Photo by: Instructables

Day in the Life of a Stay-At-Home-Mom

by Peryl Manning
Photo by: Instructables

6:15 a.m. Wake up to “Mommy? Mommmmmmy?” Put pillow over head. Prepare to play “Who can pretend to be asleep the longest?” with spouse.

6:30 a.m. Wake up to “Mommy, mommy, mommy!!! Come get me right now!!” (in stereo). Spouse rocks at this game.

7:00 a.m. Kids beg for pancakes. Make pancakes. Two-year old gets pancake batter on the table, the floor, his hair, and the VCR (yes, we still have a VCR. We’re retro). Kids refuse to eat pancakes.

7:30 a.m. Two-year old drags kitchen stool over to microwave. Attempts to microwave brother’s fire truck. Four-year retaliates by driving fire truck over his brother’s and, inexplicably, my toes. We all cry.

8:00 a.m. Watch Bob the Builder and eat marshmallows. Breakfast accomplished.

8:30 a.m. How is it possible that it’s only 8:30? Try to convince kids they are ready for an early nap. Fail. Do 18 loads of laundry.

10:00 a.m. Construct six-foot rocket ship out of nothing but cardboard and tinfoil.

10:30 a.m. Conduct brief, heated argument with four-year old about wing placement on rocket-ship, until I remember he is four. And it is his rocket-ship. And it’s made out of tin-foil.

12:00 p.m. Lunch. Two-year old eats a grilled cheese sandwich and eight pieces of watermelon. Four-year old eats a cheez-it.

12:30 p.m. Naptime. ‘Naptime’ is a term that loosely translates as 45 minutes of listening to “Mommy, I’m awake, mommy I’m awake, mommy come get me, mommy I’m awake,” sung to the tune of Farmer in the Dell.

2:30 p.m. Decide to paint rocket-ship. Collect smocks, drop cloth, paints, bowls, brushes, water, paper, wipes, and extra-strength Tylenol.

2:45 p.m. Comfort two-year old who doesn’t like paint on his hands, but loves putting his hands in paint.

3:30 p.m. Wipe floor that is covered in paint despite the drop-cloth, strip off children’s clothes covered in paint despite the smocks. Do 12 more loads of laundry.

3:45 p.m. Run bath. Four-year old refuses to get in bath.

4:00 p.m. Four-year old refuses to get out of bath.

4:30 p.m. Attempt to go to park. Spend half an hour looking for keys. Abandon search for keys. Watch Bob the Builder and eat marshmallows.

6:00 p.m. Cook dinner. Find keys in microwave. Two-year old eats entire pot of mac and cheese. Four-year old eats a grape.

7:00 p.m. Wrestle kids into pajamas, attempt to brush teeth in little mouths that are somehow simultaneously clamped shut and yet still screaming grievously. Read forty-four books. Sing thirty-seven songs.

8:00 p.m. Quietly close bedroom doors. Exhale.

8:15 pm. Collect starving four-year old from bedroom. Make him waffles.

9:00 p.m. Reflect on the nature of child-rearing, and how it has made me a wiser, stronger…just kidding. Drink extra large glass of wine and go to bed.

Peryl Manning is a freelance writer and stay-at-home-mother to two small boys. She juggles her home and her boys, her writing and her volunteer work with varying degrees of success, and is convinced of only one certainty: Parenting is really, really challenging. She blogs for the Seattle Post Intelligencer.

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I enjoyed reading this. I am a SAHM. I have 3 children, 2 yr old, 5yr old and 6 yr old. It is quite a tough job, sometimes you need to laugh or you might loose your mind!

yep, that sounds about right!

Reading this at the end of the day, sipping some wine, laughing as quietly as possible. I have 2 yo and 4 yo boys too! It's so nice not only to know that other moms go through the same thing, but to read about it in detail :)

Hilarious. Who has camera in my house. Just like my 2 and 4 yr. old. 2 yr old eats whole sandwich, 4 yr old eats a cheez it.

I love this! I am not longer a SAHM, but reminds me of those days! It is not any easier now that I am a working mom of 2 teenagers and a 6 year old!
It is so funny how hubbys are soooo good at the pretend I'm asleep game!

I love your post....and I am sure you would not trade your children for the world....LOL

add in that the potty training 2 yr old who just ate the 8 pieces of watermelon has to go potty every 8 minutes now for the rest of the day. =)

I love this. It made me feel better about my life! I'm not the only one! :)

This has me literally lol !! I'm just thankful that i'm not the only one with this life.... this is normal !! Thanks God for that ! Now i can relax and know ... me or my kids dont need mental help ! Thanks for this !

Love this! Already share the link to my friends in FB. They are raising small kids around the world. Thanks for sharing.

I know you feel the grass is greener on the other side it's not. You are lucky to see your children growing day in and out minute by minute seems like you need to implement time out in your schedule to gain more control over your time. This will give you more control over your home and a firmer voice when things are out of control. Trust me once these are in place life will run smother and you will appreciate being a stay at home mom a lot more. Good luck. Lots of love.

I only have one and that is my day to the T. I just want to know how you survived 10:30 - noon!!! This is the MOST CHALLENGING job I have ever had!

This is about the funniest thing I've ever read! So true, all of it!

Sounds like my life, but with 3 kids all under the age of 6. Keeps me active and young at heart.

lolol....thanks for the laugh.... at least youv'e got the timeline down, still working on that. Maybe I'd better add a glass of wine to help the craziness:)

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