Photo by: Funkyah

My Wonderful Husband: The Coke Rewards Fanatic

Photo by: Funkyah

I’m a talker. And contrary to my mother’s wonderful advice to only say nice things about people or not say anything at all—ESPECIALLY about your husband—I tend to rant and commiserate. Even about my amazing husband. Okay, often about my amazing husband. I don’t think he takes it too personally since I’m like that in general. Not that I only say negative things, I’m just one of those people who says every single thought that comes into my head, often to the chagrin of those who know me (and myself). Because I’m sometimes (okay, fine, often) found whining about the things my hubby doesn’t do that I want or does do that I don’t, I’m going to take this opportunity to expound on one of the things I complain about, but secretly makes me love him in several ways.

He collects Coke Rewards points. I’m not sure you’re familiar with this, so to explain, Coca-Cola has a redemption system wherein you create an account online and whenever you obtain one of their products that has a code on it, you type it into your account and earn points. You can redeem the points for things like gift cards or apparel or electronics or any number of things. To keep it simple, the original rule was you could only enter 10 codes a day. (Now there’s a limit to 100 points a week or something, but for the purposes of my story, we’ll just stick with the original guideline.)

When I say my DH collects these points, I don’t mean this in a general, “Oh, I had a Coke today, so I’ll keep the cap and enter the code in later” kind of way. I mean in a driven, obsessive kind of way. The man prints the high school football schedules for the entire city so he can strategize which schools to go to after games to try to score the most caps from the bottles the kids leave lying in the stands, and if he can time it to make it to two on Friday night and one Saturday morning before they’re cleaned up. He can collect 500 or more caps in a weekend.

Why is this even something I would complain about, you ask? After all, he’s the one doing all the work. I’ll tell you why. Because it takes a lot of time. Time to collect them, time to clean them, time to enter all the codes. Time that could be spent doing other things like helping around the house, playing with the kids or hanging out with me. And this has been going on for four years. FOUR YEARS, people! In those four years we’ve had two kids and bought a house that was double the square footage of our old one. This is the source of my frustration with his hobby. Admittedly, he scaled back considerably with the addition of each of these new responsibilities. (At one point he had six or seven separate accounts. Ten codes per account times six or seven accounts—about an hour or so a day was spent entering them.) And to be fair, a lot of the prizes he’s redeemed the points for have been for me (I heart my iTouch). So I shouldn’t complain too much. And you know what? Even though I sigh dramatically whenever I see those dreaded caps, secretly I’m feeling quite proud of my man. And here are the reasons why:

1. His passion. Whether it’s work or love or hobbies, he puts everything into what he does. He never does anything halfway. I like to think I’m passionate, but often I’m just a lot of talk. He’s the hardest worker and most devoted friend you will ever find.

2. His ability to complete a project. I am notorious for starting something I find to be fun and creative and then getting bored and stopping. For example, I did a large cross stitch for one of my friends when her daughter was born. It was about 8×10, two bunnies with some quote about friendship beneath it. I actually did all the cross-stitching – it took months. I did all of it except the finished outline. So close to being completed. Her daughter just started her junior year of high school. SERIOUSLY? Just finish the dang outlining already! My hubby not only started this four years ago and still does it at the very least every week (usually every night), but when he enters a code, he marks the back of it to indicate which account it belongs to, then places it in a box designated for that account. When the box is full, he dates it and stores it in the basement, neat and tidy. Which brings me to number three….

3. His organization. I like to be organized. I like for everything to have a place. But when I’m mid-project, I’m a mess. At work, my desk is a mess; at home, my crafting space (i.e. the formal dining room table) is a mess. I’m good about cleaning up at the end of a project, but don’t expect that to happen until I’m completely done. As I mentioned above, he keeps this project organized all the time. He stores the caps he hasn’t entered yet in Ziploc bags of 100 so he can have small quantities to work with.

4. His problem-solving/compromising skills. The clean-up crew at the football stadium told him it was a pain for them to deal with half-empty Cokes that were missing their lids because they spilled everywhere, and asked him to stop taking them. He told them if they’d give him a trash bag, he’d throw away the bottles for them. Most people probably would have said, too bad, or fine, I’ll find somewhere else to go, but my hubs found a solution they could all be happy with.

4. His compassion/thoughtfulness. When he collects the caps, he wears gloves and keeps the bags of caps in the garage until he has a chance to soak them all in the sink to clean away the dirt and germs which keeps his family healthy. And, of course, as I mentioned before about the iTouch, I’ve been the recipient of many wonderful prizes. Most of what he redeems the codes for are for the family, like a camcorder and a travel DVD player. Of course he gets some things for himself (mostly autographed sports memorabilia), but he shares A LOT.

5. His entrepreneurial spirit. He LOVES to find a way to make money/get a deal. I do my fair share of coupon clipping and a bit of bargain shopping, but am not motivated to take on something like this. (Don’t even get me started on his insane ability to figure out and obtain the hot items at Christmas-time and sell them on eBay for a nice profit.) I am in constant awe of the way he can find an opportunity, set a goal and achieve it.

There are so many more reasons I love my husband. But these are the ones his Coke addiction brings to mind. Now if I can just keep them in mind tonight when I get home and want to snuggle on the couch and watch TV with him, and he says he’s got to enter his codes.

Jennifer Barr is a wife and working mom of two beautiful girls under the age of three which means she’s sleep deprived but constantly kept on her toes! Most of those experiences are chronicled on her blog, Midwest "Mom"ments.

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Nice Story. I collect them too, but not to the degree that DH does it. What does he do with the empty bottles? Does he return the bottles get the bottle deposits back? That would increase your money income as well! LOL Good luck with it all.

Hi, better to be the coke rewards fanatic istead of e going around because he is fantic for other things that I bet you'll never be writing about. After washing many caps with him helped you to write a nice story. I enjoyed reading it.

LOL, YOU ARE NOT ALONE...AND NEITHER AM I!!!! I haven't read your entire article, but just by reading We have a 2 year old daughter, so MY husband's obsessiveness has tapered down a little bit in combination w/his laptop breaking down, but he used to go to Grocery stores, convenience stores, bars and dig through their trash for coke boxes b/c of course, those are the bigger points...

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Are you married to my husband?! He doesn't go to the extreme of scouting out coke tops at football games, but hey, it's not a bad idea! Imagine all the free stuff we could get....and on our budget, free sounds pretty darn good!

I really loved this story. It was very humerous and hit home a little. I try to save my coke points and have hundereds of the little lids floating around my house and at my desk at work however I hardly ever find the time to input them!! And on those occassions that I do I usually end up forfiting my points because it takes me too long in between to get back to it...

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The flip side of this (and I'm probably going to get busted for writing this) is my brother-in-law who picks up expensive hobby after expensive hobby, all of which don't benefit his family -- in that they take up his time and don't yield anything. So your guy rocks! As far as I'm concerned, he's figured out how to parlay his passion into something that can help your whole clan. Very rare.

I loved this article and your husband's dedication to really sticking with something. I am more like you when working on a project, sometimes I will get bored with it and not finish it. It is so annoying to me that sometimes I will just rush it through just to get it over with and then I am not happy with the final results. I'm not sure why I do this...

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I absolutely thought this was the most clever post! So cute! I am sure a lot of us are crawling out of the woodwork relating about talking or ranting too much about our DHs! lol. But in the end, we all realize we love them more than all the annoyances stacked up. With all the things we could be bothered about the women who have responded here must not have too bad! Great and creative post! With Barr as your last name... you are in good company but with a little softer style! ha!

Great article, my hubby also does productive things that keep him away from childcare duties (he prefers to cook, grocery shop etc over caring for the kids, even when I need a break).
However, you refer to the cleanup crews "throwing away" the bottles and your husband helping them. Surely such a considerate man would be concerned about the state of the earth that we are leaving our children, and would recycle the bottles if they are not already being recycled...

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Okay, that was HILARIOUS. Plus I can't believe there is another obsessive, neatfreak, moneysaving wierdo out there like my husband!!! Hahahaha...
(and ain't they great?)

Jennifer, I just love your story. I think you are my long lost twin because we have identical personalities from what I can gather from your story right down to the way it is organized! To top it off my husband is exactly the same way!!!!! Not with Coke Rewards but many other things. What can you say, caring and meticulous!! Enjoy and thanks for making me smile :)

I am a My Coke Rewards person, too. Nowhere on the scale of your DH.

I drive MY DH crazy, because I enter all my codes, but have never redeemed them for anything LOL

I am disabled, so I am not able to go out and 'hunt,' but I do know folks who do. They will philter through public trash cans and dumpster-dive to get those codes (ICK ICK ICK).

One day, I will see something I want to use my treasured Coke caps on LOL

I did enjoy your story because I can relate...

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I still want to know HOW MANY codes does it take to get item X? Whenever I come across the codes, I put them on craigslist === I now have one person I text them to, figuring I can just help out someone who's already got a bunch.

Yes, great article. I have been fustrated with my husband too. He is an all or nothing type and has 3 careers. Yes, three! Needless to say, I don't get a lot of cuddle time, kids don't get a lot of quality time, etc... But, he is wonderful on so many other levels, so I shouldn't complain. Thanks for the reminder:-)

We also collect Coke rewards, but we do it together on our daily morning walk with our dogs. We have found a couple 'honey spots' where no joke, 1 house must have at least 12-15 12 packs and 2-3 cases PER WEEK! When my husband stops for caps, I just laugh, and keep moving...I enter the codes and have 4 accounts for each one of our family members...

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