Sheets, Blankets, Pillows: Toddler, Luvs

Results 1-10 from 97 articles

Do You like Luvs Diapers?

B.W. asks from Salt Lake City

Luvs diapers are sooo much cheaper than Huggies or Pampers, so I am wondering if any of you have used them with your babies, and if you like them? It would be great ...


Luvs Diaper Question

L.S. asks from Hartford

I was just wondering if anyone has noticed if Luvs diapers have changed at all in the last couple of months. Lately i am noticing that both my girls are wetting thro...


Question About Crib Sheets

L.C. asks from Cleveland

Hello, my question do you make it easier to make it through the night after your baby gets their crib sheet wet? Any suggestions? I can imagine that changi...


13 Month Old Wakes up with Soaked Diaper and Wet Pajamas Almost Every Morning!

A.G. asks from Cincinnati

My 13 month old is waking up almost every morning - sometimes too early - wet from the top of his diaper up his stomach. His diaper is completely soaked, too. We we...


Overnight Diapers for 21 Month Old

L.M. asks from Chicago

We have always used Kirkland (Costco) diapers for our daughter. At night we started to put a bigger sized diaper on her as she slept longer. She has reached the lar...


13 Month Old Keeps Overflowing Diaper at Night

A.B. asks from Kansas City

I have a 13 month old that must dream about water all night long!! I change him right before bed and all week he has woken up soaked. He literally overflows the dia...


My 5 Month Old Son Keeps on Waking up at Night Soaking Wet

R.R. asks from New York

My son keeps on waking up at night soaking wet. His diaper is full and the back of his PJs is completely wet. I tried a larger diaper, double diaper, but nothing work...


10 Month old..........POOPING NIGHTMARE!!!

M.S. asks from Louisville

Ok, my baby girl still does not sleep through the night, so I change her diaper at least once or twice in the middle of the night. She is not sick, has not changed h...


Night Time Diapers for My 6.5 Month Old

D.G. asks from Chicago

The last two nights our 6.5 month old daughter has leaked through her diapers, clothing and sheets. This is probably a simple solution but are there nighttime diaper...


8 Month Old Peeing Through Diaper at Night

A.A. asks from Lexington

My 8 month old daughter has been peeing through her diaper every night. She is a stomach sleeper. She is in size 2, swaddlers. Last night I bought some size 3, cruise...