Sheets, Blankets, Pillows: Pampers

Results 71-80 from 212 articles

Diapers Leaking at Night

C.A. asks from San Francisco

Hello everyone, I have a 4 month old whose diapers keep leaking up her back at night. Last night I changed her at 3am and by 8am it had leaked. I've tried using a ...


Is It Ok to Attend a Baby Shower Without a Gift?

K.H. asks from Reno

My good friends are throwing a suprise shower for another friend of ours this saturday. The mom to be and her hubby have literally NOTHING for thier baby(due in 5 w...


Leaky Diapers!!

H.S. asks from Greensboro

My little girl is 9 months old and sleeps with me most of the time (although we are trying to get her to sleep in her crib now- that's another story for another day!)...


Peeing Through Pullup

A.N. asks from Charlotte

My son is 3 years old and pees through his pulup all of the time. He does not have accidents during waking hours. I am washing sheets daily. Any advice?


Leaking Pull-ups

R.D. asks from New York

Hello, My son is 3 and fully potty trained...except for overnights. He currently wears night time Pull Ups (Huggies Brand though I've also tried Pampers Easy Ups). ...


4 Year Old Excessively Wetting the Bed

K.P. asks from Springfield

Hi Ladies - I have an adorable four and a half year old boy who is still wetting himself every night (he is potty trained during the day). The doctor says its normal....


Daughter Won't Stop Taking Diaper Off!

D.J. asks from Reading

I was wondering if any of you moms have experienced anything like this and what you did to stop it. My 27 month old daughter has started taking her diaper off when s...


Diaper Rash from Hell

D.V. asks from San Francisco

My baby is almost 14 months. He is teething really bad right now, and has the worst diaper rash ever. My Mom has him during the day, while i'm at work. He has at leas...


Pregnant with Twins

S.T. asks from Kansas City

Hello momma's...I found out about 2 weeks ago that we are having twins!!!! This my second pregnancy, i have a 14 month old son. I am due in early december. I have a ...


First Time Mom-to-be Overwhelmed with All the Products!

D.N. asks from Raleigh

Hi Moms, I am a first time mom-to-be (14 weeks) and have been researching the many products out there for babies. I am basically seeking advice about any and all ...