Holidays & Entertaining: Infant, Puppets

Results 21-30 from 107 articles

Does a Boy Need "Boyish" Toys?

L.A. asks from New York

We were at my parents house celebrating my birthday this weekend, and an uncle remarked that while our 11 month old son has a lot of toys, none of them are "boy" toys...


Guidance on Gifts for Daycare Teachers

S.T. asks from Grand Rapids

I am looking for some opinions on holiday gift-giving at my son's daycare. My son is a toddler who has been attending the same daycare part-time since he was 3 mos. ...


Party with over 20 Kids- Any Entertainment Ideas to Prevent Home Destruction?

E.L. asks from San Francisco

Hello mamapedia network- My daughter is turning one and we invited pretty much everyone... it turns out there will be over 20 kids at the party of varying ages fr...


Best Investment in Toys

R.S. asks from Chicago

Hi there, I have a one, three and five year old (eldest is the only girl). I have always been very frugal when it comes to buying toys... In our house, less is mo...


Mom-in-law Is Trying to Ruin My Marriage

B.R. asks from Tulsa

HELP! How do I deal with a controlling, manipulative mother-in-law? Seriously, I think she wants nothing more than me to disappear! My husband has been the only pa...


1St Birthday!

C.L. asks from Charleston

My son's first birthday is coming up in February. I haven't decided yet what to do for his party. We will probably just have family over at my parent's house. It w...


Long Road Trip

K.D. asks from Rapid City

We are going to be going to my parents house for Christmas and it is a 15 hr car ride. We are stopping half way and spending the night, but we will be in the car for...


Rainy Day Activities for Your Preschooler?

L.L. asks from Lexington

It has been raining the past couple days and I am out of ideas!! I have a newly mobile 10 month old (very good crawler/cruiser, no walking yet) and a VERY active 2 1...


Looking for 2 Year Old Birthday Party Ideas

M.R. asks from Los Angeles

I am looking for ideas for my sons 2nd year old birthday. Iam doing it at my house but would like to have many activitys and different things. Am getting a jumper, b...


Activities for Toddlers?

A.O. asks from Eugene

My kids are three and 15 months. I need to plan some activities for them to do. My house is small so nothing messy and I really dont have ant ideas for the kids. We h...