Was Your 3Rd Baby the Latest? I'm Going Nuts Waiting!!

Updated on August 16, 2011
K.F. asks from Hillsboro, OR
22 answers

I am due with our 3rd baby this Thursday. Our first was induced at 39 weeks (although he probably would have been late) and with our second my water broke and she was born 4 days early. I was SURE that the 3rd baby would come even sooner, but now she is later than either of the others! I was 2 cm dilated last Thursday and have had contractions on and off (TMI warning - lost plug over the weekend I think) but nothing that says she is coming anytime soon!

So, I was just curious...anyone else have their 3rd (or 4th or more) babies come later than the others?

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So What Happened?

She finally came at 40 weeks 3 days! I was scheduled for an induction a few days later so we were happy to see her without needing that.

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answers from Detroit on

1st baby was 6 days late, 2nd was 7 days late, 3rd was 13 days late when my water broke as I was showering, ready to be sent home from all night labor, so they kept me and about 5 hrs later, sweet baby #3 was born!!
So they were late, later and latest!!!
Good luck to you!

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answers from Portland on

Every pregnancy is different and therefore when the baby is born is different. Doesn't matter if it's the first or the fifth.

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answers from Houston on

Well my first was born at 41w, my second at 40w and now with my third I am hoping that I am due a break!! It would be so awesome to like go into labor at 39wks or something, but you are giving me a big old reality check!!! :D I am 28 wks and I am a little more nervous with this one, don't know why! Hang in there, I know the wait is hard and you just feel due an easy time by the third for sure, but these babies seem to have minds of their own ;) Congrats and I hope it isn't too hot where you are, I am in Houston, 28 wks along and melting!!!! Take care :D

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answers from San Antonio on

Number three came three days late! Number four was 11 days early. (He and I didn't get along at all! He made me sick the whole time and even though I was worried about him being early, I was thrilled to be done!)

I hope you get some relief soon. I know how hard it is to wonder when the little guy is going to make his grand entrance.


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answers from Richmond on

Nope. My first was 10 days late, my second was 3 days late, and my 3rd was 1 day early (because I begged, moaned, bitching, cried, and pleaded to be induced... he was born 4 days before Christmas!)

Hang in there honey, not too much longer :)

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answers from Dallas on

Funny you should ask that- I'll be 41 weeks with our third tomorrow.

DS1 was born at 42w5d, DS2 was born at 40w5d. Both spontaneous labor.

Sure hope this one doesn't try to outlast his oldest brother!

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answers from Allentown on

My 4th was induced at exactly 42 weeks. My earliest natural labor was at 40w1d (my third... sorry, lol!)

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answers from Los Angeles on

My first was the earliest. 2nd was - well,... 2nd. and 3rd was our latest. I delivered at 36 weeks with my first so the 2 after that were much harder since I didn't make it that long with the 1st.

Also my 1st was the longest labor 2nd was the shortest and 3rd was the middle for length of labor. :)

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answers from Spokane on

My first was born at 36 weeks (water broke spontaneously).

My second was born at 39 weeks (labour started on its own).

And my third was born at 42 weeks after an induction. I was 3cm dilated for about 4 days and after stripping my membranes 3 times, the doc decided to induce. So we used the cervadil and aside from the initial hour of monitoring, the rest of my labour and delivery went as smoothly as the first two - she just needed a little nudge!

But who knows? Baby will come when she's good and ready :)

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answers from Youngstown on

My third was actually my earliest at 36.5 weeks. My first came two days before his due date and my secound came ten days before his. I am prego with a fourth and hoping the baby is not born any earlier than my third one. I think babies come when they are ready and my doc told me they don't neccesarily(sp) come earlier each time. Hope you start having contractions soon! Hopefully you will also have a quick labor also.

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answers from Houston on

My third was my longest pregnancy. I ended up being induced!

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answers from New York on

You sound like my mother when she describes waiting for my youngest sister! I was two days early (oldest). My middle sister was 2 weeks early (and a 20 minute labor), so she assumed that the baby would come early and fast.

My sister (3rd child) was nearly 3 weeks late. We knew she would be doing things on her own terms at that point! My mother was induced b/c I really think she was going to strangle her doctor if he didn't agree! She was breech, though, and my mother's uber-traditional OBGYN was hoping she would "flip" naturally. Not so much!

Good luck... it's only Monday... and due dates are only estimates!

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answers from Seattle on

My third was the worst all around.

I was in labor with him for three weeks. Having irregular long contractions that would never stop. I went in 11 times thing it was time and was given Morphine and sent home to wait it out.

Finally at my last check up(was on a Friday...my due date that next Monday)she said if I came in having contraction the way I had for the last three weeks....I could come in and she would not send me home.

My best friend was at my house and out walking with me EARLY Saturday Morning.....he was born at 11:23 Saturday night:) He was ready....just having trouble hitting the right switch.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I did. My first 2 came 2 days early. So of course that was when I was expecting baby number 3. NO he was 6 days late! But my 4th came on her due date.Congratulations and good luck!

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answers from Eugene on

I've been to over 600 births and it's not unique. Every baby picks their own time to be born when the delivery is not induced or scheduled.
It is better for them to be born at the right astrological time rather than at a time the doctor picks out or the mother.
You've been pregnant this long another weeks is uncomfortable but you will manage.
The day before you deliver you will have the most tremendous nesting instinct ever.



answers from Portland on

my first were twins that went 40 weeks and 5 days my second pregnancy was 41 weeks on the nose.


answers from Dallas on

I was 2 days late with my first then induced and induced a wk early with my second because I was sick to death of being pregnant!


answers from Chicago on

My 1st baby was the latest! She was born at 39 weeks. The second was born at 37 weeks, and the third was born at 38 weeks.

Hang in there! you won't be pregnant forever. Did you decide on a name?


answers from Seattle on

Babies come when they're ready, don't rush them! Their brains and lungs keep developing up until the last day, even when everything else is ready. My first daughter was 7 days "late", second was 10 days "late", third was 14 days "late", so I was ready for a long haul with my fourth. Surprise, she was only 3 days "overdue". Try your hardest to enjoy each day for itself!



answers from Portland on

Babies come when they are ready. It's scientific fact that when a baby's lungs are mature, they produce a hormone that triggers a hormone in the mother's body that signals the start of labor. Babies benefit from every moment they spend in the womb.
To answer your question though, my first was born at 41ish weeks, second was born @41wks, 5 days, and my third was born @43 weeks on the day! And, yes, it was VERY hard to be patient and wait but it was soooo worth it! :)



answers from Chicago on

I made it 38 weeks with my twins (scheduled c-section). I made it 39 weeks with my singleton, also a scheduled c-section. I never went into labor with either, so I have no idea how long I could've gone with either pregnancy. Good thing I didn't have to wait and find out. :)



answers from Youngstown on

I am currently 4 days overdue with baby #3. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow to schedule an induction. My first was 10 days late and my second was 1 day early.

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