Sleep Positioner: Baby Bjorn

Results 11-20 from 60 articles

Outgrown His Carseat and Travel with 10 Month Old

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

yesterday I had asked a question on taking our travel system with us for the 18 hr long flight journey with 2 layovers. Seemed like thats what we were going to do unt...


Baby Supplies - What Saved You Money and Time

C.Z. asks from Omaha

i know this question was asked not long ago and was somewhat different. I am going to my SIL baby shower in November and I am wondering what would save her the mo...


Sleep and the Ergo

M.H. asks from Honolulu

Hello mamas, I have a question for those of you out there who are doing parent-directed feeding and using the Ergo sling (or any other carrier). My baby daughter ...


Baby Only Sleeps If Being Held

I.X. asks from Los Angeles

My first daughter didn't do this. My second child did. Now my third is taking after her and only sleeps if being held or carried. He is almost three weeks old. I'...


What's a Item You Used for Your Baby That You Couldn't Live Without??

J.J. asks from Chicago

HI MAMMA'S! I'm a soon-to-be 1st time gramma and wanted to make sure my daughter had some great things to help her transition into parenthood with the new baby. Is ...


I Don't Care About Sleeping Through the Night... Just Go to Sleep 1St Please!

M.C. asks from Dallas

My 7 week old baby only likes to go to sleep on me. I'm so afraid that I am building a bad habit. I can put him in his crib once he is asleep. But, he has to reall...


2 Week-old Baby with Reflux

E.F. asks from Baton Rouge

My 2 week-old daughter has gastroesophageal reflux (GER) which causes her to regurgitate a lot and makes her extremely uncomfortable. I am writing for some advice on...


Baby Items You Couldn't Live Without?

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am registering for the new baby, and I want to hear all those things you registered for that you are so glad you did, and things you think were a waste. What about...


Newborn Reflux/post Partum Depression

D.K. asks from Austin

My newborn son was diagnosed with acid reflux. We have gone to a Pediatric Gastro and have him on Prilosec, We already thicken his feeds, have bought the Tucker Slin...


Please Baby's Head Is Flattening!!!

K.S. asks from Houston

So I just noticed the other day that the left side of his head is starting to flatten and is not symetrical. I am going to the pediatrician soon to get his 4 month w...