Sleep: Infant, Baby Einstein

Results 61-70 from 507 articles

My 22 Month Old Wont Sleep Through the Night - HELP

J.M. asks from Dallas

My daughter Ava has NEVER been a good sleeper, and is now getting worse. We have done the "cry it out" method time and time again. It works for a few months and then...


Traveling for the First Time with Baby

K.E. asks from Bakersfield

Hey there. My husband and I are taking our baby on a five hour plane trip in April (she'll be 10 months then). We've opted to buy a seat for her instead of holding he...


Baby Cries a lot...ideas?

N.G. asks from Dallas

Okay experienced moms...I am caring for a sweet baby girl in my home, with her older sibling (2) and my two kids (5 & 2). She is She is ten weeks old, and has been s...


Baby Cries While Riding in Car

R.P. asks from Los Angeles

My 9-week old baby cries while riding in the car. At first, she only cries when the vehicle is stopped. After a few red lights, however, she cries continuously. I ...


First Time Mom Seeking Advise on How to Train 1Yr Old to Sleep in Crib

J.M. asks from Dallas

Would love to hear from moms who had a baby (close to one) sleeping in her bed then had to train him/her to sleep in the crib. I never intended to have him sleep in ...


My Son Is 10 Months Old and Has Been Co Sleeping Now He Will Not Sleep in Crib

J.S. asks from Chicago

my 10 month old has been sleeping with me in my bed. Now i am trying to get him to sleep independently in his crib and its not working. The other problem is that hi...


Help! My 7 Month Old Won't Sleep Without a Paci and Is up Every 15 to 30 Min!

S.N. asks from Dallas

Hello ladies, My family truly needs some feedback on what to do in this sleepless situation. My 7 month old has had sleeping problems since birth. She would only...


I Need Help... Still... My Baby Will Not Stop Crying If I Am Not with Her

C.Q. asks from San Francisco

Ok, I know I have asked this question before. But I am going to ask this question again and hope for some additional advice that will actually help because I am break...


First Time Traveling with Baby Is There Best Time to Fly? Other Advice?

L.K. asks from Los Angeles

We're thinking of going on vacation next month with our baby girl who will be 9 months at the time. This will be her first time on the plane and my question is, shou...


Need Help Getting 9-Mo.-old to Sleep Through the Night Again

L.C. asks from Austin

My daughter slept through the night a few months ago after we finally tried the cry it out method for a little while. Very hard, but worth it for some sleep! Now she ...