Tummy Time: Infant, Aquaphor

Results 11-20 from 238 articles

Baby Lotion Recommendation for Son's Dry Skin

M.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hi moms. I'm looking for recommendations on which brand of baby lotion has worked best for your baby's dry skin. With the colder, drier weather my 10 month old son'...


Looking for Advice on Infant Skincare

A.S. asks from Boston

My 5 month old daughter is very chubby and has very red, chaffed skin on the back of her knees. I'm sure it's because her legs are so chubby, but I can't find anythi...


Must Have Baby Products

M.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am a first time Mom going through books and lists of must have baby items. Any advice of what you really should have and what you don't need so urgently for the fir...


What Baby Items Can You Not Live Without?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am getting ready to register for my baby shower, and I want to hear from recent new moms as to what you have found to be extrememly helpful and things you couldn't ...


Baby Product Must Haves?

N.H. asks from Boston

Hi Moms Just want to know what baby products you all though was something that you couldnt have lived without. I am having son nuber 2 in nov and just want to see wh...


Remedies for Horrible Baby Eczema?

A.H. asks from Richmond

my 3 month old has the worst eczema, we put mittens on his hands, but he still scratches his face until his cheeks have puss leaking out. the ped told us he's too yo...


Baby Is Constipated-what to Do?

T.P. asks from Salinas

I posted recently my frustration with my gassy fussy baby and expressed my concerns about formulas and breastfeeding. I am now solely breastfeeding but my poor baby g...


Lotion on Infant?

D.N. asks from San Francisco

I received all kinds of lotions (mustela, califorinia baby, aveeno) at my showers but I haven't noticed any dry skin or need to moisturize my son. My husband and I do...


Baby Is Sick

R.G. asks from Las Vegas

My daughter is almost 4 months old and she has diarrhea. I know that there is not much that I can do for her but does anyone have any suggestions. I bf so I am trying...


I'm Trying to Register for My Baby Shower and I Don't Know What I Need...

R.R. asks from San Francisco

There are so many "must-have" baby things out there that I have no idea what is really helpful vs. what is not as important. If you could respond with baby products ...