What to Expect at Age 3 - Halethorpe,MD

Updated on January 18, 2011
P.W. asks from Halethorpe, MD
9 answers

Hello Moms,

IMy son and I are surviving the terrible two's and it's not easy. I've been hearing from other moms that the 3s are a force to be reckoned with. Eeek, what can I expect and how did or are you surviving? Helpful hints are appreciated.


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answers from Honolulu on

Teach him how to communicate... to express himself in palatable ways.
Teach him the names... for his feelings. ie: happy, sad, frustrated, irritated, hungry, tired, mad, etc. Then tell him he can tell you how he feels... and you are both a "TEAM" about it.
This helped both my kids, by the time there were this age.
My son, who is 4, for example, even at 3 years old knew the difference between "irritated" and him feeling "frustrated."

Yes, 3 is a doozy.
Even at 4.

My son, was great at 1,2,3 years old... but as he got closer to 4 years old, that is when all hell broke loose. But he is generally fine.... but I have found that the level of communication of the child and the reciprocal-ness of that with you... makes a big difference.

Oh and at 3 years old, their physicality gets even more. Boys... are like young wild horses... they need to runaround... daily. In the mornings preferably... then after lunch, nap.

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answers from Cumberland on

If you enlist his help around the house and treat him like a family member and not a guest-he will respond with respect and maturity. Preschool was a big plus when my children were little-they learned to read when they were three and it lessened the frustration-they used communication skills and behaved beautifully. I could take them anywhere-and I did. We were more apt to eat in a restaurant than a fast food place. We never went anywhere without people complimenting on their manners and behavior. We always had fun-I would talk to them beforehand about what our plan was-and what I expected of them-and they never let me down.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Provo on

Be very patient with the child and realize that this is the time that they realize they have some control over their own lives. Try to reach an agreement that works for both of you. Expect lots of fits and sometimes mommy has to use psychology. The best way to deal with the extreme fit is not to let things get that far. I know it is trying but you will learn fast.



answers from Los Angeles on

My son was so much fun and we had a wonderful year between 1-2 years old. I am not even joking, the day after his 3rd b-day he turned into a little monster :0) between July and November was really hard-testing the limits, pushing your buttons, driving everyone crazy. But now he is back to my amazing little man, dont get me wrong, he will test still, but it seems like they go through weird phases-we even got potty training in and he is doing great!!! :) Just be patient and things will get easier and every child is different and just because someone tells you their horror stories about their kids does not mean you will go through it too! We even decided to take parenting classes that are starting this month to see what we have in store for the year to come.



answers from New York on

I think one of the nicest thing about the age of three is how social children become. Most kids are really interested in playing with other children. I started my daughter in preschool when she turned three, two mornings a week, and it was wonderful. We needed a break from one another and she thrived on the social interaction. Every age has its challenges but also its unique rewards!



answers from Dallas on

3 can be more difficult because not only do they now know what they want (hence the 2 yr tantrums) they know what needs to be done to get it, but can't fully understand the ins & outs of why it can or cannot happen. (i.e. I want to play the new iron man toy... @ 2 its just a fit if its not presented right in front of them. @ 3 its, mommy, go tot he store and get the new iron man toy. Here's your purse with the money...etc.) They want a drink they open the fridge and get what they want... usually including a HUGE mess. They are a little too idependent, which gets them into trouble. I have had the most success allowing as much independence with guidance as reasonably possible, and drawing very clear lines across the board what mommy still needs to do. You cannot allow them to get in the fridge and get their own apple, but not apple juice. They don't get that and will get frustrated. The more you let them do and the more structured you make their environment, the fewer melt downs you'll have.



answers from Denver on

My daugher has been wonderful through age 2. She never really had many tantrums, and her behavior has been decent for 90% of the time. I anticipate her behavior through her third year will only be better.

Happiest Toddler on the Block- is an awesome book. It really has given me
perspective on how to work with my little cave-child and keep flare ups at an absolute minimum.

The most important thing for me has been communication, and putting myself in her shoes. I think too many parents get wrapped up in power struggles with their children which can actually create bad behavior in children. Most parents also give undo attention to undesired behavior instead of redirecting their children to more desirable behaviors. Attention- whether to a good or bad behavior is still a reinforcer. Also, I really focus on positive parenting. Children under the age of 4-5, don't really process the negative portion of a statement. It's better to tell them what to do rather than what not to do.

Anyhow- that book is awesome. Check it out if you are able to.

Best wishes!



answers from Oklahoma City on

Go to parentcenter.com and register your children. They send weekly and monthly emails with the next milestone and what to look for, they also have t\really good question and answers there too.



answers from Portland on

In spite of plenty of behavior that runs contrary to what Mom and Dad want, your son is not "trying" to be naughty. Children don't really want to cause problems or get in trouble if they have any other way at all to meet their own growing need for autonomy, independence, and control of their circumstances.

We grownups want everything to flow according to our adult expectations, and have a lifetime of practice learning how that works. Your toddler doesn't know any of that yet, and he will probably have a couple more years in which he just won't see very much from your point of view. He can't help it. Dawdling, digging in heels, and even tantrums are a natural outcome of becoming more frustrated than he's able to endure. Occasional stresses like travel and changing schedules, or illness, or any major change, may contribute.

Though you won't ever have a toddler who can behave like an adult and make all the choices you would make, there are tried and true methods for eliminating much of the mutual frustration that parent and child experience during the next couple of years. While some steps require a bit of advance planning or extra patience from you, overall, you'll expend less time and energy than you would if dealing with behavior that isn't evolving in a positive direction.

1. When he wants something, empathize, big time, and in the child's language. I love the advice of Dr. Harvey Karp on how to get on a tantruming toddler's wavelength in this and several related videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6KnVPUdEgQ&feature=re... . Once your little guy realizes you do care about what he wants, he's more likely to be able to calm down and cooperate with what you need from him. And there are lots of positive ways to approach this, rather than just saying no. They hear NO! so often, and they can be so frustrated. So look for ways of finding a mutual "yes," and save "no" for those occasions when children are trying something dangerous.

2. Keep it playful, and keep it respectful. Children learn primarily through play and imitation. You may need help with this if your parents didn't model a lighthearted and kind approach when you were little. The book Playful Parenting is a great resource. Your son's sense of humor is developing, crude though it may be.

There will also be times when you must have cooperation, like diapering or trips to the store, so keep a special toy or distraction that he gets to play with only at those times.

3. Here's a big one: give advance notice when you'll want him to be doing anything differently, especially when he's grooving on some activity/play. Children absolutely hate unexpected transitions. With my grandson, we let him know at least a couple of times that a change is coming ("We're going to go to the store / have lunch / take a nap pretty soon." … and then a second alert a minute before making the change.)

4. Whatever the next activity is, make it sound as desirable as possible. Give some detail about the ride in the car, or a favorite food at lunch, or sweet snuggles before nap. Be positive and enthusiastic. And be calm. Desperation will show, and even though he's too young to deliberately engage in a planned power struggle, he will quite naturally sense any cracks in your resolve. And this is where future power struggles truly can begin.

5. Try to keep demands low when he's tired, over-managed, hungry, or sick. He won't have any emotional reserves left with which to cooperate.

6. Get to know his most likely trouble-spots, and plan ahead. For many kids, it's when they want some tempting object or food they've seen. So keep those things out of sight when possible. Be prepared with a distraction – for example, another toy he likes when you have to take ______ away, or a healthy treat when he wants a junky snack. Laughter, introducing a new game, a few twirls and bounces, hugs or tickles, a goofy song, can help break into his determination to get something he wants (that short attention span is both a curse and a blessing).

7. Avoid bribes, but let him work toward occasional rewards. Don't try to buy cooperation with "IF you'll do X, we'll let you have Y." Instead, phrase it as if he gets to assist in advancing something good for himself: "Hey, as soon as you help me get X done, then we get to do Y." It sounds like a small distinction, but it's important. It gives the child a chance to cooperate in what feels like choice, even when there's no "if" about it.

8. Be sure he gets lots and lots of physical activity during the day. Time outdoors in nature is calming for most children. If she has pent-up energy, it will have to come out some way, and unless channeled in a positive direction, it will likely to add to both your stress and hers. And limit TV time – the passive receptivity to all that fast editing seriously interferes with children's normal brainwave patterns, making focus and engagement in the "real" world more difficult.

9. Whatever you are trying to teach will need to be repeated hundreds of times over the next few years. That's completely normal. Attention spans and impulse control are extremely limited in toddlers. (Look at your parenting contract, and you'll find it in microscopically-tiny print under "I agree to the following terms and sacrifices.")

Spanking and time-outs don't work for every kid, and will sometimes actually backfire over time. Especially with spanking: children may be scared, shocked, or shamed into compliance, but behaving for the sake of avoiding pain isn't the same thing as developing an internalized sense of "good." Consistent, calm guidance and modeling what you DO want from him will work better in the long run than punishing for what you DON'T want him to do. See more on this by googling The Science of Parenting or Emotion Coaching.

I wish you both well. Pay attention to what you love and appreciate about your son, and make sure he knows. Treat him with calm and respectful authority. Children crave attention and approval, and if he knows you're noticing his good moments, he'll try to create more of them.

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