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Dreaming of a Good Night's Sleep

by Melissa of "Mamasource"
Photo by: Shutterstock

As a working mother of three, I’d trade just about anything for a good night’s sleep. And I know plenty of bleary-eyed moms who feel the same way. Whether you’re up with a sick little one or your mind just won’t stop racing, not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on your day—and your health.

Did you know that getting just one extra hour of sleep every night could do more for your happiness than getting a $60,000 raise? That was the result of a study by the University of Michigan. Makes sense to me, when I think about all the times I’ve silently wished I could just fork over some cash—do anything really—in exchange for one night of pure uninterrupted sleep.

And if you think that poor sleep only affects you personally, think again. One study found that women who have trouble falling asleep are more likely to have marriage problems. How many times have you woken up tired and grumpy and found yourself snapping at your husband, or resenting his peaceful eight hours of slumber? On the other hand, a well-rested mom who gets the recommended seven to eight hours of quality sleep has healthier relationships, performs better at work, is better able to stay focused, and is happier in all aspects of life. It makes sense.

But understanding the importance of sleep and actually getting enough quality sleep are two very different things… For many of us, sleeping isn’t as simple as turning off the light and drifting off into dreamland.

Some of my mom friends have tried sleep aids—both over-the-counter products and prescription pills—but the side effects were such a big drawback that they frequently defeated the benefits of getting sleep in the first place. Most sleep aids, regardless of brand, contain a similar class of drugs that can leave you feeling dull-headed and disoriented the next morning. Plus, I know I don’t like the idea of becoming dependent on a drug to get to sleep—and I want to be able to wake up if my kids need me in the middle of the night.

Experts suggest a host of healthy sleep habits that can help make sleep easier, including sticking to the same bedtime routine every night, sleeping in a cool and dark environment and cutting out caffeine after 2pm, but what are you to do if after all of this you still need an extra boost sleeping?

Some moms swear by a cup of herbal tea, a glass of warm milk or even a late night glass of wine, but for many of us those remedies just don’t work, or in the case of the wine, have been shown to actually cause you to have shallower sleep. Others swear by natural solutions, one of which, reBloom, has recently been getting a lot of press, including being featured in Oprah Magazine, InStyle, and Marie Claire. Although it is not meant for pregnant or nursing mothers, I’ve been impressed by how well reBloom works to help quiet my mind and help me sleep through the night.

Now if there were only a sleep aid for crying infants or unruly toddlers…

Melissa Rudy is a Cincinnati-based freelance writer and mother of three girls. When she’s not stringing together Words by Melissa, she’s running, carpooling, or hiding in her closet with a novel.

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