Photo by: D. Sharon Pruitt

Only Children are Doing Just Fine

Photo by: D. Sharon Pruitt

Well, I am at that point in my life where pretty much, if I am going to have a second baby naturally, I better decide NOW. And after many painful discussions with my husband regarding time demands, health demands, employment demands and financial demands, we decided to pass on baby number 2. This decision for me has been burdened with much guilt, angst, and a little anger (at whom, I am not so sure). Perhaps there are a few of you out there who are parents of “Onlies” and have felt the same way. I am posting this to not only tell you- you’re not alone, but that your feelings are normal (deeply ingrained in our society, in fact) and that our only children (despite popular beliefs otherwise) will be JUST FINE.

My friend, Marianne told me it was Karma when we were at the airport after nursing our hangovers at the VIP lounge when we found TIME magazine’s cover story was focused on this topic. We were picking up some water after talking about both our decisions to have only children when she picked up TIME’s cover story about only children being on the upswing in families. She waved it at me and said, “HERE! This is Karma! You need to read this on the plane!” And I did, and I am so glad I did. The studies they had and the explanations of the deep seeded need to “Go Forth and Multiply” was explained. Much was explained, actually, that made me realize where my own guilt was coming from. It allowed me to take an objective look at my life and realize what my husband has known for a while-one kid is all we can handle right now- and that’s OK. (Sometimes I envy the male species’ ability to look at things in a very practical manner without any emotional ties.)

The first thing the article did for me was to address where my own guilt was coming from, and where the pressures that society creates for you to have more than one child come from. I have consistently had a questioning look after being asked if I had kids – “So, only one? No more for you?”. Typically this followed with “Well, You should have more!” This never helped my aching heart as I struggled with my own pressures of wanting a second child, running out of time as I turned 40, and asking myself if I really should put added pressures on our finances, marriage and time by having another (not to mention health-two miscarriages before finally becoming parents and Crohn’s Disease meant a hard road to baby #2).

The article mentions that our society as a whole believes that having more children for the survival of our human race is in the very fabric of our being since the dawn of time. The more kids, the more chances for your family and bloodline to live on. Coupled with that is the need for early civilization to have “cheap labor” in a way. The more children you had, the more help you had around your homestead to work the land and make sure you had food on your table and a roof over your head. Having one child was considered for decades not only taking a “gamble” but flat out irresponsible-no matter what culture you were in. Of course, there are historic religious undertones to having more than one child, as well as economic that the article touches on-all of which started to clarify for me why I felt guilty as well as why others were pressuring me to grow my family.

The bulk of my guilt came from not giving my daughter a sibling. I wondered if she would be lonely, antisocial and spoiled without having the forced reality check of sharing a household with a sibling. An old friend of mine told me once, “You have the first for you to fulfill your need for Motherhood, the rest you have for them.” Now, I don’t think this is entirely true–but I think she was trying to boil down a thought here. And it was this thought that has been tugging at me. Also, I grew up with siblings, and my sister is one of my best friends. Yeah, it was chaotic at times to have a house full of kids. We had to learn to share and take turns and fight for our Mother’s attention. But when my parents pass on, I will always have a connection to my family because of my brother and sister. We also can share the care for our parents as they age so it doesn’t land on one person’s shoulders. If I have just one child, its all on that child. And when we are gone, will our daughter feel alone in this world?

Basically, it sounds like all my fears were for naught. The article sites some recent studies that actually prove that “Onlies” are thriving and very social. Because of the focused parental attention they get (socially and academically) as well as the lion’s share of the family resources behind them, they are growing up with high self esteem and very successful. The article blames a couple of old studies, one in the 1900’s and one in the 1980’s, that were done poorly but were the driving force behind the perception that only children are antisocial, loners, odd and weird. The new studies out actually show the opposite. That’s not to say there is a double edged sword. “Onlies” have more parental focus which means more demands and pressure. They also socialize and play with adults, which makes them have to grow up a little faster. But on the whole, our “Only” decision was not going to cause our daughter years of therapy and antisocialness in her life! That was a relief for me!

The other stunning fact is that “Onlies” are on the rise. With the economy bumping along, trying to recover, many families are taking a hard look at the costs of raising a family. With job security non-existent and the rising costs of pretty much everything, many families are just stopping at one, whether they really want to or not. I thought that was very interesting-and I did not feel so “alone” and “weird” in our decision.

If you are as pressured and confused as I have been about having a second child-know that you are not alone. Also, whatever you decide, do it because it is right for YOU and your family in all aspects-your happiness, your finances, your marriage, your time. Try not to listen to the outside pressures around you. I know I will try, too. Ironically just yesterday I had a cab driver asking if I had children, and I said I had one. And he said, “Ahh, you are nice, you should have more! You will have more, you’ll see.” This time, I chuckled and just shook my head at the irony of it all.

Here is the article in full if you want to read it-there are very interesting comments to it as well. Enjoy, and BRAVO TIME!

The Only Child: Debunking the Myths

Flora Caputo is a mom of a precocious daughter, a VP, Executive Creative Director and everything in between (including a blogger!). She grew up with “off the boat” parents from Italy, and it has contributed to a grounded, domestic foundation for her life. And she tries to balance that with a high-pressure career in advertising. From cooking, gardening and motherhood to business, marketing and career–join her journey to keeping it all together…as gracefully as possible!

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Thank you for letting me know that I did make the right decision for me. My daughter is now 6.5 and up until about a year ago I still had that nagging feeling that maybe we should have another. I also suffered horrible PPD after I had her and wasn't sure I wanted to put myself and my family through that again. Financially speaking my husband and I have always said we could give one a really good life or two children mediocre ones.

I was an only child. I have always been very outgoing. When I was in Jr. High, I had a foster brother who lived with us until he graduated (about a year later). I recently found out that I have a half brother through my father. I was adopted at 2 weeks - and don't know my birth mom or dad - so I may have more siblings out there. I turned out just fine and I can say that because I am 62 now and have no antisocial tendencies that I am aware of. I am not selfish and my Dad just turned 95...

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My husband and I also wanted to have the typical 2-child family but due to a genetic disorder that could be passed on to a daughter, we stopped after having our son. It was difficult to come to this decision as we had always wanted to have two children. I had friends in high school who were onlies and they were always saying how much they wished they had a sibling...

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It sounds like your decision is based a lot on health, and your health should absolutely come first. There is NO reason to risk yourself to have another child.

That being said, I am a 43 year old only child. My husband has two sisters who simply will not, for their own reasons, have children. If my two boys didn't have each other, they would have no one outside of their friends; as it is, they miss having cousins the way I do.

Growing up was fine--I had my friends...

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My daughter is an only child, and never had any problems with socialization. She spent much of her time growing up in the company of adutls (mainly me, as I was also a single parent), but also spent time with other kids in day care, at school, at church, playing with the kids in the neighborhood, etc. She most definitely did not suffer as a result of not growing up with siblings.
Siblings are no guarantee of socialization or even company...

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Thank you for this. I am an only (with 5 half siblings that came later). I felt more complete after they came. So after my son it was/ is my heart's desire to have a second. However my husband feels it would overwhelm him. I am fast approaching 40 which is my personal threshold of a deadline for health concerns. If my husband continues to feel as such (as I feel it is important to respect that) then I need to come to terms with our decision...

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Thank you for your honest thoughts and KUDOS to you for overcoming the often perilous judgment that society dishes out. Your value system is what matters most for the decisions you make.

After my son was born, I had infertility. He is a well adjusted child who is not spoiled and not lonely because he has been taught self sustenance in any of the circumstances that life dishes him. As a parent, you are the first teacher to educate your child to learn how to live a happy successful life...

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I am a 50 year old only child with aging parents that I am taking care of, and do not feel burdened because I don't have any siblings to help with my parents care. I am able to make all the necessary medical decisions without dealing with the emotions of anyone else and there is never any frustration because a sibling is not helping as much as they should. I have two children of my own and chose not to have a third because I knew that I could not handle more than two children...

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Very well said ! Having a sibling in no way guarantees your child a lifelong friend and nor does it guarantee that someone will share the burden of parental care. We have witnessed that firsthand with family and friends over the years. We have a saying at our house: ONE is FUN! We do stuff together that most family with multiple children cannot afford or manage.

I admire people who can make a conscious decision about these things. I guess my life has been fueled more by emotion. My eldest goes to college this week. She was almost an only - 9 years older than her other siblings. I miscarried and basically was too busy with work, ill parents and a challenging marriage to have another child sooner. She was not a happy camper when number two came along which leads me to my next comment..... It is not easy to have kids so far apart in age...

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As an over 40 mom and a woman who spent 5 years of fertility work to have my son and 6 figures (a college education) I know that all we could handle and afford is one child (just barely!). When people ask me if I am going to have another, I just smile and say, "I'm too old and too poor to have another child" and they leave me alone. People are insensitive. Many of my friends had to do feritlity work or adopt to have a child/children...

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I also read the Time article and it made me feel better too. My hubby and I were married for 11 yrs before we even tried for kids because I never thought I wanted any. Then, when we finally had our son, I realized that it is the hardest, albeit the most rewarding, job in the world. But let me tell you, I am NOT putting myself in for it again. One and Done and I get angry when people try to pressure me to have more...

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I am an "only", and I have and "only". I am happy to say that we are both happy, well adjusted people!!

I had our daughter at 42 and turned 43 three weeks later. We had never planned on having children and although I was not happy when I found out I was pregnant, she is, of course, the light of our lives. I can't imagine our lives without her. Will she miss out on certain things by not having a sibling? Sure! Am I worried about it? Not in the least. She'll gain a whole lot as well. I wouldn't have another even if I were 10 years younger. One child feels perfect to me...

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When I had our first child, an only child friend of ours made me promise that he would not be an only. Her parents divorced when she was a teen and both got sick in their older years. The pressure on her was enormous, especially since the parents couldn't get along. Her parents were also both only children, so she had no aunts, uncles or cousins either...

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