Sciatica Pain

Results 11-20 from 233 articles

Suggestions for Sciatica Pain Relief

C.F. asks from San Francisco

Does anyone have good advice for helping to relieve sciatica pain? I can not put any pressure on my left leg. When I try to walk, I get shooting pain all the way do...


Sciatica Nerve Pain

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

Happy New Year! So the past few days this pain in my back and leg is getting worse. I've checked online and it fits right into the symptoms of Sciatica nerve pain...


Sciatica During Pregnancy - in Pain and Losing My Mind!

S.J. asks from St. Louis

I am pregnant and have the worst sciatica. It literally prevents me from walking/moving almost daily. My leg will catch and to the floor I go! I walk very carefull...


Any Mothers Waitress While Being Pregnant and Having Sciatica? Can I Make It?

A.A. asks from Chicago

Hello,, My sister is 4 months pregnant and went to the doctor and has sciatica-she waitresses 4x a week for 8 hours each day. She has to work but is scared that sh...


Any Tips to Relieve Bad Sciatica Pain in Late Pregnancy?

N.F. asks from Reno

Ladies - I'm dying. I have sciatica pain shooting down my left leg... it was manageable for a few weeks and now I've crossed into major pain territory. I have a littl...


26 Wks Pregnant, Need Sciatica Help!!

R.D. asks from Richmond

i suffered from mild sciatica the last few weeks of my first two pregnancies... however, this is SO different. i have MONTHS left to go... and i cant even walk becaus...


Looking for Sciatica Pain Relief...27 Weeks Pregnant

K.K. asks from New York

I am 27 weeks pregnant with my second child, a boy, and suffering very bad sciatica pain. The pain shoots from my lower left back down my leg. Sometimes my leg gives ...


23 Weeks Pregnant - Anyone Know How to Get Relief from Sciatica Pain?

W.W. asks from Houston

I am 23 weeks pregnat and have a 2 1/2 year old little boy. I developed a sharp pain on the right side of my body (hip/buttox area). At first I thought maybe I pull...


Sciatica in 3Rd Trimester

J.W. asks from Salinas

Anyone get this annoying pain on one or the other side of their tail bone? It pinches when I walk and is so painful. Any remedies? I have 6 wks to go and cant hand...


Percocet During Pregnancy

S.J. asks from Los Angeles

So I sprained my ankle on Friday and my doctor gave me Percocet to take (because I'm a big whimp when it comes to pain). They're the 7.5/500 kind. He said it's perfec...