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Best New Mom Advice

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From the Heart – Share your Story

Over the past six years, many of you have so generously offered your valuable wisdom on our site that we are now asking you to go one step further by contributing a short story From the Heart. This new column offers an opportunity to share with other members of the Mamasource community what is in your heart, and on your mind.


We asked members of the Mamasource community to share their best advice for a new mother, and their responses were pure gold!

☆ Abbie H. – Don’t panic, and carry a towel….

S B. – Teach your children to say “Daddy” as soon as possible. That way, at 2 a.m. when the wee one is screaming, “Da Da!,” you can wake hubby and let him know the kid needs him. Meanwhile, you stay tucked in a warm bed.

Olliesmom – 
NEVER say anything hurtful to your child, it stays with them forever!

Momto3Girls – Take lots of pictures. They grow and change so fast.

Debbie C. – It’s ok to feel overwhelmed. To be tired and scared is normal, but remember we all make it through ‘one day at a time!’

Momof3Lalilu – Start a college savings account!

Laura M. – Breathe and count! When things get a little crazy and you think you can’t regain control, just remember to BREATHE and COUNT out loud to 15. It’s amazing how much better things seem when you remember to do this…. :)

Cyndie A. – The best advice ever: Don’t start what you’ll want to stop!!!! So, don’t give a pacifier if you will want it to stop. Don’t let them sleep in your bed if you will want them to move.

Megan C. – Be sure and take a shower and put on fresh clothes EVERY DAY. Even if it is at 2am! (Saved my sanity!)

Jill F. – The best advice I received was from my mother-in-law. She told me that my son had no one to compare me to, and that I would be the best mom he had ever known. It helped me to relax and follow my instincts.

8Kidsdad – Before there was a baby there was your husband. After your baby goes off to college and is on their own, there will be your husband. I know this sounds strange, but your husband’s first priority should be you, your first priority should be him, not your kids.

Momma11 – All phases are temporary!

Angela S. – Trust yourself!

Sharron C. – I am a nurse who home visits new moms, and the one thing I see the most is moms freaking out at the smallest things. Your baby takes his or her cues from you, so if you freak out so will they. Stay calm and use your thinker, it will probably be right.

Jessintexas✰ – I always tell my new mom friends to put your baby to sleep DROWSY but not already asleep. Let them learn to fall asleep on their own w/o having to be rocked or nursed or otherwise relying on YOU to do all the work for them.

Tracy K. – Labor is nothing to be afraid of. It’s not as scary as they show on TV. Once the baby is delivered, send your husband to check on the baby so he won’t be there when the afterbirth is delivered! That’s an image he will never get out of his head!

Amy J. – No matter how tired you are, greet your child every morning with ecstatic hugs, kisses and joy. It sets the tone for their whole day.

Mama2Cade – Take advice from other people with a grain of salt.


Make sure to share this valuable list with all the new and soon-to-be moms you know. They will be sure to thank you for it!

Have some great advice to share? Please submit below.

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