Weaning Co-sleeping Toddler

Updated on May 31, 2008
G.U. asks from Irvington, NY
12 answers

Hi ladies,
My daughter's nearly 19 months, still nurses 4-6 times during the day if I'm around and 2-7 times at NIGHT! She sleeps in my bed. I'd like to have another baby and my doctor has told me that nursing more than 5 times a day suppresses ovulation. I don't want to stop completely, just cut down to about 3 nursing feeds in total per day (& night). I'd like to wean her completely, not immediately but in about 3 months, which I plan to do cold turkey with a lot of love, cuddling & distractions. But for now, what to do?
Thanks in advance

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So What Happened?

I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my request for help in weaning my 19 month old co-sleeping daughter. The response has been amazing! We're into day 3 using the Dr Jay Gordon approach and it's going much better than I expected, it's actually going very well! I really appreciate all the helpful advice, you ladies rock! God bless you all.

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answers from Binghamton on

I don't know if I have a lot of advice, but I can share my most recent nursing experience with you. A little background first...I have 4 biological children, all nursed, and a stepson who lives with us full time. My baby just weaned last week at 17 months. Prior to her cold turkey wean, she would nurse a couple of times during the day, when she felt like it, inconsistently, but always nursed before bed, once or twice during the night, and first thing in the morning. I have always used a red boppy pillow with her and I knew she was going to be nursing longer than any of my others when she would start getting the pillow and bringing it to me and saying "mama, milk".

I stopped nursing her during the day if I could distract her with a cup of milk. In May I started working overnights doing eldercare (a job that she went to with me while she was a little baby, then we both stopped going in December when the lady I care for went away for the winter) Now she's back and I needed to go back without the baby. That definitely helped the weaning process. I would leave for work at 6:30pm and for the first few weeks I tried to nurse her at 6pm, and then as soon as I got home in the morning.

Well life got busy and we were having dinner at 6pm, and then I was babysitting at 9am in the morning so I didn't have time to nurse her when I got home. Before I knew it three days had passed without her nursing. I hid the nursing pillow (not quite ready to throw it away yet!) and since hiding the pillow she has not asked to nurse once. So we have been one week without nursing.

I was worried that I would get mastitis with the sudden wean because I have been battling that since November, but so far so good. No engorgement or anything. I actually threw away a nursing bra yesterday!

I will admit that although I felt it was probably a good time to wean her, I still have mixed emotions about it. I am enjoying the feeling of freedom, since I have been pretty much pregnant, nursing, and then pregnant again for the last 8 years. But there is definitely a sadness that comes from weaning your last baby.

For you it would be very exciting if it helps you to conceive. I don't know if anything I have said has been helpful. I don't have any secrets...except maybe you should have a getaway with your husband without the baby. Don't pump and don't let her have bottles while you are gone. Believe me...at 19 months (you did an awesome job by the way, nursing her this long) she will be ok if you wean her. It will probably be harder on you than on her.

I definitely don't have any advice for getting her out of your bed (if that is one of your goals as well). Until I weaned my baby, she and I spent at least half the night sleeping together in the lounge chair. Since she has been weaned, my husband has said she hasn't woken up once at night (I'm usually at work so I wouldn't know)...point being that maybe it will be fairly easy to get her out of your bed once she is weaned. Then again it will be hard to wean her if she is in the bed, won't it? What happens when you put her in the crib? Do you even have a crib? Do you intend to co-sleep after she weans?

Ok, so here's one last piece of advice...let her drink whole milk prior to the time when you think she will want to nurse (my daughter never drank much milk until she weaned, now she can't get enough of it). She might make the connection that it is the same (of course our milk is so much better since we are not cows, but it might taste similar to them), and if she is full she might not want to nurse.

I'm sorry I went on so long...racking my brain trying to give you something useful you can lose. I probably could have said it shorter, but hopefully you can find something to help you out, if nothing else than you are not alone! Good luck, let us know how it turns out...and let us celebrate when you do conceive!




answers from New York on

Nursing CAN suppress ovulation, but it is not a foolproof or reliable thing. Your doctor should know that. I have known plenty of women that became pregnant soon after the birth of their first child because they were using nursing as birth control. In fact, you can ovulate and not have a period while you are nursing.

Has your period returned? If it has, then you are DEFINITELY ovulating. The first time around, my period returned at about a year and I got pregnant about three months after that. While I was pregnant, my daughter self-weaned, because your supply dips dramatically when you are pregnant. That is a fact, because your body needs to take your "reserves" and give it to the baby growing inside you rather than to produce milk for the one already thriving.

You won't need to do it cold turkey if you start weaning a bit now and then get pregnant. It will all happen naturally. I suggest night weaning first. My DS (baby #2) was nursing as much as your DD and it was tough, but cutting out the middle of the night feedings helped my sanity and health tremendously. What I did was offer him a bottle or sippy of milk, then diluted it gradually until it was just water. Once it was very dilute, he just didn't want it at all. He cried for "nursy" but he got hugs, cuddles, back rubs, foot rubs and whatever else would comfort him instead.

At two, he now nurses about three times a day (my daughter was down to this at about 16-18 months. She fully weaned at 19 1/2 months when I was about 4 1/2-5 months pregnant.). He's got a cold now, so he gets one or two extra nursing sessions when he asks, because I know it will help him get better, but generally if he asks for it, I assess if he really "needs" it or if he's bored or just thirsty. If I offer him something else and he takes it, he didn't really need it.

Good luck. It can be challenging. Feel free to email me offline as well.




answers from New York on

I would like to offer advice, as i have 3 of my own children and have had lots of support from health nurses here in Australia.
Toddlers do not need to be breast feed that many times a day and night. Mostly it is a habit and comfort.
If they are eating well they shouldn't need the feeds. If they are not eating properly then that would be the reason why.
I would be putting your daughter into her own bed. If she wakes at night your partner can attend to her. Give her a sippy cup of water if she is thirsty.
It will be exhuasting and stressful as you will be listening to lots of crying and tantrums.
But you have to be strong and strict. She has hit and past the stage of attatchment, so you are going to find it hard yourself too, as well as your toddler. But she will live and she won't hate you when she grows up!!!
Set the times you want to feed and just do it and stick to them religiously. My advice is to check about breast feeding while being pregnant though as i have had a cousin who lost her baby whilst feeding her toddler, i have heard it is not advisable. Check with your doc.
Remember you are the boss and decided what is best for you and your daughter. Well done for feeding for so long, but it is time to let it go and as you said lots of cuddles and reassurance will ease it for all of you.
I also believe on a personal note, that the cuddles and words and love and attention will have more impact on your child being well adjusted and healthy than continued breast feeding. Your bonding has now been well established and now you can enjoy the next phase of maturity and milestones from your growing toddler.



answers from New York on

just to let you know , your period may return though you are nursing your baby frequently. mine did- i nursed as much as you, but by the time she was 18 months i started to have my regular menstrual cycle, got pregnant when she was 21 months and continued to breastfeed until 25 months.
i hope it helps. good luck and enjoy this precious time:)



answers from New York on

hi there, i thought my 13 month old son was spoiled ha!! do u feed your daughter real food yet? if so, she doesn't need as much milk as you provide. yes , i'm not an expert :) i would cut away completely the night feeds bc she doesn't need to eat or shouldn't be waking in the night. if you don't stop that now you're going to be in bigger trouble. she's smart she knows what she wants you just have to be strong!!! 4-6 x's a day..... how do you have any time for yourself?? i thought by that age only 3 feeds of milk and 3 meals. i would replace one of your feeds with a bottle. you need to introduce cows milk soon esp if she doesn't like it. she sounds like she won't. i weaned and it wasnt so bad. i dropped the afternoon then the night and then morning. i missed the mornings the most since he would come in our bed and feed and we would fall back to sleep. we now have sooo much more structure and i have more time for myself. try it and good luck.



answers from New York on

Hi Nprincewillutchay C,

You are indeed blessed with a beautiful child that need all the love and care you can give.

I recommend that you introduce a bottle in between nursing your baby and not just stop abruptly as babies need to learn and accept different methods of eating.

Best of luck,




answers from New York on

I'm wondering why you feel the need to wean cold turkey? If it were me, I would start to cut out some of the day nursings. If you want to bf first thing in the morning and at bedtime, give milk in cups with meals. During the day, wear clothing that is not bf-friendly. Dont' sit in the chair or whereever you normally nurse her. During the night, it will be hard to wean if you continue co-sleeping. I am a supporter of cosleeping, but if she is nursing so much, you may need to switch plans. Since you spoke of wanting to conceive soon, I assume there is a father or partner involved. I'd suggest either starting your daughter in her crib, and let dad go and try to soothe her to sleep when she wakes up at night, and allow her in your bed if she wakes closer to morning hours - OR vice versa, start her in your bed, let her have a nursing and then let daddy settle her into her crib.

There is no magic number of times you BF that suppresses ovulation. If you are getting your period, you're ovulating. Usually if you breastfeed exclusively around the clock with no other foods or liquids, you're not ovulating but there are no guarantees.



answers from New York on

I breast fed my daughter until she was 18-19 months old. I think I started cutting back at 17 months and she was completely weaned by the end of 19 months. We also did co-sleeping. I started to cut out the nightly feedings first because it is so bad for the baby's teeth. Plus I felt she was just using me as a pacifier to get back to sleep and didn't really need the food. Stopping the night feeding was the hardest part, but if she would wake to feed, I would try to hush her back to sleep. If she insisted, then I would try to feed for the shortest time possible. Each night would get less and less until she finally stopped waking to nurse.
During the day, I reduced it to 2 feedings and gave her milk in a sippy cup or bottle. The day feedings were easier to stop because she was easier to distract during the day. For me weaning over a 3 month period worked because we did it at our own pace and it happened when we were both ready. I wish I had a more specific technique for weaning, but we really just kept working at it. I used distractions and sometimes just said 'no, not right now honey.' At night, if I couldn't avoid breastfeeding then I would just remove the nipple as soon as the sucking slowed. (A technique from the book, 'The No Cry Sleep Solution'.

Anyway, hope some of this helps. Wish you the best of luck.



answers from New York on

I'm going to read these responses when I have some time, but I just wanted to share the book 'How Weaning Happens' by LLL. My 29 month old toddlers still nurse and a lot at nightime. I got my period back a couple of months ago (27 months), since then my period has been very regular (31 days), and I feel ovulation. Have you gotten your period back? If so, there is a good chance you are ovulating. You can start charting your temperature to get an idea of when, or try a fertility monitor.

The idea we had some success with for overnight is a clock that goes from sleepy bunny to awake bunny at a certain time. I was enforcing no nursing before bunny wakes up and it was working, but I wasn't consistent enough since I often can't remember. You might try that. The book I mentioned that a good amount of babies self wean during the second trimester of another pregnancy.

Congrats on nursing for so long! Good luck on conceiving again




answers from New York on

we nightweaned our son at around 18 months - we were still cosleeping and he was nursing every 2-4 hours, was eating solid foods and nursing during the day too. we followed dr. jay gordon's gentle night weaning approach and it was really helpful! i've copied the article below - but here's the direct link - http://www.drjaygordon.com/development/ap/sleep.asp

also - just wanted to clarify that nursing at night does not cause tooth decay. here's a link to a really great article http://www.kellymom.com/bf/older-baby/tooth-decay.html

www.kellymom.com is also a great breastfeeding resource!!
good luck!
ps - my son never liked to drink milk and he is now 4 years old and very healthy. also - he nursed until about 3 years old - but only before bed or in the morning when he first woke up.

Changing The Sleep Pattern In The Family Bed

By Dr Jay Gordon

I can only imagine a mom and dad who are as tired as anyone can be, eager to see this article on sleep, and finding that we had made it unavailable for a little while!

We had to do that because I didn't write the article clearly enough and need to clarify some very important facts.

It would be hard to find as strong a proponent of the family bed as I am. Yet, I have received email commenting that there were sections of this "plan" which were easy to misinterpret as being just another angle on "sleep training" for young babies. It is not meant to be that. Not even close to an endorsement of the benefits of getting your baby to "soothe herself to sleep" during the first year.

Here's what I really want to do: I want to offer an alternative to Ferber and Weisbluth and the Whisperer. I never want to see my ideas applied to a four month old or even a seven month old baby. As a matter of fact, I am not too excited about pushing any baby around at night but I know that sometimes it will be done and I'd like to offer a gentle, supported plan for after the first year.

Before I go any further, let me express my overriding concern. Babies do better when we answer all their questions as best we can and meet their needs as best we can.


Most of the families I have taken care of in my pediatric practice sleep in a family bed.

Their babies tend to breastfeed for more than one year and they don't sleep through the night any better than most of us would if we napped and cuddled within inches of the best restaurant in town and knew it was open 24 hours a day.

This arrangement is not just adequate and tolerable, but actually feels easier to moms who can just roll over, nurse a while and fall back to sleep with their babies rather having to get out of bed to nurse or, alternatively, refuse to nurse and get their babies back to sleep some other way.

Lots of parents continue this pattern through the first year and well into the second and beyond, but some get tired of it -- or just plain tired -- after a while and are looking for a way to change things. Saddest of all, some moms and dads think that total weaning from breastfeeding is the best way to get more sleep. They choose not to look into nighttime weaning as a good option instead.

There are dozens of confusing books and magazine articles implying that there can be some quick and easy way to get your baby to sleep or to not nurse through the night. I have yet to read one which told parents the complete truth: It's not easy, it's rarely quick and it's usually a little loud and heartbreaking for a few nights . . . or more. I have seen too many families needing help and getting offered choices they didn't like at all.

I have a better alternative to completely weaning or to letting the baby cry it out. Babies wake up for the optimal interaction with their moms, breastfeeding back to sleep. If we offer them a little less than that for a few nights and then a little less and still less in the ensuing nights, gentle behavior modification will lead them to realize that it might not be "worth it" to knock on the door of a closed restaurant, so to speak.

I don't recommend any forced sleep changes during the first year of life. Probably the only exception to this would be an emergency involving a nursing mom's health. There are many suggestions in books and magazines for pushing "sleeping through the night" during a baby's early months or during the first year. I don't think this is the best thing to do and I am quite sure that the earlier a baby gets "non-response" from parents, the more likely he is to close down at least a little.

Don't get me wrong. I love the family bed, child-led weaning and cuddling all through the first, second, third year or more if it's working well and if the family is doing well. Don't let anyone convince you that this is a harmful choice or that there will be "no way" to get him out of your bed if you don't do it now. Don't believe anyone who says that babies who cuddle and nurse all night long "never" learn to self soothe or become independent. This is simply not true but it sells books and the myths stay in our culture.

Some moms just don't want to do this after some months or years and there should be a third choice to the dichotomy of crying it out or giving in to all-night nursing. Again, I support the family bed and frequent night nursing for a long time and even attempt to pull some parents along "just a little farther," but I often have to switch tacks and support and help families with difficult choices.

Here's what I recommend for older babies:

Choose the most valuable seven hours of sleep for yourselves. I personally prefer 11p.m. through 6 a.m. but you might have a slightly different idea.

Change the rules during those hours and be comfortable that a "well-built" family bed baby's personality can withstand this rule changing and the mild inconsistency of getting everything he wants all the time . . .oops, almost all the time. That's the word we want to show this baby. The word "almost." If only we could explain to him that "tired moms and dads take their children to the park a little less and that children of well-rested parents get to go the zoo and for hikes a lot more than children of exhausted parents." If that explanation only made sense to kids somewhere before the third birthday (and it doesn't!) they would simply roll over, say, "See you in the morning," and let us get the sleep we want.

I try to do this in three- and four-night intervals.

I'm assuming that you have a wonderfully healthy 12-, 15-, 20- or 30-month old baby who still loves to wake up every 2 to 4 hours to cuddle, eat or . . . whatever. I'm assuming that you have thought this through, decided you want to make changes and alerted the neighbors that it might be a little noisy for a week or so.

I'm assuming that both parents agree -- or almost agree -- that this is the best thing to do. And, most important assumption of all, you are willing to go "in a straight line" to the goal of seven straight hours of sleep.

The reason for that last statement: If your baby learns that crying, squirming and fussing (euphemisms, let's just say "crying" . . . sorry) for an hour will get him fed you will set yourself back quite a bit. This is the best program I have seen but it's far from easy. And now, to say it again, I really like what you've been doing. Cuddling, nursing, hugging through the night. Don't change this with my program or any other if you're happy doing what you're doing. But . . .

The First Three Nights

At any time before 11 p.m. (including 10:58) nurse to sleep, cuddle and nurse when he wakes up and nurse him back to sleep, but stop offering nursing to sleep as the solution to waking after 11 p.m.. Instead…..

When your baby awakens at midnight or any other time after 11 p.m., hug him, nurse him for a short time but make sure he does not fall asleep on the breast and put him down awake. Rub and pat and cuddle a little until he falls asleep but don't put him back on the breast (or give him a bottle if that's what you've been doing). He must fall asleep with your comfort beside him, but not having to nurse to feel comforted enough to drift off.

Now, he will tell you that he is angry and intensely dislikes this new routine. I believe him. He will also try to tell you that he's scared. I believe he's angry, but a baby who's had hundreds of nights in a row of cuddling is not scared of falling asleep with your hand on his back and your voice in his ear. Angry, yes. Scared, no, not really.

During these first three nights, repeat this pattern only after he has slept. He might sleep for fifteen minutes or he might sleep for four hours, but he has to go to sleep and reawaken to get cuddled and fed again.

These will be hard nights.

You may have decided you're really not ready to do this. That's OK. Stop and start over again in a few months if you like. Choosing the right time is crucial and many people choose a time suggested or pushed by friends, doctors or in-laws. This doesn't work as well.

Is it better to do this in the family bed, a crib in the same room or using a crib in another room? I prefer to continue the family bed even though it might seem harder at first, but it has always seemed harder to me to be putting a baby in and out of a crib. However, a crib or toddler bed in your room may be what works best for you. Another option is to expand your bed's limits by placing another mattress against your mattress. A bit more space for each family member may help to solve some of the sleep issues. My least favorite choice is a crib or bed in a separate bedroom.

Again, during these first three nights, between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., cuddle and feed short, put him down awake, rub, pat, talk until he falls asleep and repeat this cycle only after he's slept and reawakened. At 6:01 a.m., do whatever you have been doing as a morning routine ignoring the previous seven hours' patterns. Many babies will roll over, nurse and cuddle back to sleep and give you an extra hour or so. Some won't.

For me, one of the most reassuring parts of this "sleep plan" is seeing that babies wake up fine, happy and grudge-free about the change in the rules. You'll see what I mean, even if the first few minutes of the morning are not exactly as they've always been.

The Second Three Nights

Again, the nursing to sleep stops at 11 p.m. When he wakes up, hug him and cuddle him for a few minutes, but do not feed him, put him down awake. Putting him down awake is a crucial part of this whole endeavor because it really does teach him to fall asleep with a little less contact and then a little less. Not feeding is the big change during these three nights. One-year-old babies can easily go for those seven hours (or more) with no calories. They like to get fed a little through the night, but physiologically and nutritionally, this is not a long time to go without food.

If I could wake my wife a few times each night, ask her to squeeze me a little fresh orange juice (my favorite drink) and rub my back while I drank it, I wouldn't choose to voluntarily give up this routine. My wife might have some different ideas and get tired of the pattern quickly. Babies rarely give up their favorite patterns and things -- day or night-- without balking and crying.

I really don't like listening to babies cry. I actually hate listening to babies cry. Unlike them, though, we adults can truly understand the implications of lack of sleep for a family of three, four or more people. Sleep patterns sometimes have to be changed. The incredible safety and reassurance the family bed has provided, and continues to provide, supplies the best context and location for these changes.

During these second three nights, some babies will cry and protest for ten minutes at a time and some will go for an hour or more. Your toddler is aware that you are right beside him, offering comfort and soothing. It just isn't the mode of comfort he wants at the moment. It is hard to listen to him fuss, but it will work. I believe that a well-loved baby, after a year or more in the family bed, will be the ultimate beneficiary of his parents getting more sleep. Not coincidentally, the parents benefit "big time," too.

"Yes, for the past many months we have enjoyed voting "1 to 2" -- non-democratically -- in favor of . . . the baby. 'Anyone want to get up all night, feed and walk the baby and be really tired all day and the next day too?' Well, the vote is 1 to 2 in favor of the baby."

Now, what we're saying is, we will sometimes be voting two to one in favor of the baby's family. This "baby's family" concept may be abhorrent to he who considers himself the King of England, or Emperor of the Whole World, but our knowing he has that feeling of power allows us to confidently demote the dictator to a majority-respecting member of the family. His family.

By the end of the sixth night, your baby is going back to sleep without being nursed or fed. He's going back to sleep after a nice hug, a cuddle and with your hand on his back and your words in his ear.

If, at any point this is feeling "wrong" to you, stop, wait some months and start over. Don't go against your "gut instincts" which tell you that this is the wrong time to get longer sleep intervals from your baby. Your instincts are better than any sleep-modification program ever written.

The Next Four Nights

Nights seven, eight, nine and ten. Don't pick him up, don't hug him. When he awakens after 11 p.m., talk to him, touch him, talk some more, but don't pick him up. Rub and pat only. No feeding either, obviously. He will fall back to sleep. Repeat the rubbing and talking when he reawakens. By the end of the ninth night, he will be falling back to sleep, albeit reluctantly for some babies and toddlers, with only a rub and a soothing voice.


After these first ten nights, continue to cuddle and feed to sleep if you like and he wants to, but do nothing when he wakes up except to touch a little and talk to him briefly. This may continue for another three or four nights but occasionally keeps going for another week or more. Then . . . it stops. He has learned that he is just as well-loved, gets virtually everything he needs and wants all day, but must give seven hours per night back to his parents and family.

What happens if you travel, he gets sick or some other circumstance demands a return to more nighttime interaction? Nothing. You do what you need to do (cuddle, nurse, walk, in the middle of the night, as many times as you need to) and then spend a night or two or three getting back to the new pattern the family has established.

By the way, pay the baby. Make sure that he really does get a lot of the benefit of your getting a good night's sleep. Go to the park more often. Do all those things with him you said you'd do if he ever let you sleep longer. Explain it to him as you're doing it. He'll understand in an ever increasing way and will be OK with all this.



answers from New York on

Your doctor doesn't have me for a patient otherwise he'd know that nursing more than 5 times a day does not surpress ovulation in all women. My son was 7 months old and nursing 8-10 times a day still and 2-5 times at night, and my fertility returned. It returned so strong that I got pregnant shortly afterward. In response to weaning your daughter, you say that you'd like to cut down to 3 nursings a day/night and then in 3 months stop cold turkey. Why not just do everything a little more slowly and then in the three months she may be completely done.



answers from New York on

Hi! Sorry I can not read through what looks like many great responses. But I thought i might offer a bit of practical advice. It is a bit painful, but the first step for me was to dissociate nursing from the bed, that means though cosleeping, getting out of the bed to nurse elsewhere (everytime). This could be the first step to breaking this beautiful but temporary habit. If you do this for a few days, the next step could be to reduce the amount of time she nurses at each session. This only applies if your baby nurses for a significant time. This is the way I went since my son wanted to actively nurse rather than just pacify a bit. If your child does the latter, I think it would still help very much just to break the bed nursing connection. It is making the whole experience a bit less warm cuddly delicious so it will be easier to give up even if you take away the actual night time nursing in one shot. Also, she will complain, but if you comfort her and are very consistant in not offering the breast at night, she can come through it in a few nights, and should be able to sleep through pretty quickly. Verbal cues can help too, like when nursing time is over say something like "milk finished" and don't give the breast again at that session. She will come to understand that if you are conssitent. At this age, consolidated sleep is very important. Remembering this could help you stick to your guns when your daughter starts to protest in the wee hours. You're basically taking away her reason to wake. I could never use cold turkey methods with my son (for better or worse, it's my personality). Generally, when trying to break a habit, making a small change every 3 days in the direction you want to go is a good rule to follow. If the changes are too far apart, well, it's really just a new habit, and will take much longer than needed to make a positive change. Of course changes to close together are tougher on small children.

All the very best!


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