Charter School: Child, The First Years

Results 51-60 from 73 articles


K.B. asks from Fresno

We will most likily be moving in June to a small town. There is only one school there and no private schools. What I was wanting to do is enroll my daughter in kinder...


2Nd Grader Doing 3Rd Grade Work

T.J. asks from Cincinnati

Hello, My sister has a child in the 2nd grade and he is doing well but the work that he is getting in his classes is too easy so the school placed him in some 3rd gr...


Help/info on "Normal" ADD Behavior

S. asks from Phoenix

My 10 year old son was recently 'diagnosed' with ADD. The diagnosis is hard for me since it is not a blood test that shows for certain this is what he has - but the ...


Move to Live With/near Soon-to-be Ex

L.E. asks from Los Angeles

Hi All, As DH and I have very different and incompatible beliefs, attitudes, tastes, and priorities and counseling from a few different therapists has not improved...


Cub Scouts or Karate for My 7 Yr Old Son?

K.M. asks from Lafayette

Hi Moms, My 7 year old son is wanting to do karate at his school two days a week from 330-430 OR cub scouting and I'm wondering which would be the best option? I wou...


How to Get My Daughter Tested for Kindergarten

K.M. asks from Los Angeles

Who do I call to look into having my 4 1/2 year old tested for Kindergarten? She misses the cutoff by 10 days (will be 5 on December 12). She's had one year of Pres...


Kindergarten Homework - What Is the Value?

T.T. asks from San Diego

I'd love to hear different opinions on this. My son is in kindergarten. He gets two packets of homework every Monday - one for math and one for reading. He is supp...


Do I Put Him in Early, or Wait?

M.B. asks from Seattle

Okay, I have another question about my son. He is 4 1/2 and has an October birthday. Per the area I live in he has to be 5 on or before August 31st to enter Kinderg...



D.K. asks from Washington DC

Just curious here mamas and looking to see what the range of opinions is. Does anyone truly still believe that all homeschooled children are negatively socialized...


How Do I Chose Between Two kids....very Worn Down

M.M. asks from Chicago

In a nut shell: I have 2 boys 13 and 4y/o. My 13 y/o has been difficult since day 1, never played alone, and always needed to be encouraged, always bucked when the go...