Language: Simplicity

Results 31-40 from 82 articles

Must Haves for a Mom of 2

D.M. asks from Tampa

I think I have everything covered on my baby registry but I just wanted to see if any Moms out there had any good ideas for things a mother of a 1 1/2 year old and a ...



T.W. asks from Florence

My sons new doctor is sending him to an ear not and throat doctor this up coming Monday, June 30th. Have any of you had young children have this surgery. I am pretty ...


Mental Health Question

C.C. asks from New York

I am reaching out with this because I think it's a good bet that some of you will have great advice. I have never faced a situation like this before. I have a clo...


Seeking Solutions for Tired Eyes

A.D. asks from Lexington

My 3 month old is not sleeping through the night and I'm back to work full time. People are constantly telling me that I look tired. I know sleep will be the best r...


Can a Child Learn to Self Soothe at Night If Even I Can't Soothe Him Sometimes?

L.B. asks from New York

I asked yesterday about what to do with my "bad sleeper" two year old. His 3.5 week old brother sleeps better than he does or ever did, and with two of them, I am at...


How to Correct Bad Behaviors

L.V. asks from Las Vegas

My boys are pretty hyper, defiant, whiny, rough with each other, tattle tellers, and they cry for every little thing.I don't know what else to do. We are moving into...


Update on My Gender Non Conforming Son

L.B. asks from Sacramento

I have asked some questions over the years regarding my son and this is not so much a question as it is a rant. My son is now 10 and his personality has not changed ...


At My Wits End with My Son Turning in Late Assignments!

C.H. asks from Dallas

Okay I am going to get right to it. My son is in the 6th grade and I am sure this is a little bit of a change changing classes but he also changed classes last year. ...


Teaching Respect and Obedience

R.K. asks from Dallas

I've tried everything and read everything I can think of- just looking for some more ideas on how to teach a child (he's 4) how to respect and obey his parents. My...


Looking for Book on How to Communicate with My Spouse.

D.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hello. My husband and I don't know how to talk with each other. He's very giving and does everything for me (cooks, helps clean, etc.)... but sit and have real mean...