Milk Storage: Infant, First Years

Results 51-60 from 137 articles

Two Month Old Won't Take a Bottle

A.R. asks from Salt Lake City

I have been breastfeeding my 2 month old daughter since she was born & am having an impossible time getting her to take a bottle. My lactation nurse had my hubby sta...


Need Advice on Good Breast Pump

B.B. asks from San Luis Obispo

hi ladies. i am in the last semester of the registered nursing program, and am due in two weeks. i have chosen to return to school after taking just a week off (i k...


Breastfeeding Bottles

N.W. asks from Austin

Hi, my baby boy is due in May and I am planning on breastfeeding. I breastfed my 3 yr ols until he was 9 months. He switched between bottle(w/ breastmilk) and breast ...


Seeking a Good, Less Expensive Double Breast Pump

E.H. asks from Phoenix

I just had another girl on the 4th of July. I had to be induced at 34 weeks because I was very sick and the problem was only getting worse. She spent some time in the...


Breastfeeding Questions - Long Post!

G.T. asks from Boston

Hi there moms. I am expecting baby #2 any day now and plan on BF'g. I was luckily able to do it for a year with my first, BUT it was not a pleasant experience at al...


Info on Breastpumps

S.R. asks from Indianapolis

I an in the process of researching breastpumps. I have looked at several different websites, read some reviews etc. I was wondering what others recommend. I was not a...


Help with Implementing Babywise

R.H. asks from Salt Lake City

My newborn girl is only 11 days old and my girlfirends all swear by starting the Babywise pricipals from day one. This has been a huge struggle for me. First, she c...


4 Month Old Wont Take Bottle

A.W. asks from Hattiesburg

I am a teacher and have been home nursing my baby for the last 4+ months. I will be going back to work next week so I HAVE to get my baby to take a bottle. He began d...


Bottle Warming

J.M. asks from Detroit

I heard a report the other day about putting warm tap water in baby's bottles. So I started making my baby's bottles more on the cold side but he seemd to be fussy a...


What Nipples Are Closest to Breastfeeding.

T.M. asks from Tucson

My baby is due in Aug. and I'm doing a little planning. I want to nurse, but I'll have to pump while I'm at work. I want to avoid the mess I faced with my daughter. I...