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5 Foods to Boost Fertility

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You desperately want to see a “yes” on that stick. You’ve done everything: tracked ovulation, quit the occasional cigarette, lost a few pounds, moderated your exercise schedule and cut back on caffeine and alcohol. All of these steps can help you conceive faster, but so can an improved diet.

“Good nutrition is important during a woman’s attempt to get pregnant because a mother-to-be needs enough nutrients for herself, and then some to give a growing baby what it needs to develop properly,” says Lori Janson, a Certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner who practices in Colorado Springs, CO.

Good nutrition means getting plenty of whole, unprocessed foods, but it’s not enough to just trade your burger for a salad. Very specific foods promote greater fertility by supporting ovulation, egg development, sperm motility and implantation of the egg in the uterus.
What you eat can’t guarantee you’ll get pregnant, but it sure can support optimal health to improve your chances.

Here are five must-eat foods:

1. Salmon
Salmon is a quality protein, with plenty of vitamin B12 and vitamin D – a vitamin not thoroughly supplemented with prenatal vitamins, explains Janson. But, its greatest value is in its high omega-3 fatty acid content. These essential fatty acids prime the follicles that release eggs to be fertilized. Omega-3s also improve your circulation, which is valuable during ovulation as you want improved blood flow to the uterus to encourage implantation.

2. Watery Vegetables
Zucchini, radishes, cucumbers, watermelon and lettuce are more than 90 percent water. This water helps thin out your mucus, meaning when you do attempt to get pregnant, you’re primed to receive the sperm. A highly hydrated body also creates an environment in which the sperm have an easy swim to the egg.

3. Lentils
Plant proteins increase your ability to get pregnant showed a study published in a 2013 issue of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology.(ref5, 3rd parag under nutrition) If you overeat animal protein, it’s more likely you’ll have harder time conceiving. Lentils offer 18 grams of plant protein per cup – stir them into a warming stew, mix them with other vegetables into a salad or form them into patties for a meat-free burger. Other plant proteins include black beans, edamame and tempeh.

4. Berries
Raspberries, blueberries and strawberries are some of the richest sources of antioxidants, compounds that fight free radicals. Free radicals can damage cells, lead to inflammation and infertility. (ref4, under “Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants”) Berries aren’t the only option. Consider adding more spinach, oranges, pomegranate juice, walnuts and beets as just a few other antioxidant-rich foods. “Eating nutrient-dense foods and avoiding toxins, such as alcohol,” are essential to fetal development, explains Janson. Bonus: Your partner’s sperm benefits from increasing the number of antioxidants he consumes through food.

5. Full-Fat Yogurt
Full-fat dairy as part of a diet rich in whole grains and plant proteins is supportive of greater fertility, found a 2007 study published in Obstetrics and Gynecology. (re 6) So, bypass the aisles of fat-free, sugary yogurt desserts and head straight for the naturally rich and creamy full-fat varieties. Look for ones with minimal added sugar and add berries with a little honey to sweeten.

Andrea Cespedes is a freelance writer located in Colorado Springs, CO. She has two children, ages 13 and 10, who were breastfed for the first 2 years of their lives. She’s also a fitness trainer, running and cycling coach and 200-hour RYT Yoga Instructor. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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