biased or misinformed.

Not only did the children learn, but the Betsy and John as parents learned a great deal through the process as well. Betsy, having been adopted herself, realized that for people who were adopted like she had been, adopting a pet provides an opportunity to talk about important feelings. John, who is partially deaf, realized that for people who have an impairment or condition, the idea of adopting an animal in need, especially those with a disadvantage such as a dog with diabetes or an older pet with vision problems, can be therapeutic and rewarding.

There is no limit to the great lessons that you can teach and learn when you opt to adopt; the process of saving a life benefits all involved. Best of all, the ripple effect of Betsy and John’s family activity will undoubtedly foster compassion for generations to come! Two weeks later Betsy and John welcomed home Buddy, a gorgeous 2 years old Shepherd-Pitbull mix. Buddy has taught them all that the love and friendship an adopted pet brings will certainly make a home happier every single day. Now that’s a lesson worth learning.

Katya Friedman is an active Los Angeles shelter volunteer and the Director of Partnerships and Promotions for

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Great article and hooray for shelter pets! I volunteer through my shelter and wrote a book to help kids and parents understand what shelters do, build compassion and discuss the big responsibility of having a pet join your family. It's called Lucky Me: A Children's Guide to Animal Companionship & Safety and is on Amazon. (Sorry for the shameless plug! Just want to get this info into the hands of who it can help!) -Christi, mom/author/blogger

I've had 2 dogs so far - both from shelters. I wish I could adopt more then 1 dog, it's heart breaking to go to a shelter and leave behind all the other dogs. Shelter pets are the way to go. They've all been thrown away so to speak. When ever I have kids we are definitely adopting!

my child sed dad i wont a dog but hesed a german sheperd

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