Summer Camp & Activities: Baby Einstein

17 answers

My Daughter Is 2 and Still Not Talking...

My daughter is 2 yrs and 2 months old and not talking. In Nov. of '09 she had tubes put in her ears for hearing and has been working with ECI for 7 months and after we had her tubes put in she started saying a few words. She got up to saying 6-7 words and even a 2-word sentence. Well about 3 months ago she stopped talking all together and hasn't said any words since then. I took her to a neurolgist and he said that there is a delay and maybe even mild autism. She has an MRI scheduled, but does anyone have any ideas that can maybe help her,...

Summer Vacation

See all 27 articles
21 answers

Traveling Light, What Toys to Bring for a 2 Year Old

I'm looking for suggestions on toys to bring for my 2yr old to play with while we are on vacation. We are flying and trying to keep things light. During the day I expect that we will be out and about, but when we are NOT, we will be in the 1 bedroom apt of my husband's nephew apt. I am a bit concerned that he's going to be completely bored and getting into everything he shouldn't ... just b/c he is bored. - Thankfully I believe the apt does not have a lot of breakables in it as the nephew is early 20's and a student. Is there...